田中 秀典 今井 順一 齋藤 巌 春日 伸予 長島 知正
感性工学研究論文集 (ISSN:13461958)
vol.5, no.2, pp.71-76, 2005-02-28 (Released:2010-06-28)

Colic crying, which is a baby's abnormal crying induced by unknown causes, is a typical example of sounds giving unpleasant impressions to listeners. Recently, Mukai et al. suggested that the colic crying would cause the child abuse because of its unpleasantness. In this paper, we propose the extended pitch perturbation quotient (ePPQ) for the evaluation of unpleasantness of crying. It is shown that the ePPQ is an index to quantify instability of fundamental periods, which seems to be cause of unpleasantness of colic crying. The ePPQ for colic crying is significantly higher than that for crying cured by operation. Furthermore, as a result of subjective evaluations, it seems that there is a tendency for the scale of unpleasantness to be high when the ePPQ is high. Therefore, it is considered that the ePPQ is a useful index for evaluating unpleasantness for crying.
田中 秀典 今井 順一 齋藤 巌 春日 伸予 長島 知正
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
感性工学研究論文集 (ISSN:13461958)
vol.5, no.2, pp.71-76, 2005

Colic crying, which is a baby's abnormal crying induced by unknown causes, is a typical example of sounds giving unpleasant impressions to listeners. Recently, Mukai <I>et al.</I> suggested that the colic crying would cause the child abuse because of its unpleasantness. In this paper, we propose the extended pitch perturbation quotient (ePPQ) for the evaluation of unpleasantness of crying. It is shown that the ePPQ is an index to quantify instability of fundamental periods, which seems to be cause of unpleasantness of colic crying. The ePPQ for colic crying is significantly higher than that for crying cured by operation. Furthermore, as a result of subjective evaluations, it seems that there is a tendency for the scale of unpleasantness to be high when the ePPQ is high. Therefore, it is considered that the ePPQ is a useful index for evaluating unpleasantness for crying.
春日 伸予
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.32, no.5, pp.391-398, 1992-06-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

The present study discussed the relationship between a technostress tendency and psychological characteristics. The interviews with 23 computer operators were conducted to devise a draft questionnaire to investigate a technostress tendency. After analyzed by chi-square test, a questionnaire which consisted of 31 questions was completed. The completed questionnaire was sent out to 273 computer operators (male : 241,female : 82). Each question had 8 answers-Yes, No, and Unknown-. At the same time, MAS test, SDS test, Y-G test were conducted on the subjects. Questions about a technostress tendency were given a point according to the answer-1 point for Yes O.5 point for Unknown, O point for No-. Total points of the questions were used as the score to judge the technostress tendency of the subject. Subjects whose scores were≧mean+ SD were in the high tendency group and subjects whose scores were≦mean-SD were in the low tendency group. With MAS test, subjects were divided into 2 groups-1) the subjects with anxiety, 2) those without anxiety. With SDS test, subjects were divided into 3 groups-1) the subjects with depression, 2) those with slight depression, 3) those without depression. The data from Y-G test were used to observe 3 profile patterns-Y-G 12 profiles, Y-G6 profile groups. Y-G 5 personality types. With the data on Y-G 12 profiles, subjects were divided into 5 classes. With the data on Y-G 6 profile groups, subjects were divided into 3 groups-1) subjects who have a strong profile, 2) those who have a slight profile, 3) those between 1) and 2) . Chi.square test was used to examine if these psychological characteristics were significantly different between the high and low technostress tendency groups. The results showed that subjects who had strong psychological characteristics as follows were contained significantly more in the high technostress tendency group than in the low one. 1) Techno-centered tendency : anxiety (MAS), depression, nervousness, Iack of cooperativeness, thinking introversion, obedience (Y-G 12 profiles), emotional instability, social maladjustment (Y-G 6 profile groups). 2) Techno-anxious tendency : anxiety (MAS), depression (SDS), nervousness, depression, Iack of cooperativeness, aggressiveness, Iack of objectivity, inferiority feeling, rhathymia, cyclic tendency (Y-G 12 profiles), emotional instability, social maladjustment, activity (Y-G 6 profile groups). It was also observed that the high tendency group of techno-centered stress contained significantly more A and B type people and less D type people than the low one and that the high tendency group of techno-anxious stress contained significantly more A, B and E type people and less C, D type people than the low one (Y-G 5 personality types). The author would like to conduct further studies based on this study, especially a case study and a case-control study, and hopes to obtain a standard conclusion.
川上 貴文 廣瀬 敏也 春日 伸予 澤田 東一 小口 泰平
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.582, pp.49-52, 2005-01-15

本研究は, 運転者の認知過程を考慮した追突防止システムの評価を検討したものである.システムは3種類を用意し, それぞれのシステムはブレーキランプに情報を提示するものである.その提示情報は(1)減速度, (2)制動力, (3)点滅による警報である.実験はドライビングシミュレータを用いて, システムを搭載した前走車の減速に伴い, 後続車の運転者が減速するものである.その結果, 制動力を提示したシステムは, 追突防止に効果が見られた.理由としては, システムが運転者の認知, 判断の時間を短縮していることが考えられる.
川上 貴文 廣瀬 敏也 春日 伸予 澤田 東一 小口 泰平
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.581, pp.49-52, 2005-01-15

本研究は, 運転者の認知過程を考慮した追突防止システムの評価を検討したものである.システムは3種類を用意し, それぞれのシステムはブレーキランプに情報を提示するものである.その提示情報は(1)減速度, (2)制動力, (3)点滅による警報である.実験はドライビングシミュレータを用いて, システムを搭載した前走車の減速に伴い, 後続車の運転者が減速するものである.その結果, 制動力を提示したシステムは, 追突防止に効果が見られた.理由としては, システムが運転者の認知, 判断の時間を短縮していることが考えられる.