前田 博 進士 五十八 Hiroshi MAEDA SHINJI Isoya 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科環境共生学専攻 東京農業大学地域環境科学部造園科学科 Specialize of Environment Symbiosis Department of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Landscape Architecture Science Faculty of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University of Agriculture
vol.53, no.3, pp.274-282,

平成15年の地方自治法の改正によって公の施設に関して「指定管理者制度」が導入されることとなり,地方公共団体の所有する各種の施設と並んで都市公園もその対象となった。導入時のいきさつから招かれざるものとして公園管理者に受け止められた制度であるが,施行から2年を経過した現在比較的好印象で迎えられているように感じられる。そこで,都市公園管理史の観点から「指定管理者制度」の導入が都市公園の管理行政にどのような意味を持つかを検証した。考察の結果,「指定管理者制度」の導入は太政官布達第16号以来の都市公園管理史における転換期の特徴である外圧性と偶然性を持ち,近年の都市公園管理行政の閉塞感を打破する可能性,むしろ将来的に市民利用本位の公園管理のあり方を示唆する主要方策のひとつであることがわかった。具体的には ○1公園管理を再点検 ○2正確な数量把握による予算確保 ○3評価のための利用者意向把握等の動きが見られ,財政悪化時代を迎え危機的状況にあった公園管理行政の転換点となった。
進士 五十八
社団法人 日本造園学会
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.48, no.5, pp.73-78, 1984-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
1 1

Agingは古びることの意・本論は日本庭園の精神的特質の代表的側面とされてきた“わび・さび”の現代的解釈をAging概念を導入することによって次のように結論した。モンスーン知戻高温多楓土下では自然材が時間経過によってAgingがかかり, 風化変質腐朽してゆく“さび”の語源にその意味が含まれるようにこれを日本的風土文化の美意識は評価した。時間美としてのAgingは西洋庭園意匠に人工の廃墟が用いられたように造園の本質的要素でもある。
進士 五十八 吉田 恵子
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.52, no.3, pp.155-165, 1989-02-15
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前田 博 進士 五十八 Hiroshi MAEDA SHINJI Isoya
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.53, no.3, pp.274-282, 2008-12

古山 道太 服部 勉 進士 五十八
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.377-380, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)

Shiki-an Garden (Negishi, Taito Ward in Tokyo) is a garden inside the residence where Shiki MASAOKA (a superior haiku poet in the Meiji era) had lived for about 9 years from 1894 (the year 27 in the Meiji era) before he passed away by the vertebra caries of disease in 1902 (the year 35 in the Meiji era). In this research, it emerged the garden's sort, form, position and terms of plants and facilities in the garden, from some analyses about 398 articles of Shiki's essays, poems (haiku, tanka, and new-style poetry), pictures, letters, reminiscence notes of his pupils, old garden photos and pictures. In addition, I made 9 ground plans year by year which are re-creating garden scenes in his life. As a result, this garden was classified into three kinds of era, and had each of different garden scenes. It also could be inferred that a progress of garden scenes considerably concerns with a growth of his disease and a change in his view.
古山 道太 服部 勉 進士 五十八
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.377-380, 2005-03-31

Shiki-an Garden(Negishi, Taito Ward in Tokyo) is a garden inside the residence where Shiki MASAOKA(a superior haiku poet in the Meiji era) had lived for about 9 years from 1894 (the year 27 in the Meiji era) before he passed away by the vertebra caries of disease in 1902(the year 35 in the Meiji era). In this research, it emerged the garden's sort, form, position and terms of plants and facilities in the garden, from some analyses about 398 articles of Shiki's essays, poems (haiku, tanka, and new-style poetry), pictures, letters, reminiscence notes of his pupils, old garden photos and pictures. In addition, I made 9 ground plans year by year which are re-creating garden scenes in his life. As a result, this garden was classified into three kinds of era, and had each of different garden scenes. It also could be inferred that a progress of garden scenes considerably concerns with a growth of his disease and a change in his view.
相田 明 鈴木 誠 進士 五十八
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.65, no.5, pp.393-396, 2002-03-30
4 6

関 智子 岡島 成行 進士 五十八
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.18, no.3, pp.35-46, 2009-03-31 (Released:2011-06-04)

The purpose of this study is to present philosophical elements useful in re-examining the foundations of environmental education in Japan by analyzing two of Ishida Baigan's representative works: “Tohi mondo” (Dialog between Sages and Commom People) and “Kenyaku seika ron (Bringing Order to One's House through Frugality)”.   Our findings can be summarized into the following three points. First, the relationship between humans and nature as espoused in Baigan's philosophy is founded on the philosophy of banbutsu ittai (the unity of all things). Second, a rereading of Baigan's Kenyaku ron (Frugality) and Shonin no michi (The Way of the Merchant) in the context of the first finding makes possible the following interpretations: (i) wealth represents not personal assets, but public interest within the global environment, and therefore must be used in ways that are useful to the environment; (ii) the merchant's job is to distribute wealth properly. Third, we can therefore view Baigan's philosophy as an environmental philosophy.   From these results, we conclude that environmental education in Japan should put a high priority on “the integration into nature” based on the philosophy of “the unity of all things.” By ensuring that this integration is not obstructed in any way, we will be able to develop approaches to the environment that are based on our traditional philosophies and are easier to accept for the public. The results of this study also suggest that Baigan's practical philosophy transcends time and is therefore applicable in modern environmental education as well.
進士 五十八 吉田 恵子
社団法人 日本造園学会
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.52, no.3, pp.155-165, 1988-02-15 (Released:2011-07-19)
4 8

本論は、小学校隣接配置による地域密着型小公園として、或いはリバーサイドパーク・勤労者対応型公園として評価される震災復興公園について、既往記録などを整理し、その全体像を明らかした上で、東京日日新聞1大正12年9月1日-昭和10年8月31日の12年間) の公園関連記事 (191) を抽出し、公園かどのようにして市民社会に定着してゆくか、行政の動きを市民や専門家はどのように受けとり、反応してゆくか、現石からふりかえ一、たとき震災復興公園はどのように評価されるか等について考察した。その結果、計画に対する地元の反対や「不良とルンペンの巣云々」等の生活史を明らかにした、また公園意匠などの特徴を2類7型に整理した。
no.82, 1984-09-29
渡部 章郎 進士 五十八 山部 能宜 Akio WATANABE SHINJI Isoya YAMABE Nobuyoshi
vol.54, no.1, pp.20-27,

2004年には景観法が公布・施行され「景観」は法律用語になった。しかしそれ以前から,「景観」は様々な分野で使用された。それら異なった分野では,「景観」の語は導入の経緯や使い方も異なっている。本研究は景観用語と概念の変遷を専門分野別にたどり,明らかにしようとするもので,本報では特に地理学系分野について考察した。本稿で得られた結論は,次の3点にまとめられる。(1) 地理学系の景観概念は,ドイツLandschaft論の影響を強く受け展開されるが,ドイツでも概念規定が不明確で,地理学の本質論に関係する問題でもあるため,日本でも激しい議論がなされてきた。(2) 景観概念は「地域」か「風景」か,という問題で常に議論されてきた。景観概念の不明確さは,ドイツのLandschaftが地域と風景という,別のルーツを持つ2つの意味を持つ言葉であったことに由来する。また,類義語であるLandscapeや風景には地域の意味が存在しない点が大きい。(3) 近年は,自然地理学では,生態学と結びついた「地域」の研究,また人文地理学は,英語圏のLandscapeの解釈から「風景」といった人間を主体としたイメージや認識論からのアプローチによる概念研究がなされている。
渡部 章郎 進士 五十八 山部 能宜 Akio Watanabe Shinji Isoya Yamabe Nobuyoshi
vol.54, no.4, pp.299-306,

景観法の公布(2004年)により「景観」は法律用語になったが,明確な定義はなされていない。景観は様々な分野で使用されているが,「景観」の語の導入経緯と用法は異なっている。本報では景観用語と概念の変遷について,造園学および工学分野における場合を辿ってみた。本考で得られた結論は,次の3点にまとめられる。(1) 造園学および工学における景観概念は,「景観」を計画,創出,管理していこうという立場からのものであり,実務的で行政との関係が深い。いずれも景観概念は環境と景観を結びつけた,いわば「環境の総合的なながめ」とされている。(2) 両分野における景観概念や技術は,法制度に組み込まれた風致・美観を実現するための理論からスタートした。景観は,自然景観と文化景観に大別されるが,造園学ではより自然の視点に,一方工学では文化(人工)の視点に比重をおいたアプローチが多い。(3) 両分野での景観概念は,視覚的環境が中心となっており,外観が重要視されている。「環境全体の良好な姿」を構築する方向での景観概念の展開がまたれる。
進士 五十八
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.50, no.2, pp.77-88, 1986-12-15
2 4

進士 五十八
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.53, no.1, pp.24-31, 1989-08-25
小板橋 二三男 進士 五十八
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.73, no.5, pp.786-795, 2010-03

進士 五十八
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.38, no.4, pp.16-31, 1975-03-20
5 9

1. In defining an urban area, we can. take it as "a space occupied by artificial surfaces in a natural ecosystem,, which has originally existed but has been* partially destroyed by artificial structures resulting from human activities." Therefore, from the standpoint of physical planning, each urban area may be uniformly grasped as "an entity comprising two elements-natural surfaces and artificial surfaces." In other words, the form and shape of artificial surfaces occupying a certain space ( i. e., unit area) and the percentile ratio of the area occupied by artificial surfaces to the area of that space can be used as a planning index for that particular space. 2. Using Natural Surface-Artificial Surface (N-A) Formation Factor as a planning index, we have studied at this time to determine the limiting value of natural surfaces that are desirable in a unit area (or our daily life zone) measuring 90,000 sq. meters. This N-A formation factor may be expressed as follows : N-A Formation Factor (%) [numerical formula] Natural Surface Rate (%) = 100 - (N-A Formation Factor) 3. The study was made in the following manners : (1) The total area (11,727 hectares) of Takasaki City in Gunma Prefecture was divided into 1,303 meshes each measuring 90,000 sq. meters. Aerial photographs were taken for respective meshes and an N-A formation factor for each mesh was read by guess from such aerophotos. In this case, artificial surfaces comprised buildings, roads and the like. (2) N-A formation factors thus obtained (which ranged from O to 100%) were divided into 10 sections by an increment of 10% (i. e., 0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, …91-100%). Then, a survey was made at administrative areas within each of these sections to find out inhabitants' consciousness of satisfaction with natural environment (or their surrounding greens). The survey was conducted by the. use of a questionnaire which contained the following questions : I. Please reply to each of the following questions concerning your surrounding greens by selecting one of the following five answers : (i) Very-much. (ii) Comparatively less, (iii) Neither more nor less. (iv) Comparatively less, (v) Very little. A. How do you feel about your house or garden green? Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) B. How do you feel about your neighbor's green? Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) C. How do you feel about your town (or village) green? Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) D. How do you feel about your city green? Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) II. In the overall analysis of your living environment, how do you rate your living environment? E. Ans. (i) Excellent, (ii) Good, (iii) Fairly good, (iv) Bad. The above questionnaire was addressed to 1250 households randomly selected as subjects of the survey, 79.2% of which responded to the questionnaire. An analysis of those who replied to the questionnaire by age and sex has revealed that more than 85% of those who responded were of ages ranging from 30 to 69 and that the ratio of male respondents was 5 : 4. (3) Correlation charts for each of the above questions (as shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7) were prepared for analysis by combining N-A formation factors with inhabitants' responses to the consciousness of satisfaction with surrounding greens. (For the purpose of this analysis, the following plus and minus values were given to respective answers to Question I : (i) + 2, (ii) + 1, (iii)O, (iv)-1, and (v)-2. 4. The results of the study have indicated an extremely high correlation between N-A formation factors and inhabitants' responses to the consciousness of satisfaction with surrounding greens. For example, in Fig. 7 which is suggestive of a certain standard of our living environment, significant difference exists at a level of 0.1%, while Spearman's correlation coefficient shows -0.95. Also in Fig. 7, the N-A formation factor at the point of inflection from plus to minus value falls within the range of 50-60%. Judging from the results of this chart only, it can be concluded that natural surfaces in our living environment should be at least 40 to 50% of our daily life zone to satisfy ouy consciousness of green. These natural surfaces may consist not only of trees and woods, but also of the surface of water, dry river beds, bare lands, lawns, grasslands, paddy fields, farms and what not, irrespective of their private or public ownership. 5. The above-mentioned conclusion was solely based upon the method of determining the physical quantity of natural things (or naturals) to satisfy our consciousness of green vegetation as a human environment (Method 1). In addition, two other methods may be conceived of to determine this quantity. One concerns with a study of the efficacies or functions of green vegetation such as the stabilization of oxygen supply, the utilization of a green tract, of land, etc. (Method' 2) and the other,' with a study of the limit necessary to maintain a natural ecosystem which integrates both aboveground and underground spaces (Method 3). Although these two methods are now in the stage of finalization study and have questions yet to be solved, we have reviewed the results of this study by making a comparison with the results of trial calculations performed according to Methods 2 and 3, as will as with the results of similar studies by Method 1. As conclusions drawn from such review, we present the following for, discussion. (1) In case a daily life zone measuring 90,000 sq. meters is regarded as a unit area, natural surfaces should be secured up to a minimum of 40 percent of the unit area. (2) In the development of an urban area, artificial surfaces should be preferably held within 40 per cent of the total area intended for the urban area. (3) The percentile ratio of the area occupied by artificial surfaces in an urban area to the area occupied by natural surfaces in the same urban area should-normally be 50 to 50.
Iglesias Fernando 進士 五十八 Fernando Iglesias Shinji Isoya 東京農業大学農学研究科農学 東京農業大学地域環境科学部造園科学科 Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science Department of Landscape Architecture Science
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.46, no.4, pp.250-264,

西新宿は高層ビルとオープンスペースを特徴とする街区により新宿副都心を構成している。これは,東京の都心構造の再編戦略として1960年代前半に超高層ビルのビジネスセンター建設として構想されたものである。その内容は従来の丸の内を中心とした単一都心の都市構造を変えて,池袋,渋谷と共に3つの副都心として位置づけられた。本論は,そのような新宿副都心を対象に,その中核をなす西新宿・高層ビル街区とオープンスペースの形成過程を,その創出から現在までの展開として歴史的観点から分析し,都市構造上の特徴や問題点を導き,今後の都市計画の知見を得ることを主眼としている。 分析の結果,新宿副都心計画の焦点は,東京及び日本,広くはアジアにおける経済拠点の構築にあり,そのため様々なオフィスビル機能と共に都市交通ネットワークの利便性を高めることが重要課題であったこと。また高層ビル街区の公共オープンスペースとして計画された新宿中央公園は,この地区の顔となり,都市民の憩いの場として建設された。しかし,中心街区とこの公園との相互関係が十分でない。また従来の日本型都市空間には見られないセミパブリックなオープンスペースが多数計画されたものの,建物階数に見合った公開空地が十分に確保されておらず,そのデザインも街区毎に相違があるため,全体的な統一感が希薄であり,確保した量の効果が十分発揮されていないこと。更に街路空間の一部である歩行者空間とこれらセミパブリックな空間との「係わりの計画」に重要な課題が残されていることを指摘した。In the early 1960's a new concept in Japanese urban planning appeared, the fukutoshin (sub center). This concept aimed to change the single centered structure of the city that was located in the Marunouchi area. Due to this three sub-centers were proposed ; Ikebukuro, Shibuya and Shinjuku. The intention of this paper is to understand the conception and composition of the public open space in Nishi Shinjuku, and its final results. To achieve this understanding an analysis from a historical point of view of the creation and evolution of the fukutoshin in West Shinjuku is conducted as well as a study of the environmental particularities of the urban traffic network changing process, which is associated with the development of the area. The main idea of the structure for the plan of the fukutoshin was focused on creating an economical and administrative capital for Tokyo, Japan and Asia, based on the total restructure of the Nishi Shinjuku area. One of the key points of the plan was the separation between cars and pedestrians as well as the increase of the percentage of open space in the area, with the intention of expanding the access of such areas to the general population. For this reason it is important to understand the function and plan of the different open spaces of each block, which were created surrounding the construction of the buildings. This was possible under the process of transference of volume in a way to allow, in exchange for the extension in the height limits of the buildings, a higher percentage of open space areas in each block. Besides the advance planning of the general project, this study finds that the original proposal of the plan for the management of the fukutoshin was not totally fulfilled in its conception of the open spaces, since there exists a considerable variation between the percentage ratios of the open space areas at each one of the eleven central blocks as well as an absence of agreement in the design and the network connection of the areas. Through a detailed analysis of the area and the contraposition of the data, it is possible to achieve an understanding of the reasons that influenced in obtaining that result.