水流添 覚 山元 章 平島 義彰 福田 一起 梶原 伸宏 西田 周平 下田 誠也 荒木 栄一
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.57, no.11, pp.837-842, 2014-11-30 (Released:2014-12-01)

症例は65歳の2型糖尿病男性で経口薬・インスリン併用中だが,高血糖,肥満が是正されないためSGLT2阻害薬を導入すべく入院となった.メトホルミン,利尿薬内服を中止の上でイプラグリフロジン50 mg開始.血糖改善は良好で2日目から約10 %のインスリン減量を実施.3日目に全身性皮疹,腎機能障害(Cr 1.6 mg/dl),ケトーシス(3-OHBA 626 μmol/l),軽度代謝性アシドーシス(PH 7.348, HCO3- 18.3 mmol/l)に加え高度高K血症(7.3 mEq/l)を来した.症例は高K既往,K高含有食品(昆布)常用,ARB内服など高Kを呈しやすい素地があった.これに利尿薬中止,SGLT2阻害薬開始後の腎機能低下,アシドーシス,インスリン作用不足によるK細胞外シフトが加わり高Kを発症したと推察する.高Kを呈しやすい背景の患者へのSGLT2阻害薬導入ではK値に注意を要する.
大塚 攻 西田 周平 Susumu Ohtsuka Shuhei Nishida 広島大学生物生産学部附属水産実験所 東京大学海洋研究所 Fisheries Laboratory Hiroshima University Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.
仲村 康秀 松岡 數充 今井 一郎 石井 健一郎 桑田 晃 河地 正伸 木元 克典 鈴木 紀毅 佐野 雅美 José M. Landeira 宮本 洋臣 西川 淳 西田 周平
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.66, no.1, pp.22-40, 2019-02-25 (Released:2019-02-28)

Plankton are aquatic organisms unable to swim against the current, and they include diverse taxa of different phylogenetic origins. The taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology of nine plankton groups are reviewed in this paper, in order to comprehensively understand the latest information and current situation of plankton studies. The order-level classification of dinoflagellates was re-arranged, but the classification system is still not well organized at the family-level. The taxonomy of raphidophytes and dictyochophytes was partly confused, however, molecular studies provided clear categorization between these groups. The diatoms could be identified by observing some important morphological characteristics. Yet, these characteristics are sometimes not observable because of inappropriate specimen treatments, and furthermore, the morphological terms are not enough unified, resulting that the species-level identification is complicated and difficult. Recent studies revealed the cryptic diversity and high abundance of some microalgae, such as haptophytes and prasinophytes. The diversity and ecology of planktonic foraminifers have been clarified, but those of radiolarians and phaeodarians are still wrapped in mystery. The classification needs to be re-arranged especially for collodarians, phaeodarians and acantharians. The phylogeny of copepods has been elucidated, and this group was re-classified into 10 orders. Future studies should clarify their evolutionary process and create useful databases for easier identification. The methods to reveal the larva-adult correspondence are established for decapods, and further clarification of the correspondence is expected. The classification system of chaetognaths has been updated, and the intra-species diversity is also being studied. The species diversity of scyphozoans has not been well clarified especially for deep-sea species, and their classification still involves problems such as cryptic species. The dataset including DNA sequences and different types of images (taken in the field and under the microscope, etc.) should be accumulated for comparing the data from different methods (e.g., direct microscopy, optics-based survey and environmental DNA analysis).
久我 秀功 太田 健太郎 伊川 雄希 坂下 泰靖 西田 周平 溝兼 通矢 岡本 哲
マツダ技報 (ISSN:02880601)
vol.36, pp.102-106, 2019 (Released:2019-12-02)

西田 周平
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.11, pp.181-194, 2018-03

At the end of the 16th century, in the Momoyama period (1582~1615), the production of ceramics began in a new place in Japan. Of these, in Minoyō (美濃窯), Kiseto (黄瀬戸), Setoguro (瀬戸黒), Shino (志野), Oribe (織部), for example, new forms of tea bowls and tableware were produced. From Karatsu (唐津) was introduced a climbing kiln (登り窯). Minoyō achieved a stunning development in such ceramics compared with other kiln locates. However, demand decreased because of changes in the style of the tea ceremony. The Shino, Oribe in Minoyō did not last long, and were eventually and forgotten. In the Shōwa period (1926~1989), there were ceramic artists who strove to restore Shinoware. Their names were Arakawa Toyozō (荒川豊蔵) and Katō Tōkurō(加藤唐九郎). Arakawa Toyozō was born in Mino, and after having seen the Tamagawa bowl (玉川) from Shino held by the Sekido clan, discovered a ceramic fragment from Momoyama Shino in the mountains of ōkaya (大萱). After discovery, Arakawa spent the rest of his restoring Momoyama Shino ceramics. Katō Tōkurō was born in Seto (瀬戸). He acquired book of secrets from Katō Shuntai (加藤春岱), who had made Shinoware at the end of the Edo period (1603~1872). Further, Tōkurō learned from Katō Bakutai(加藤麦袋) how to create Shinoware and began making it in earnest. Of the ceramics Tōkurō produced, Shinoware was the only style he continued to make his entire life. This paper examines the process by which Arakawa and Tōkurō restored Momoyama Shinoware, which had been forgotten for a long time, and from their ceramic works, also considers future restoration of Momoyama Shino ceramics.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの言語と表象]
西田 周平
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.12, pp.145-156, 2019-03-31

In the early modern period, the situation concerning traditional culture in Japan transformed rapidly in the face of the new Meiji era. The tea ceremony, which had barely survived through strong ties with the old powers, temporarily declined and had to wait for the appearance of people called men of refined tastes in order to be revitalized as it is today. In addition to collecting antiques that had been left untouched in the homes of former daimyo families, people called men of refined tastes collected these art items when they were put on sale. When Arakawa Toyozo discovered Shino-yaki pottery pieces at Mino-Okaya in 1930, the excavation of the pottery pieces that had not been focused upon until then facilitated a new interest in Momoyama pottery. But because the interest of the public focused only on antiques, those that were made at that time never sold. Therefore, Arakawa, Kato Tokuro, and others who were the descendants of potters, engaged in the making of pottery in Mino and Seto, and worked vigorously to restore traditional Momoyama pottery in the Showa era. On the other hand, the person who challenged traditional Momoyama pottery for different reasons is Kawakita Handeishi. Handeishi was born in a wealthy house of Mie Prefecture and was involved in various projects, he studied under Hisada Soya who mastered of the tea ceremony of Omote-senke and mastered it. Despite being successful as a businessman and being on a wealthy person, he did not show much interest in collecting antiques. Also, based on the excavated pottery pieces and art objects that had been passed down, Arakawa and others spent their lives creating their own individual style of tea bowls rather than engaging in making copies, to produce tea bowls from which they themselves wanted to drink. This paper examines how Handeishi came to be involved in the making of pottery, his philosophy of pottery creation, and the qualities seen in his works in order to position Handeishi in the history of pottery-making and to identify the role he played as the progenitor of future pottery creations.
大塚 攻 西田 周平
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05 (Released:2008-04-14)
11 24

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.
西田 周平 西川 淳 大塚 攻 澤本 彰三 佐野 雅美 宮本 洋臣 MULYADI RUMENGAN Inneke FM YUSOFF Fatimah MD ROSS Othman BH SRINUI Khwanruan SATAPOOMIN Suree NGUYEN Thi Thu NGUYEN Cho CAMPOS Wilfredo L. METILLO Ephrime
