仲村 康秀 松岡 數充 今井 一郎 石井 健一郎 桑田 晃 河地 正伸 木元 克典 鈴木 紀毅 佐野 雅美 José M. Landeira 宮本 洋臣 西川 淳 西田 周平
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.66, no.1, pp.22-40, 2019-02-25 (Released:2019-02-28)

Plankton are aquatic organisms unable to swim against the current, and they include diverse taxa of different phylogenetic origins. The taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology of nine plankton groups are reviewed in this paper, in order to comprehensively understand the latest information and current situation of plankton studies. The order-level classification of dinoflagellates was re-arranged, but the classification system is still not well organized at the family-level. The taxonomy of raphidophytes and dictyochophytes was partly confused, however, molecular studies provided clear categorization between these groups. The diatoms could be identified by observing some important morphological characteristics. Yet, these characteristics are sometimes not observable because of inappropriate specimen treatments, and furthermore, the morphological terms are not enough unified, resulting that the species-level identification is complicated and difficult. Recent studies revealed the cryptic diversity and high abundance of some microalgae, such as haptophytes and prasinophytes. The diversity and ecology of planktonic foraminifers have been clarified, but those of radiolarians and phaeodarians are still wrapped in mystery. The classification needs to be re-arranged especially for collodarians, phaeodarians and acantharians. The phylogeny of copepods has been elucidated, and this group was re-classified into 10 orders. Future studies should clarify their evolutionary process and create useful databases for easier identification. The methods to reveal the larva-adult correspondence are established for decapods, and further clarification of the correspondence is expected. The classification system of chaetognaths has been updated, and the intra-species diversity is also being studied. The species diversity of scyphozoans has not been well clarified especially for deep-sea species, and their classification still involves problems such as cryptic species. The dataset including DNA sequences and different types of images (taken in the field and under the microscope, etc.) should be accumulated for comparing the data from different methods (e.g., direct microscopy, optics-based survey and environmental DNA analysis).
松岡 數充 MERTENS Kenneth MERTENS Kenneth N

温度と塩分の異なる条件でProtoceratium reticulatumシストの発芽を試みたが成功せず,この種は温度と塩分の異なる条件に順応不可能であったと考えられた.このために,発芽実験用標本は形態的に類似した隠蔽種(cryptospecies)ではないかとの仮説の基に,天然シストを詳細に観察し,かつP.reticulatumのプランクトン細胞とシストのrDNA塩基配列を調査した.その結果,プランクトン細胞とシストの対応関係を得た.この実験結果は従前のP.reticulatumプランクトン細胞とシスト対応関係を支持していた.すなわちOperculodiniun centrocarpum sesu WallとされてきたシストはP.reticulatumであった.カナダ(東部: バフィン湾,西部: バンクーバー島)(日本;北海道,九州),デンマーク;カテガット)など異なる地点から採取したプランクトン単細胞と単一のシストのSSU,ITSおよびLSU塩基配列を明らかにした.その結果,ITS領域では配列に顕著な違いがある事が判明した.これが隠蔽種であるのか否かが今後の検討課題となった.北太平洋表層堆積物中のP.reticulatumシストの刺の長さの変化を詳細に計測した.平均刺の長さは毎年の海水密度と逆相関を示した:σt annual=1000+(-0.8476 x average process length+29.094)(R^2=0.84). Effingham Inlet in British Columbiaでのセディメント・トラップ試料では海水密度変化と平均プロセス長さの変化は北太平洋と同じ関係を示した.バルト海-スカゲラク海峡地域では平均の刺の長さ変化は海水密度と以下の関係式で示された.σt annual=1000+(3.5184 x average process length-6.686)(R^2=0.87). それぞれの関係式は一致しなかった.それは海水密度や栄養塩環境に地域特性があり,それに適応した隠蔽種が存在するか,あるいは他の未知の環境要因が寄与している可能性があるのかが今後の検討課題として残された.