有冨 公教 外山 美樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.315-334, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

The purposes of this study were to examine the functions of thought during a sport task performance from the perspectives of objective recognition by researchers and subjective recognition by the participants themselves. Participants (n=30) were assigned to two different incentive presentation conditions (acquisition or loss according to achievement of the task) and were required to complete a dart throwing task while stating their thoughts aloud while executing it. A protocol analysis of the utterances revealed the following 10 thought categories: internal focus, external focus, psychological self-control, cognition of anxiety and tension, positive self-evaluation or emotion, negative self-evaluation or emotion, irrelevant thought, active attitude, passive attitude, and performance analysis. Six participants who completed the experimental task were interviewed and the data were examined using Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) analysis. In the interview, participants were required to generate the original thought categories from their own protocol and to interpret the thought contents and functions in the performance. Furthermore, cluster analysis with a similarity distance matrix of the generated thought categories revealed the overall structure of thought in each individual. These results showed that recognition of the contents and functions of thought during performance of a sport differed between the researchers and the participants. According to this, for example, even though thought is generally considered as negative thinking, depending on the individuals involved in the task, it could be recognized as positive thinking. The results of this study suggested that, to understand the function of thought during a sports performance, it is necessary to understand the context in which an individual is placed and to base the interpretation on the meaning and experience for the individual.
有冨 公教 外山 美樹 沢宮 容子
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2013-1219, (Released:2013-09-18)
3 2

Effect of self-talk on motor performance was investigated. High school and junior high school students (N=24) participated in the study. They performed 400 meter timing trials each week for two weeks, such that first week was the baseline trial, and second week was the intervention trial. After the first trial, participants were assigned to one of two groups based on their swimming times: self-talk group (positive self-statements) or control group (thought suppression). In each of two trials, the participants were instructed to swim as easily as possible. After completing each trial, they requested to fill out the questionnaire that asked about their thoughts and perceived exertion rate while swimming, as well as fatigue, anxiety, and depression after swimming. Results indicated no change in the perceived rating of exertion and fatigue among the groups between the two trials. However, the group assigned to self-talk swam significantly faster in the intervention, compared to the baseline trial. Moreover, depression score in the self-talk group decreased significantly after the intervention, in comparison to the baseline. These results show that positive self-statements influence mood and the emotional state, in addition to the physical state and its cognition. The findings of this study suggest the usefulness of using self-talk by participants who aim to improve movements and enhance their performance.