村松 美邑 後藤 春彦 山村 崇 林 廷玟
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.786, pp.2125-2135, 2021-08-30 (Released:2021-08-30)

In Japan, during the post-war reconstruction and the period of high economic growth, land use prioritized short-term economy and efficiency. As a result, urban space has been fragmented by the incessant insertion of landscapes devoid of connection with others, greatly undermining the meaning and richness of the spatial experience. As a new means of landscape formation in such urban spaces, there is a demand for a perspective on the "Lifescape" that is unconsciously generated in our daily lives. In this study, we define "Nameless Landscapes" as unobtrusive and unnamed landscapes that are not eye-catching landscapes such as landmarks and historical monuments, but rather familiar living environments and activities in them, and focus on their value and approach the real picture. The "Nameless Landscape" , that is unconsciously created in our daily lives and whose value is difficult for the people themselves to recognize and evaluate, is analyzed from the perspective of a "stranger = traveler". This study targets Korean repeat tourists who have stayed in Tokyo under the hypothesis that repeat tourists have an excellent eye for the "Nameless Landscape" through multiple experiences. By analyzing the process of discovering and interpreting "Nameless Landscapes" , including social aspects of life and culture, this study aims to clarify the structure of the semantic interpretation that appears between the landscape and the foreign traveler (hereinafter, this is called "observer") and the nature, the value of the "Nameless landscapes" . The main results obtained are as follows: 1) When an observer perceives a landscape, he or she first momentarily draws out prior knowledge related to the object from the knowledge stores within the self in an instant, and then "interprets" the meaning of the object being viewed by combining such knowledge with the visual information of the landscape. Interpretation means capturing the invisible elements of the landscape as information, such as the context and localities that it possesses. Through interpretation, the landscape is contextualized and a 'depth' of meaning is brought to it. The "Nameless Landscape" as interpreted by the observer is stored and accumulated as new knowledge, sometimes accompanied by "knowledge updates" such as reinforcement or overwriting of prior knowledge. 2) A "structural model of semantic interpretation" was derived that appears between the "Nameless Landscape" and the observer. This indicates that the landscape as fragmentary information becomes "three-dimensional" as it is given meaning by the observer, and the process of establishing it as a "landscape" is also a process of "knowledge circulation" that involves the knowledge of information. 3) It is considered that the "Nameless Landscape" that emerges endogenously from the local environment and requires a conscious interpretation by the observer is particularly strong in the above characteristics, and the experience of the "Nameless Landscape" can be found to be valuable as an opportunity for the observer to "learn" and cultivate his or her observational eyes.
村松 美邑 後藤 春彦 山村 崇 林 廷玟
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.813, pp.3018-3029, 2023-11-01 (Released:2023-11-01)

This paper aims to present the structure of landscape interpretation and reconsider the concept of landscape by depicting the process by which landscape emerges as observer-specific “meaning”. For this purpose, we will focus on the existence of “knowledge,” which is said to have the function of directing human consciousness and encouraging the assignment of meaning, and grasp the relationship between its reality and landscape interpretation. By approaching the reality of “knowledge” and structurally understanding the interpretation of landscape, we empirically demonstrated that landscape as a phenomenon is momentarily “constructed” by the observer and that “environmental knowledge” drives it.
坂本 泉 後藤 春彦 髙嶺 翔太 林 廷玟
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.57, no.3, pp.713-720, 2022-10-25 (Released:2022-10-25)

本研究の目的は、地元住民と地域外企業による「地域価値共創事業」の実態とそれを円滑に進めるための体制について明らかにすることである。 はじめに、瀬戸田町における「地域価値共創事業」を概観した。次に、「地域価値共創事業」に対する地元住民と地域外企業の評価を明らかにした。調査の結果から、自治体と地域マネジメント企業が、地域のコーディネーターとして「フィルター」「ハブ」「バッファ」の3つの機能を果たしていることが明らかになった。両者は密に連携を取り、地元住民や地域外企業と良好な関係性を構築する必要がある。今後の「地域価値共創事業」においては、自治体がこのような体制を可能にする原資を提供すること、地域マネジメント企業の存在、さらには事業開始までに十分な準備時間を確保することが必要不可欠である。
林 廷玟 後藤 春彦 山村 崇
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.774, pp.1727-1737, 2020 (Released:2020-08-30)

In recent years, industrial heritage as a cultural heritage has received a lot of attention. The preservation of Industrial Heritage, a type of modern heritage, has great significance, not only in terms of the inheritance of material values, such as the age and scarcity of objects for preservation, but also in the inheritance of the "Narrative," which conveys the unique culture acquired by the region during its process of modernization. Industrial Heritage, which comprises the context of the region, should be preserved not as a single entity, but to support the succession of the "Narrative." To this end, it is necessary to establish a method of preserving the environment in the surrounding area and passing on the “storage of memories” that existed there, while also considering the exchange of human resources, technology, goods, etc. The purpose of this study is to clarify the kind of "Narrative" that is spun by a locally rooted industrial heritage. In addition, this work endeavors to provide a concrete understanding of the inheritance itself and its relationship with the "space" of the region.  This research will focus on three Japanese industrial heritages: Kita-ku, Tokyo, and Suzaka city, Nagano and Kiryu city, Gunma. Collect Narrations from three Industrial Heritage volunteer guides to characterize the "Narrative" from Narrations.  The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, it was clarified that the "Episode" forming a "Narrative" can be evaluated from two perspectives, which are the "content of the narration" and the "spatial extent of narrations." The content of the report comprises six parts: Narrations of things, Narrations of science and views, Narrations of military and labor, Narrations of the history of industrial technology, Narrations of human activities and culture, and Narrations of official history. The spatial component of the narrations comprises four categories: “Site-Oriented,” “Semi Site-Oriented,” “Area-Oriented,” and “Not attaced to area.” It was possible to grasp the spatial characteristics of the episode using the above two viewpoints. Therefore, it was found that the spatial characteristics of the episode could be grasped using the following three classifications: "Episodes relating to the particular object", "Episodes relating to the place" and "Episodes without any limitation of an object" by integrating the two viewpoints. Second, many of the "Episodes relating to the particular object" included Narrations of things by discussing specific buildings. Many of the "Episodes relating to the place" consisted of Narrations of science and views, Narrations of military and labor, Narrations of history of industrial technology, and Narrations of human activities and culture, for which extensive discussions were conducted on the region. Most of the "Episodes without any limitation of an object" were Narrations of official history. Focusing on the density of the network diagrams in episodes, "Episodes relating to the place" depicted a larger number of dense co-occurrence networks than "Episodes relating to the particular object" and "Episodes without any limitation of an object." Thus, the "Episodes relating to the place" played an important role in forming a detailed "Narrative."