古山 道太 服部 勉 進士 五十八
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.377-380, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)

Shiki-an Garden (Negishi, Taito Ward in Tokyo) is a garden inside the residence where Shiki MASAOKA (a superior haiku poet in the Meiji era) had lived for about 9 years from 1894 (the year 27 in the Meiji era) before he passed away by the vertebra caries of disease in 1902 (the year 35 in the Meiji era). In this research, it emerged the garden's sort, form, position and terms of plants and facilities in the garden, from some analyses about 398 articles of Shiki's essays, poems (haiku, tanka, and new-style poetry), pictures, letters, reminiscence notes of his pupils, old garden photos and pictures. In addition, I made 9 ground plans year by year which are re-creating garden scenes in his life. As a result, this garden was classified into three kinds of era, and had each of different garden scenes. It also could be inferred that a progress of garden scenes considerably concerns with a growth of his disease and a change in his view.
古山 道太 服部 勉 進士 五十八
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.377-380, 2005-03-31

Shiki-an Garden(Negishi, Taito Ward in Tokyo) is a garden inside the residence where Shiki MASAOKA(a superior haiku poet in the Meiji era) had lived for about 9 years from 1894 (the year 27 in the Meiji era) before he passed away by the vertebra caries of disease in 1902(the year 35 in the Meiji era). In this research, it emerged the garden's sort, form, position and terms of plants and facilities in the garden, from some analyses about 398 articles of Shiki's essays, poems (haiku, tanka, and new-style poetry), pictures, letters, reminiscence notes of his pupils, old garden photos and pictures. In addition, I made 9 ground plans year by year which are re-creating garden scenes in his life. As a result, this garden was classified into three kinds of era, and had each of different garden scenes. It also could be inferred that a progress of garden scenes considerably concerns with a growth of his disease and a change in his view.
松崎 淳 服部 勉 長ヶ原 誠
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.80_2, 2017

<p> 東日本大震災発生以降、スポーツの分野で被災地の住民に向けたスポーツ教室などの被災者や地域の復興を目指した活動が行われている。震災発生後の市民マラソン大会に着目すると、大会名の中に復興を表すキーワードを含む、被災地をコースとする、参加費用を復興義援金にする大会が開催されて市民マラソン大会の参加者数、開催数、開催自治体数が増加していた。本研究の目的は、東北三県の自治体における震災発生前後の市民マラソン大会動向と復興への効果を明らかにすることである。研究の結果、震災後の市民マラソン大会の参加者数、開催数、開催自治体数が増加し、震災復興を目的とした大会が開催された。大会開催地の変化では、震災発生後に被災地で震災復興目的の大会が多く開催され、被災地でない自治体も自らの地域をPRする大会を開催するだけでなく、県全域の復興状況を県内外の参加者に発信するイベントを含んだ大会が実施されていた。テキストマイニングによる分析の結果、大会参加者の口コミからは、自らの競技、沿道の人々やボランティア、大会開催地へのアクセス、地域環境、震災に対する評価と5つに分類することができた。</p>