西村浩樹 桑原 教彰
科学・技術研究 (ISSN:21864942)
vol.6, no.1, pp.59-66, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)

桑原 教彰 桑原 和宏 安部 伸治 須佐見 憲史 安田 清
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, pp.396-405, 2005-11-01
6 4

Providing good home-based care to people with dementia is becoming an important issue as the size of the elderly population increases. One of the main problems in providing such care is that it must be constantly provided without interruption, and this puts a great burden on caregivers, who are often family members. Networked Interaction Therapy is the name we call our methods designed to relieve the stress of people suffering from dementia as well as that of their family members. This therapy aims to provide a system that interacts with people with dementia by utilizing various engaging stimuli. One such stimulus is a reminiscence video created from old photo albums, which is a promising way to hold a dementia sufferer's attention for a long time. In this paper, we present an authoring tool to assist in the production of a reminiscence video by using photo annotations. We conducted interviews with several video creators on how they used photo annotations such as date, title and subject of photos when they produced the reminiscence videos. According to the creators' comments, we have defined an ontology for representing the creators' knowledge of how to add visual effects to a reminiscence video. Subsequently, we developed an authoring tool that automatically produces a reminiscence video from the annotated photos. Subjective evaluation of the quality of reminiscence videos produced with our tool indicates that they give impressions similar to those produced by creators using conventional video editing software. The effectiveness of presenting such a video to people with dementia is also discussed.
桑原教彰 野間 春生 鉄谷信二 萩田 紀博 小暮 潔 伊関 洋
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.44, no.11, pp.2638-2648, 2003-11-15
15 17

医療事故に結び付く可能性のある看護業務の作業環境を改善していくことが求められている.医療事故の原因分析には,事故に関係した医療従事者の行動履歴の情報が重要である.本論文は,看護行為を妨げないウエアラブルセンサにより,看護師の1日の行動を自動計測して,看護履歴を作成するために必要なデータを自動的に収集する手法を提案する.まず看護行動の自動計測方法の基本方針を述べる.次にこの方針に基づいて,音声入力,歩数,姿勢の傾斜角,に着目したウエアラブルセンサを試作し,実際の医療現場で本手法の有効性を示す.具体的には,歩数,上半身の傾斜角だけから日常的に頻繁に実施される看護業務がいくつかに大きく分類できることを示し,その結果と音声認識を組み合わせることで,実際の医療現場で収集したサンプルデータに対して,音声認識単独の場合より高い識別率で看護業務を識別できたこと,および,記録されたデータを看護師の実際の看護記録と比較して,この自動計測法では従来の看護記録には記録されない予定外の行動を含む履歴が残されたことを示す.In order to improve the quality of medical service, we propose a method for auto-event-recording of nursing operations with little disturbance of their moves. We've developed the wearable sensors to allow recording the type of job units by recognizing their voices, the number of foot steps and their physical postures. Several experiments are made by using these sensors at a hospital. Experimental results show that we can categorize the nursing jobs most frequently operated by the nurses, by analyzing data of their foot steps and physical postures. Then, by utilizing this result with the speech recognition, the nursing record is reconstructed, better than that by using only the speech recognition. Finally, by comparing the reconstructed nursing records with the actual ones, we show that our sensors can record the nurse's jobs that are missed on the actual nursing records.
辻 愛里 桑原 教彰 森本 一成
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.16, no.2, pp.97-102, 2014-05-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

Elderly people are likely to need to urinate more often than in their youth, and thus may encounter the difficult situation of searching for a restroom at inopportune moments. We are researching and developing a system that will allow elderly people who need to urinate frequently to time their trips to the bathroom to accommodate the schedules of their outings. Our proposed system calculates the intervals between urinations based upon the person's schedule and hydration levels, and recommends using the restroom well before the person feels the urge to urinate. In order to implement the system, we have devised a physiological formula for estimation a person's hydration levels through non-invasive means. Based on this estimate, we can then calculate the time between bathroom breaks. In this paper, we describe our system and show experimental results for these calculations.
小作 浩美 相良 かおる 阿部 明典 納谷 太 大村 廉 桑原 教彰 小暮 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.7, pp.2H510, 2007

池坊 由紀 高井 由佳 後藤 彰彦 桑原 教彰
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.13, no.1, pp.307-314, 2014 (Released:2014-02-28)

This research was performed in order to clarify the difference between inexperienced person and experts of Ikebana through impression evaluation during the appreciation of arrangement. In this research, not only arrangement themselves, but also photos of them were used for the evaluation. Experimental results indicated that experts could distinguish the difference of arrangements between experts and inexperienced persons even though they watch Ikebanas or photos. However, it is thought to be difficult for inexperienced person. Concerning of the elements of evaluation, that will lead a new research which element appear in which media and the reason that cause this situation.
大澤 弘樹 森屋 舞子 桑原 教彰 鉄谷 信二
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.11, no.4, pp.573-579, 2012 (Released:2012-10-19)

In recent years, the media develops rapidly, and various media comes up. In the IT (Information-Technology) society, visual information exists a lot. In this situation, mosaic processing is used to hide the image information that must not be understood. However, mosaic, depending on conditions of processing and viewing distance, has a problem such as understanding processed images by mosaic. In this paper, we investigate conditions of understanding Japanese character images under mosaic processing. In addition, we perform visual experiments of the character images for anti-aliasing processing, geometric patterns and contrast.
桑原 教彰 桑原 和宏 安部 伸治 須佐見 憲史 安田 清
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.6, pp.396-405, 2005 (Released:2005-09-08)
1 4

Providing good home-based care to people with dementia is becoming an important issue as the size of the elderly population increases. One of the main problems in providing such care is that it must be constantly provided without interruption, and this puts a great burden on caregivers, who are often family members. Networked Interaction Therapy is the name we call our methods designed to relieve the stress of people suffering from dementia as well as that of their family members. This therapy aims to provide a system that interacts with people with dementia by utilizing various engaging stimuli. One such stimulus is a reminiscence video created from old photo albums, which is a promising way to hold a dementia sufferer's attention for a long time. In this paper, we present an authoring tool to assist in the production of a reminiscence video by using photo annotations. We conducted interviews with several video creators on how they used photo annotations such as date, title and subject of photos when they produced the reminiscence videos. According to the creators' comments, we have defined an ontology for representing the creators' knowledge of how to add visual effects to a reminiscence video. Subsequently, we developed an authoring tool that automatically produces a reminiscence video from the annotated photos. Subjective evaluation of the quality of reminiscence videos produced with our tool indicates that they give impressions similar to those produced by creators using conventional video editing software. The effectiveness of presenting such a video to people with dementia is also discussed.