桑原 教彰 桑原 和宏 安部 伸治 須佐見 憲史 安田 清
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, pp.396-405, 2005-11-01
6 4

Providing good home-based care to people with dementia is becoming an important issue as the size of the elderly population increases. One of the main problems in providing such care is that it must be constantly provided without interruption, and this puts a great burden on caregivers, who are often family members. Networked Interaction Therapy is the name we call our methods designed to relieve the stress of people suffering from dementia as well as that of their family members. This therapy aims to provide a system that interacts with people with dementia by utilizing various engaging stimuli. One such stimulus is a reminiscence video created from old photo albums, which is a promising way to hold a dementia sufferer's attention for a long time. In this paper, we present an authoring tool to assist in the production of a reminiscence video by using photo annotations. We conducted interviews with several video creators on how they used photo annotations such as date, title and subject of photos when they produced the reminiscence videos. According to the creators' comments, we have defined an ontology for representing the creators' knowledge of how to add visual effects to a reminiscence video. Subsequently, we developed an authoring tool that automatically produces a reminiscence video from the annotated photos. Subjective evaluation of the quality of reminiscence videos produced with our tool indicates that they give impressions similar to those produced by creators using conventional video editing software. The effectiveness of presenting such a video to people with dementia is also discussed.
福田 匡人 黄 宏軒 桑原 和宏 西田 豊明
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J103-D, no.3, pp.120-130, 2020-03-01

桑原 教彰 桑原 和宏 安部 伸治 須佐見 憲史 安田 清
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.6, pp.396-405, 2005 (Released:2005-09-08)
1 4

Providing good home-based care to people with dementia is becoming an important issue as the size of the elderly population increases. One of the main problems in providing such care is that it must be constantly provided without interruption, and this puts a great burden on caregivers, who are often family members. Networked Interaction Therapy is the name we call our methods designed to relieve the stress of people suffering from dementia as well as that of their family members. This therapy aims to provide a system that interacts with people with dementia by utilizing various engaging stimuli. One such stimulus is a reminiscence video created from old photo albums, which is a promising way to hold a dementia sufferer's attention for a long time. In this paper, we present an authoring tool to assist in the production of a reminiscence video by using photo annotations. We conducted interviews with several video creators on how they used photo annotations such as date, title and subject of photos when they produced the reminiscence videos. According to the creators' comments, we have defined an ontology for representing the creators' knowledge of how to add visual effects to a reminiscence video. Subsequently, we developed an authoring tool that automatically produces a reminiscence video from the annotated photos. Subjective evaluation of the quality of reminiscence videos produced with our tool indicates that they give impressions similar to those produced by creators using conventional video editing software. The effectiveness of presenting such a video to people with dementia is also discussed.
桑原 和宏 Victor Rlesser
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.32, no.10, pp.1269-1280, 1991-10-15

分散ネットワークにおいて複数のエージェントが資源の割当を協調して行うマルチステージネゴシエーションにおけるグローバルなゴール間の競合の検出手法を提案するマルチステージネゴシエーションではどのエージェントも完全なグローバルな情報を持たず 各エージェントは自分の所における局所的な資源の割当を他のエージェントに通信し お互いにその影響を交換しあうことによって全体として整合のとれた資源の割当を行うこの時 局所的な影響をどのように表現し通信したらよいかが問題となる特に資源の割当の制約が強すぎてすべてのグローバルゴールを満たすことができない場合がでてくるため エージェント間で交換する情報に基づいてグローパルゴール間の競合関係が正しく検出できるようにする必要があるここではマルチステージネゴシエーションの扱う問題の定式化を与えるそこではグローバルゴールはいくつかのグローパルプランを持ち そのうちの一つを実行することによりそのグローバルゴールは満足される各エージェント内での資源割当における選択を基にしてグローバルプランを表現し それに基づいて各エージェント内での競合情報を表現し エージェント間で交換することによって グローバルゴール間の競合を正しく認識できるようにしたさらにその競合情報はグローバルゴールを満足させる解の探索にも有効である