木岡 悦子 森 由紀 大森 敏江 大村 知子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.7, pp.647-656, 2001-07-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

中学生の学習用具携行の実態に基づいて, 通学用鞄の携行方法による負荷を実験観察により検討した.被検者は中学生6名, 携行重量を6kgとし, 携行の方法は背負い式と肩掛け式とし, 肩掛けの仕方を斜めにクロスする方法と片側におろす二つの方法に分けた.負荷実験の内容は通学用鞄を掛けた状態での支持基底面の重心動揺測定, 直立時および歩行時の姿勢変異の観察, 肩中央部にかかる荷重圧の測定である.結果は以下の通りであった.(1) 鞄を片側に掛ける方式では, その対照として測定した無所持の場合と比較して, 支持基底面の重心動揺の単位面積軌跡長が小さいという結果が得られた.被検者自身が姿勢のくずれを細かく制御しにくい状態であると解された.(2) 支持基底面の重心動揺軌跡やその外郭内の面積等には被検者固有のパターンが発現し, 姿勢制御機能に個人差のあることが認められた.(3) 通学用鞄の携行方法別姿勢をシルエッター写真から観察した結果, 肩掛け式では鞄を提げた側と反対の方向への傾きが大きく, 無所持の場合と比較して有意に差のあることが認められた.片側式の場合では全身を傾斜させており, 斜め式では胴部でくねらせた状態での傾きが大であることが認められた.背負い式では前傾姿勢がみられ, いずれも鞄装着による負荷を姿勢の傾きによってバランスさせていることがわかった.(4) 肩中央部に加わる荷重圧は片側式の場合が最も大で, 直立時の平均値は53.0kPa, 歩行時最大値が102.4kPaであった.背負い式の場合が最も小さく, 各携行方法問に有意な差がみられた.(5) 実験終了後の着用感では, 片側式において肩への痛み・重量感や歩きにくさなどの負荷を感じたのに対し, 背負い式が最も負荷を感じなかったという結果が得られ, 実験結果と一致した.通学用鞄の携行に関する問題を, 中学生の心身をまもり育てるための類被服の観点からとらえ, 解決への具体的な方策をすすめていくべきであると考える.
森 由紀 大村 知子 大森 敏江 木岡 悦子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.9, pp.949-958, 1999-09-15

We made a study of the on-the-back carrying system for primary school children as part of our series of studies on age-related practices and physical effects of carrying methods. In our previous report, we referred to the advantage of free-hand carrying for aged persons. We investigated school bags at 30 primary schools in the Kinki and Tokai districts, using 2,945 children as subjects. It was determined that the stiff bag Randoseru is the most popular among first graders, while the higher the grade, the less the Randoseru is used. In addition, we found that the lower the grade, the bigger the ratio of burden weight to body weight. We selected six subjects from among lower gladers to measure burden pressure upon their shoulder center and lumbar vertebra while carrying a fixed-weight-contained Randoseru, either in standing or walking position. As a result, they showed forward-inclined posture, the inclination increasing with the adding of Randoseru weight. Hereby, we bring to light the necessity of reducing the school goods that children carry daily between home and school to only those which are essential in order for these growing children to keep constant upright postures.
森 由紀 伊神 久美子 杉田 明子 木岡 悦子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.4, pp.233-240, 2005-04-15

Pajamas are worn for long hours in direct contact with one's skin : so we assume that the contact sensation of the material of pajama cloth might influence the quality of one's sleep. In this study, we looked at pajamas made of RAFUMA-mixed cotton cloth, which is called "Wearable Chinese medicine" which is said to be good for one's health, and studied clothing comfort through wearing experiments. Subjects wore RAFUMA-mixed cotton pajamas (A) and nylon-mixed cotton pajamas (B) alternately. Their biological reactions were measured and subjective examinations were also performed. In Wearing Experiment (I), the subjects' EEGs were measured for 30 min when wearing pajamas. In Wearing Experiment (II), subjects' hormone secretion levels and skin temperature during normal sleep were measured. The EEG measurement results showed a significantly high ratio of α-waves when the subjects were wearing pajamas (A), proving that the subjects were in a state of relaxation at the time. It was also observed that melatonin secretion was promoted and small skin temperature differences occurred between the trunk and peripheral regions. From these observations, it is suggested that one can obtain effective sleep while wearing pajamas (A). The biological reactions observed while subjects wore RAFUMA-mixed cotton pajamas coincided with the results of the subjective examinations on wearing comfort and feeling of sound sleep.