端 晶彦 弓納持 勉 村田 晋一 近藤 哲夫 奈良 政敏 中澤 久美子 端 圭子 大森 真紀子 加藤 良平 星 和彦
公益社団法人 日本臨床細胞学会
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871193)
vol.45, no.2, pp.126-133, 2006-03-22 (Released:2011-12-05)
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目的:分葉状頸管腺過形成(Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia; LEGH)と悪性腺腫(Minimaldeviation adenocarcinoma; MDA)の細胞学的・組織学的検討を行い, 術前細胞診の意義を検討した.方法:LEGH11例, MDA2例の13例の術前細胞診標本および摘出病理標本を用いて細胞学的・組織学的に検討した.結果: 細胞質の黄色調粘液は, LEGHとMDAとの鑑別には有用ではないが, 胃型形質発現の病変を検出するのには有用と考える. LEGHの細胞診では細胞集塊は平面的な出現形態を示し, 核の重積性はなく, 核小体は目立たない. MDAでは細胞集塊は立体感があり, 核の重積性, 核小体の大型化が認められる. 核内空胞(核内細胞質封入体: Intranuclear cytoplasmiac inclusion(INCI))の出現はLEGHに特徴的な所見である可能性がある. LEGHに腺癌を合併する症例では, LEGH特有の細胞に混じって腺癌が示唆される細胞が認められる場合がある.結論:細胞診検査はLEGHとMDAの検出に有用であり, また両者の鑑別にもきわめて重要である.
野島 永 村田 晋 今福 拓哉 真木 大空 今西 隆行 シュタインハウス ウェルナー
no.4, pp.1-148, 2018-03-31

The Satadani-Satadao group of graves with burial mound, where the excavations were carried out, is located at the urban area on the east side of Shōbara city in the northern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The group was built between the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period (1st century BC) and the first third of the Late Yayoi period (1st century AD).A series of excavations yielded the following results: Satadani grave No. 1 and 2, Satadao grave No. 3 are graves with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections (yosumi tosshutsugata funkyū bo); Satadao grave No. 4 has also a rectangular burial mound with four corner projections, but it has subsequently been modified and altered into a square-shaped burial mound; Satadani grave No. 3, Satadao grave No. 1 and 2 are square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precincts (hōkei shūkō bo); Satadao grave No. 5 is a square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precinct (hōkei shūkō bo), where on the inside of the ditch-enclosed space a grave pit was confirmed.One important result of this investigation was the discovery of variations in Yayoi burial mound construction techniques. Towards the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period after repeated burials of several individuals, the burial mound of the Satadao No. 3 grave was completed. In other words, it became clear, that at the grave No. 3 with rectangular burial mound with four corner projections, grave pits were first excavated before the burial mound was finally taking shape. Then the deceased persons were buried within and thereafter the grave pits were backfilled with the soil of the pit excavation. The so repeated iterations of grave pit excavation, burial and backfilling gradually produced the mound. However, on the other hand at Satadani grave No. 1, Satadao grave No.1 and 2 the burials took place after the earthworks of the mound were nearly completed.According to the results of the surveys, within the same group of graves one could confirm that the construction methods of the burial mounds changed: from the type, where the mound and the burial facilities are simultaneously constructed ("concurrent progression" type) of the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period to the type, where burial mound construction proceeds first ("mound first" type) of the first third of the Late Yayoi period. It became clear that this is a rather rare group ofgraves with burial mound.Due to our research it became clear that from the San'in region to the Chūgoku mountain range, a type of burial – termed here, the "mound last" type – can be found, wherein an earth mound was constructed only after digging the grave and completing the burial. The "concurrent progressive" types, referred to previously, were common in the Middle Yayoi period stage. The "mound-first" type noted at Satadani grave No. 1 appeared in the Late Yayoi period. These elements were adopted in large or huge burial mounds in other regions. This empirical evidence demonstrates that changes in burial mound construction methods were a catalyst for the changes in burial rites – concerning their scale and magnificence on the occasion of burials of chiefs.In Satadani burial mound No. 3, small grave pits are distributed at the lower level of the mounding, revealing that burials were continually taking place there while the mound was being formed. Furthermore, a large grave pit over 6m in length, which constitutes the principal burial chamber, was detected in the upper mounding along with shafts and other burial facilities, and part of this pit was revealed to be overlapping with another grave pit which constitutes a peripheral burial chamber. It is therefore plausible that this burial mound can be classified as an "eclectic" style that mixes together the "concurrent progressive" and "mound-first" styles. Moreover, two pieces of earthenware were unearthed: vermilion-lacquered vessels with spout and large attached pedestal foot. These were products of the technology of the southern part of Okayama Prefecture. Interestingly, they have holes knocked into them. This feature conjures up an image of the subsequent ceremonial vessel stand (tokushu kidai), which later evolved into the cylindrical clay figures (entō haniwa) of the Kofun period).The Satadani burial mound group is the place where funeral rituals first started to involve a combination of elements such as the following: A wooden chamber (mokkaku) housing a wooden coffin is interred within the burial pit and then large red-colored pottery (like vessels with attached pedestal foot, chūkō kyaku tsuki bachi) are offered at the surface of the grave pit; round pebbles or stone slabs are distributed around the grave to serve as markers, which were become used with offering pottery in the Late Yayoi period; and the graves are arranged in such a way that a large grave pit constituting the main burial is surrounded by other smaller burials in its vicinity at the top of the mound. These elements of ritual (facilities, implements and process of the burial, etc.) are the origin of the elements of the funerary ritual observed in the large and giant Yayoi burial mounds that developed from the last third of the Late Yayoi period onward in the eastern part of Shimane Prefecture, the southern part of Okayama Prefecture, and the northern part of Kyōto Prefecture.The results of the research have provided further confirmation of the Satadani burial mound group's forerunner-status in the development of Yayoi burial mounds. The site vividly displayed the transformation in Yayoi burial mounds that occurred from the Middle Yayoi period to the Late Yayoiperiod.Thus, we identify the Satadani-Satadao burial mound group as an extremely important archaeological site for studying the development, in terms of appearance and increase in size, of the Yayoi-period burial mounds. This group is not only constructed during a relatively early stage of Yayoi period graves with burial mound, but also it became obvious that this a very important site, if one is taking into consideration the development of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves.In addition, this study incorporates the interrelation of burial mound construction methods and funeral rites, thus making it a fundamental investigation from a comparative archaeological perspective regarding the research of burial mounds not only in Japan, but also overseas.その他のタイトル : 庄原市教育委員会発掘調査報告書30本報告書〈研究編〉は『四隅突出型墳丘墓の発達に関する考古学的研究』と題する科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)、課題番号23520922〈研究代表者:野島 永〉)による調査研究の成果を掲載した。
小林 裕子 村田 晋太朗 永田 智子
vol.61, 2018

【研究の背景と目的】<br><br> 平成29年告示の学習指導要領では,中学校家庭科において新たに「B衣食住の生活(5)生活を豊かにするための布を用いた製作」で「衣服等の再利用の方法」を扱うことになった。中学校学習指導要領解説技術・家庭編(2018)には「着用されなくなった衣服を他の衣類に作り直す,別の用途の物に作り替える」などが例として示されている。しかし,現在中学校で使用されている家庭科教科書(開隆堂・東京書籍・教育図書)の内,2冊はリフォーム・リメイク等の単語がイラスト付きで簡単に紹介されているのみ,1冊は古着を持ち寄り衣服や小物にリメイクしている団体の取り組みに関する内容であり,実践的で具体的な内容や方法は記載されていない。<br><br> 衣服等の再利用に関する研究として,高森(1999)や赤塚ら(2016)による「衣服等の再利用」に関する調査がある。中高生は衣服の再利用やリメイクに関心がない訳ではないが(赤塚ら2016),着用しなくなった衣服をリメイクする生徒は僅かである(高森1999)ことが分かっている。高等学校段階では消費生活やESDと関連づけた研究調査や実践があるが,中学校段階ではほとんど見当たらない。<br><br> そこで,中学校家庭科「衣服等の再利用の方法」の教材開発を目指し,本研究では中学生対象に「不要になった布製品の活用について」の質問紙調査を実施し,家庭で不要となっている布製品の実態や対処方法・リメイク経験や興味関心等について,中学生の実態を把握することとした。<br><br><br><br>【研究の方法】<br><br> 質問紙調査の内容は(1)家庭で不要になっている布製品の種類,(2)不用になった布製品の家庭での対処方法,(3)不要になった布製品を何かに作り替える(リメイク)ことへの関心度,(4)不要になった布製品を何かに作り替える(リメイク)ことの経験について,(5)何かに作り替えて(リメイク)みたい布製品の種類,(6)具体的なリメイクのアイデア(自由記述)である。<br><br> 2018年3月,兵庫県M市と大阪府S市の中学1・2年生422人(M市275人,S市147人)を対象に行った。<br><br><br><br>【結果】<br><br> (1)家庭で不要になっている布製品として,「Tシャツ(59.5%)」が最も多く,次いで「靴下(48.1%)」が家庭にあることがわかった。(2)不要になった布製品の家庭での対処方法は,「誰かにあげる・譲る(62.5%)」が最も多く,次いで「捨てる(59.5%)」となった。(3)要になった布製品のリメイクへの関心度は,「とてもある・少しある」と「あまりない・ない」がともに50.0%であった。(4)不要になった布製品のリメイク経験は「ある」の回答が31.3%,「ない」が68.7%であった。(5)リメイクしてみたい布製品は「Tシャツ(46.0%)」が最も多く,次いで「ジーンズ(41.5%)」,「タオル(36.7%)」,「ハンカチ(29.1%)」の順となった。<br><br><br><br>【考察と今後の課題】<br><br> 質問紙調査の(1)と(5)の結果から,家庭で最も不要になっている布製品であり,生徒が最もリメイクしてみたいと考えているものが「Tシャツ」であった。「Tシャツ」は,生徒が自宅から持参しやすく,リメイクに対して関心も高いことから,次期学習指導要領で新たに示された「衣服等の再利用の方法」を扱う授業の教材として適切であることが示唆された。<br><br> 今後は,不要になったTシャツをどのようにリメイクすることが中学生の発達段階に適し,かつ資質能力の育成に寄与するか,具体的なリメイクの方法を検討し教材化することが課題である。