坂本 光 今泉 芳孝 新野 大介 竹内 真衣 松井 昂介 蓬莱 真喜子 佐藤 信也 赤澤 祐子 安東 恒史 澤山 靖 波多 智子 大島 孝一 宮﨑 泰司
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.61, no.4, pp.305-311, 2020 (Released:2020-05-01)

Human T-cell leukemia virus type I(HTLV-1)キャリアや成人T細胞白血病・リンパ腫(ATL)は免疫不全を来すことが知られているが,Epstein-Barrウイルス陽性びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫発症(EBV陽性DLBCL)との合併の報告は少ない。今回,サイトメガロウイルス網膜炎を発症したHTLV-1キャリアに,網膜炎の治療中に肝臓腫瘍が出現し,生検の結果,ATLとEBV陽性DLBCLのcomposite lymphomaと診断した症例を経験した。化学療法開始前には肺クリプトコッカス症,侵襲性肺アスペルギルス症の合併を認めた。化学療法を行ったが,CMV抗原血症や敗血症の合併を繰り返し,最終的に敗血症で死亡した。日和見感染症を合併したHTLV-1キャリアでは,ATLのみならずEBV陽性DLBCLの発症および感染症の管理にも注意が必要である。
松井 昂介 尹 漢勝 八木田 健司 西山 明 山梨 啓友 高橋 健介 有吉 紅也
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.95, no.6, pp.407-412, 2021-11-20 (Released:2022-01-28)

Balamuthia mandrillaris is one of the free-living amoebae that causes potentially fatal cutaneous and central nervous system infection. Both the diagnosis and treatment are challenging, especially when the central nervous system is involved. Herein, we report a case of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis caused by B. mandrillaris, in a patient who presented with subcutaneous lesions. A 55-year-old patient with a history of ANCA-associated vasculitis who was on maintenance dialysis was referred to our hospital for investigation and treatment of an intracranial lesion. He had had multiple subcutaneous nodules for nine months before the referral, which had been histopathologically diagnosed about a month prior to the referral as granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Brain MRI showed a space-occupying lesion with surrounding edema in the left occipital lobe. Brain biopsy was performed, and the histopathological diagnosis was epithelioid cell granuloma; no pathogen could be identified. Suspecting either deterioration of granulomatosis with polyangiitis or infection, the patient was started on treatment with a corticosteroid and several antibiotics, antifungal, and antiprotozoal agents. However, the intracranial lesion continued to progress despite all the treatment, and the patient died on the 33rd hospital day. Further investigation at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases revealed B. mandrillaris infection in both the subcutaneous and intracranial lesions. From our experience of this case, we suggest that B. mandrillaris infection be included in the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with cutaneous granulomatous lesions of unknown cause; early diagnosis, before the amoeba invades the central nervous system, is of critical importance.