松井 敦典 南 隆尚 野村 照夫
水泳水中運動科学 (ISSN:18806937)
vol.19, no.1, pp.8-15, 2016 (Released:2017-02-01)

In the 1950s, there were miserable water accidents that many children had drowned in Japan. As measures to such accidents, the Japanese government promoted swimming education and made swimming a compulsory subject in the elementary and ju-nior high school. Because many of the victims were a clothing state, some swimming leaders and researchers started studies on the swimming with clothes on in 1980s.  In the swimming with clothes on, there are two major purposes. One is to train basic swimming abilities not to be drowned, available even in the clothing state. Another is to acquire survival abilities to stay floating safely until a rescue.  According to the history of swimming education in Japan and the actual situation of the instruction about water safety in the world, clothed swimming is a part of the method to obtain water safety and should be planned in conjunction with developing individual abilities not to be drowned, which are included in the basic and fundamental swimming skills.
合屋 十四秋 寺本 圭輔 松井 敦典 下永田 修二 土居 陽治郎 モラン ケビン
愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学・創作編 (ISSN:18845150)
vol.60, pp.35-46, 2011-03-01

The causes of drowning must dictate especially what we teach, content, and to a lesser degree, how we teach. Therefore, an project was conducted among Japanese university students in order to explore the relationship between swimming competency, students estimates of their competency, and their perception of the risk of drowning. Sixty five males and 48 females university physical education students enrolled at three institutions were the subjects of the study. The questionnaire consisted of a) perception of their ability, b) perception of their ability to perform these in open water and c) their perception of risk in five specific scenarios. Practical tests consist of seven aquatic skills. No significant differences were found in actual swimming-related abilities between male and female students, although more females than males did not complete the tests of: dive entry into pool (female 23%; male 11%), surface dive to 2m (female 33%; male 19%), and 100m swim on back (female 28%; male 9%). Similarly, no differences were found in self-estimated swimming abilities by gender. More females than males estimated higher risk of drowning for each of the 5 drowning scenarios that students were asked to estimate the personal degree of risk. This study found that male students tend to underestimate the potential dangers in the risk of drowning.
合屋 十四秋 寺本 圭輔 松井 敦典 下永田 修二 土居 陽治郎 モラン ケビン
愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学・創作編 (ISSN:18845150)
vol.60, pp.35-46, 2011-03-01

The causes of drowning must dictate especially what we teach, content, and to a lesser degree, how we teach. Therefore, an project was conducted among Japanese university students in order to explore the relationship between swimming competency, students estimates of their competency, and their perception of the risk of drowning. Sixty five males and 48 females university physical education students enrolled at three institutions were the subjects of the study. The questionnaire consisted of a) perception of their ability, b) perception of their ability to perform these in open water and c) their perception of risk in five specific scenarios. Practical tests consist of seven aquatic skills. No significant differences were found in actual swimming-related abilities between male and female students, although more females than males did not complete the tests of: dive entry into pool (female 23%; male 11%), surface dive to 2m (female 33%; male 19%), and 100m swim on back (female 28%; male 9%). Similarly, no differences were found in self-estimated swimming abilities by gender. More females than males estimated higher risk of drowning for each of the 5 drowning scenarios that students were asked to estimate the personal degree of risk. This study found that male students tend to underestimate the potential dangers in the risk of drowning.
杉原 潤之輔 松井 敦典 大森 義彦

1.62年度は,現代における四国偏路の実態を把握することを第1課題とし,1番札所における観察調査といくつかの先行研究の検討から以下の知見を得た.(1) 偏路の年齢は50〜60歳代が全体の2/3を占め,若年層は少い.(2) 交通手段としては自家用車利用の偏路が最も多いが,人数としては団体バス利用者が最多である.(3) 徒歩巡拝者は全体の5%未満で,全行程徒歩による巡拝者はさらに小少とみられる.(4) 日程的には,日帰り偏路が多く,宿泊を伴う場合も,何回かに分けて回る人が多い.(5) 1回きりではなく,何回も回る人が多い(3回以上35%).2.上記の一般的傾向に加えて,特に徒歩巡拝者に焦点をしぼって一歩踏み込んだ調査を行い,以下の知見を得た.(1) 調査対象として選んだ徒歩巡拝全国友の会のメンバー61名(平均年齢 65.1歳,男子25名,女子36名)は,1番から23番に至る阿波ー国162キロの行程を6泊7日・1日平均10時間歩行のペースで全員完歩した.(2) 道中最も苦しかったコースとして11番〜12番・20番〜21番の山道をあげた人が67%と多かったが,最も気に入ったコースとして同じ道をあげた人が同じように67%いたことは興味深い.(3) 徒歩巡拝者のために旧へんろ道を昔のまま状態で保存して欲しいという要望が強く,道中印象に残ったものとして古い丁石や道標をあげた人が多い(51%).(4) この企画は88ヶ所を4期に分けて全行程徒歩巡拝するものであり,全員が第2期に当る次回も参加予定である.