仲村 康秀 松岡 數充 今井 一郎 石井 健一郎 桑田 晃 河地 正伸 木元 克典 鈴木 紀毅 佐野 雅美 José M. Landeira 宮本 洋臣 西川 淳 西田 周平
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.66, no.1, pp.22-40, 2019-02-25 (Released:2019-02-28)

Plankton are aquatic organisms unable to swim against the current, and they include diverse taxa of different phylogenetic origins. The taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology of nine plankton groups are reviewed in this paper, in order to comprehensively understand the latest information and current situation of plankton studies. The order-level classification of dinoflagellates was re-arranged, but the classification system is still not well organized at the family-level. The taxonomy of raphidophytes and dictyochophytes was partly confused, however, molecular studies provided clear categorization between these groups. The diatoms could be identified by observing some important morphological characteristics. Yet, these characteristics are sometimes not observable because of inappropriate specimen treatments, and furthermore, the morphological terms are not enough unified, resulting that the species-level identification is complicated and difficult. Recent studies revealed the cryptic diversity and high abundance of some microalgae, such as haptophytes and prasinophytes. The diversity and ecology of planktonic foraminifers have been clarified, but those of radiolarians and phaeodarians are still wrapped in mystery. The classification needs to be re-arranged especially for collodarians, phaeodarians and acantharians. The phylogeny of copepods has been elucidated, and this group was re-classified into 10 orders. Future studies should clarify their evolutionary process and create useful databases for easier identification. The methods to reveal the larva-adult correspondence are established for decapods, and further clarification of the correspondence is expected. The classification system of chaetognaths has been updated, and the intra-species diversity is also being studied. The species diversity of scyphozoans has not been well clarified especially for deep-sea species, and their classification still involves problems such as cryptic species. The dataset including DNA sequences and different types of images (taken in the field and under the microscope, etc.) should be accumulated for comparing the data from different methods (e.g., direct microscopy, optics-based survey and environmental DNA analysis).
伊藤 剛 鈴木 紀毅 指田 勝男
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.72, no.4, pp.359-370, 2021-10-13 (Released:2021-10-20)
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鈴木 紀毅
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.99, pp.15-31, 2016-03-31 (Released:2019-04-03)

A radiolarian taxonomic database with synonymy relationship was created by PaleoTax for Windows that was developed by Hannes Löser. All the taxonomic names published by March, 2015, have been completely entered, reaching 2,780 genera and 15,040 species. In consideration of taxonomic unavailable names and junior synonyms, a total of 13,590 species are regarded as available names. These available names, however, also include the species impossible to be applied for actual specimens due to lack of illustrations and less-characteristic name-bearing type specimens. Excluded such problematic species, a total of 9,870 species are considered to be practically existing. A total of 2,780 genera were established so far, and 1,450 of 2,780 genera are practically usable. Although this database is unable to be in public due to authorships to the illustrations of the name- bearing specimens, it is useful to subjectively search variable information such as the most cited species names (e.g. Cyrtocapsella tetrapera), very rarely cited names (one or twice) (58%), the number of samples (not localities) in the selected geologic time intervals (e.g. 113 samples in Cambrian and Ordovician), the species diversity changes through the geologic time, and other scientific supports. Users to database, however, must aware of the interpretation and quality of the search results.
藤原 治 鈴木 紀毅 林 広樹 入月 俊明
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.119, no.Supplement, pp.S96-S119, 2013-08-15 (Released:2014-03-21)

内野 隆之 鈴木 紀毅
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.12, pp.1015-1033, 2017-12-15 (Released:2018-03-28)

志摩半島の秩父累帯北帯の南東部に分布する白木層群の泥岩から放散虫化石を初めて見出した.Minutusolla cf. micheleiやStriatojaponocapsa synconexaなどの放散虫化石群集から,本層群の泥岩は中期ジュラ紀のバッジョシアン期~バトニアン期前半に堆積したことが判明した.本層群の南西延長部には,これまで黒瀬川帯の白滝層群が分布するとされていた.しかし,両層群の境界域を調査・研究した結果,岩相・地質構造・微化石年代の共通性が認められ,少なくとも本研究地域では白滝層群は北帯の白木層群に統合できる.それは,北帯と黒瀬川帯の境界が従来の見解よりも南に位置することを意味する.日本列島における秩父累帯北帯の基準ユニットである上吉田ユニット・住居附ユニット・遊子川ユニットの岩相と陸源性砕屑岩年代を整理・比較した結果,白木層群は上吉田ユニットに対比できる蓋然性が高い.
亀田 純 木村 学 O. A. MELINIKOV 早坂 康隆 橋本 善孝 坂島 隆彦 新井 孝志 芳野 極 鈴木 紀毅
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.109, no.2, pp.235-248, 2000-04-25 (Released:2010-11-18)
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The region from Sakhalin in Russia to the eastern margin of the Japan Sea has been regarded as a convergent plate boundary zone between the Eurasia and the North America Plates because large earthquakes and active crustal movements are prominent in this zone. These activities along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea to southern Sakhalin are almost consistent with the expected relative plate motion deduced from the Euler pole which is estimated from the magnetic anomaly lineations in the Atlantic Ocean, but the modern tectonic aspect in northern Sakhalin is inconsistent; e.g., 1995 Neftegorsk Earthquake is one of the typical events.As a result of a structural and tectonic study in northern Sakhalin, the NE-SW compressive tectonic feature since the Late Miocene was clarified. In the northernmost area of the Schmidt Peninsula, the early Cretaceous ophiolite thrusts upon the Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The ophiolite has an overturned sequence: serpentinites, gabbros, basaltic rocks, and hemipelagic sediments in descending order. The Cretaceous sediments form a map-scale and NW vergent synclinorium. All the deformation structures in outcrop scale, such as micro-folds, minor reverse and normal faults, axial plane cleavages and bedding slips, are consistent with a large scale folding. These structural relationships suggest only one event of deformation, which appears to be linked to overthrusting of the ophiolitic rocks.A structural investigation of the southeastern part of the Schmidt Peninsula revealed that the Middle Miocene sediments composed of siltstone and sandstone are folded with wavelength of several tens to several hundred meters. Their fold axes trend in the NW direction, which indicates that deformation under the NE compression is the same as the deformation in the northernmost area. The thickness of sedimentary layers are constant everywhere in folding. This fact indicates that the timing of the deformation is after sedimentation, that is, after the Middle Miocene. This deformation event is consistent with modern activity in northern Sakhalin. Therefore, the modern tectonic framework might have started in the Late Miocene time.A plate tectonic model indicates that the modern relative motion between the Eurasia and the North America Plate started at about 11 m. y. ago. The Late Miocene onset of the modern tectonic framework in northern Sakhalin occurred at almost the same time. The most reliable model to explain the discrepancy of sense of movement from the Eurasia-North America retative motion, may be the “extrusion” of the Okhotsk Block toward the Pacific Ocean. The dextral extrusion boundary in northern Sakhalin may be traced along theeastern coast of Sakhalin to the northern edge of the Kuril Basin, where active seismicityhas been observed although a detailed study of focal mechanisms and other tectonic aspects is needed in the future.
永広 昌之 鈴木 紀毅 山北 聡

北部北上帯は,タウハ帯や渡島帯と南部秩父帯をリンクする重要な位置にある.本研究では,葛巻地域から安家地域にいたる北部北上帯の北部地域の東西地殻断面を作成し,この地域の付加体の構造層序と付加年代を明らかにするために,詳細な野外調査と化石層序学的検討を行った.その結果,葛巻地域に後期石炭紀の海山玄武岩-石灰岩複合体由来の異地性岩体があること,安家地域の大鳥層が後期石炭紀チャートを含むことを明らかにし,北部北上帯付加体を構成する海洋地殻の年代が後期石炭紀に遡ることを確認した.また,大鳥層中に,東北日本では初めて,深海域ペルム紀-三畳紀境界に見られる黒色有機質泥岩層を発見し,初期三畳紀を示すコノドントHindeodus parvusの初産出層準直下の黒色炭質泥岩最下部で炭素同位体組成の急激なマイナスシフトを認めた.付加年代に関しては,大鳥層のそれが中期ジュラ紀Bajocian後期〜Bathonianであること,高屋敷層のそれが後期ジュラ紀Oxfordianであることを明らかにし,安家地域の付加体の地質構造が整然相を主体とするユニットの大規模褶曲構造で特徴づけられ,構造的下位が大局的には若い付加年代を示すことを確認した.これらのデータにもとづき,異地性岩体の年代構成にもとづく,北部北上帯の葛巻-釜石亜帯(西側)と安家-田野畑亜帯(東側)への細区分が北海道渡島帯にも延長できること,岩相や海洋プレート層序の類似から,大鳥層を中心とする安家地域西部の付加体が西南日本の柏木ユニットや大平山ユニットに対比されることを推論した.