南田 政浩 松岡 和美 矢野 羽衣子
手話学研究 (ISSN:18843204)
vol.20, pp.39-44, 2011-12-19 (Released:2012-12-20)

In this article, we describe our ongoing project to develop self-study support materials for learners of Japanese Sign Language (JSL). ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic Annotator), provided by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, was used for this project. ELAN made it possible for learners to view detailed descriptions of different NMMs (non-manual markers) by referring to tiers separately assigned to different parts of the body (e. g., head, eyebrows, eyes, chins, etc. ) Wh-questions were selected for the development samples, as there were syntactic descriptions available (Takakuwa 1997, Uchibori et al. 2010), and because JSL learners tend to have difficulty learning the system of NMMs associated with this construction. Two types of videotaped materials were included in the DVD: a group of short sentences were included meant to help learners to focus on the grammatical properties of the Whquestions, and a recording of a natural conversation between two native signers meant to serve as a sample of natural expressions observed in a themed conversation, such as discussing ‘shopping'. Since the samples were developed and signed by two deaf native signers raised in deaf families, the data included in the DVD may be used as samples of authentic sign language expressions by sign language researchers.
内堀 朝子 松岡 和美 南田 政浩 矢野 羽衣子
手話学研究 (ISSN:18843204)
vol.20, pp.67-88, 2011-12-19 (Released:2012-12-20)

Since Japanese Sign Language(JSL) is a human language, as clearly shown by previous studies, it should be possible for JSL to have a hierarchical structure that can be generated as a result of the application of syntactic operations. This paper deals with one such case, i.e. embedding a clause into a verb complement position, and is aimed at developing a solid basis for the syntactic analysis of JSL. In order to confirm that JSL actually has a complement structure, clauses selected by a verb of saying and thinking were compared with direct quotation clauses. The differences examined in this paper concern word order, the possibility of topicalization, and the possibility of WH-question formation. The basic word order of a sentence with a complement clause is SOV, whereas that with a direct quotation is OSV. A sentence with a complement clause allows topicalization and WH-question formation, while one with a direct quotation does not allow either of them. The difference in the grammatical acceptability of topicalization and WH-question formation suggests that a sentence with a complement clause can undergo syntactic operations such as Move (or Internal Merge), Whereas one with a direct quotation clause cannot
松岡 和美 内堀 朝子

【かな由来の手話表現の音韻的制約】指文字が取り込まれて語彙化する「かな由来」の手話単語では手話の音韻パラメータの1つである「位置」と、利き手の身体部位との接触の有無に関連性があることを明らかにした。その理由に接触や追加の動きが手話単語のsaliency(顕著性)を高めることが考えられることを指摘した(論文採択済み)。【愛媛県大島の地域共有手話の研究】数と時の表現について追加のデータを収集し、ろう者と聴者が手話を共有する地域の歴史的・社会的背景の聞き取り調査を行った。他の共有手話や聴者のジェスチャーも考察に入れた論考をまとめた(論文採択済)。海外の研究で用いられた動画を参照しながら、より文化的に適切な動画を作成し、一致動詞の空間使用を調査した。【日本手話の否定とモダリティ】日本手話の否定表現とモダリティ表現の共起関係の制限を手がかりに、否定は3つ、モダリティは2つの異なる位置に生じていることを明らかにした。その構造的位置は、語彙の形態・意味的な性質と深く結びついている仮説を提案した。【数量詞の適用範囲と空間位置】日本・アメリカ・ニカラグアの聴者のジェスチャー動画を収集し、数量詞を含む文を用いる際に'more is up'の空間的メタファーの使用に関して数量的分析を行った(論文投稿中)。【話題化の非手指標識について】文頭の話題化要素に伴って生じる「眉上げ・うなずき」に加えて、文頭に生じる要素には話題化とは別の非手指動作が伴っている例も観察した。例えば「目細め(ないし視線変化)」であるが,これは従来Referential Shiftの非手指標識とされている。今後の研究でも,これらを含め,非手指標識全般について,複数の標識を厳密に見分けた上で互いの分布(特に共起関係)を記述する必要があることが確かめられた。
松岡 和美
手話学研究 (ISSN:18843204)
vol.17, pp.69-83, 2008-09-14 (Released:2016-07-09)

This paper presents an analysis in Matsuoka (1997) of three seemingly unrelated constructions in American Sign Language (ASL): verb final, verb sandwich, and object shift. It is argued here that the three constructions are all derived via verb raising targeting the Asp head, which is assumed to be head-final in ASL. It is also shown that the Copy Theory of Movement (Chomsky 1995) relates the verb final and the verb sandwich constructions. The syntactic analyses in the previous work are presented in a recent framework in the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995). Written for the audience who might not be familiar with Minimalist Syntax, the paper includes an introduction of the derivation of sentences in spoken English and French. Braze's (2003) amendment of Matsuoka's model is also presented. In the discussion of the object shift construction, the paper shows that spoken and sign languages both exhibit the abstract syntactic property regarding the availability of verb raising and object shift. Particularly, it is noteworthy that Holmberg's Generalization can be observed in the object shift construction in both spoken Icelandic and ASL. The analysis presented in this paper strongly indicates the possibility that verb raising and its relationship to the availability of object shift are a part of the universal aspects of Human Language.