坂本 泉 後藤 春彦 髙嶺 翔太 林 廷玟
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.57, no.3, pp.713-720, 2022-10-25 (Released:2022-10-25)

本研究の目的は、地元住民と地域外企業による「地域価値共創事業」の実態とそれを円滑に進めるための体制について明らかにすることである。 はじめに、瀬戸田町における「地域価値共創事業」を概観した。次に、「地域価値共創事業」に対する地元住民と地域外企業の評価を明らかにした。調査の結果から、自治体と地域マネジメント企業が、地域のコーディネーターとして「フィルター」「ハブ」「バッファ」の3つの機能を果たしていることが明らかになった。両者は密に連携を取り、地元住民や地域外企業と良好な関係性を構築する必要がある。今後の「地域価値共創事業」においては、自治体がこのような体制を可能にする原資を提供すること、地域マネジメント企業の存在、さらには事業開始までに十分な準備時間を確保することが必要不可欠である。
髙嶺 翔太 後藤 春彦 林 書嫻 山川 志典
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.807, pp.1690-1701, 2023-05-01 (Released:2023-05-01)

This paper aims to clarify the association between subjective well-being and quantity of environmental cognition of neighborhood. Online questionnaire for about 2,600 residents in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefecture has been conducted. The results of the analysis show the following:1) According to multi regression analysis, quantity of environmental cognition, academic record and household income were independently associated with subjective well-being. People recognizing more places, higher academic record and more household income tend to be better subjective well-being.2) Psychological distress, loneliness, sense of coherence was also associated with quantity of environmental cognition of neighborhood.
髙嶺 翔太 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.147-157, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

These days, "a place for community" is attracting more attention. "A place for community" is the place operated flexibly, mainly as a cafe with a various activities such as class of hobby, exhibition or retailing. As the concern about social isolation growing, the place come to be expected to be a solution for the issue. However, with taking consideration of characteristics of group such as "bonding", the relationship made by "a place for community" may be have exclusiveness to outgroups. Especially because a bonding group strengthen common trait of group members in general, risk that individual trait causing isolation might be strengthen after group composed by " a place for community", and the group itself will be estranged from local society as a result. With this respect, this paper aims to clarify the actual condition and background of group isolation of "a place for community". Three following focusing point has set and different survey has conducted ; 1) "Visitor record analysis" to grasp situation that some of users have characteristic as a group and get “bonding”. 2) Questionnaires and interviews to frequent users of the case facility to grasp situation that the group members have trait harming relationship with local society, in common. 3) Questionnaires to the people familiar with local society and analysis about events held in the case facility to grasp the situation that the group is estranged from local society. As a result, following findings were obtained. 1) The number of frequent users has a steady state and frequent users tend to be fixed. The existence of steady state reveal the aspect of frequent users as a group, and fixed users means the exclusiveness of the group. These findings suggest that the frequent users of the case is "bonding" as a group. 2) Most of the frequent users have negative feelings to communication among neighbors and health problems in common. On the other hand, those frequent users are not necessarily the patient of clinic which operates the case, and their housing situation is almost same as the average in the district where the case locate. This finding suggests that the number of potential users is not so small, and a lot of "place for community" can get into the situation of group isolation. 3) Only about half of the target person from local society know the existence of the case facility and less than 30% people has understood what the case is doing. In addition, according to the analysis about events held in the case facility, it clarified that the large number of events held with medical and nursing association, and the number of events held with neighborhood or ordinary association in neighbor (e.g. restaurant, general store and NPO) is small. These findings suggest that the situation of case facility being estranged from local society, and have connection with medical and nursing association in contrast. 4) Findings about the common trait of frequent users and social relationship with outgroup of the case facility, correspondence between common trait of users and relationship with outgroup can be seen. This correspondence seem to be caused by the flexibility of “a place for community”, which is important characteristic of “a place for community” to make relationships among users and get users “bonding”. The important point of group isolation is that a factor preventing communication with local society plays a role during this process of “bonding”. 5) As a whole, "a place for community" has a risk that small group get “bonding” toward refusing communication with local society.
伊藤 日向子 後藤 春彦 髙嶺 翔太 松浦 遥
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.66, pp.961-966, 2021-06-20 (Released:2021-06-20)

Our target are unemployed living alone seniors in the apartment complexes. We conducted a questionnaire survey and extracted 3 patterns of lifestyles. We analyzed lifestyle characteristics according to the presence or absence of loneliness and subjective health status. We also asked what kind of facilities and events they wanted in their apartment complexes. And we compared the features of them by levels of loneliness, subjective health and lifestyles. Finally, we identified some features in terms of facilities and events which are aligned to certain lifestyle that can contribute low level of loneliness and high subjective health.