坂田 克彦 中村 芳樹 吉澤 望 武田 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.732, pp.129-138, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)
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Studies have previously been undertaken on the prediction of perceived spatial brightness aimed at achieving designs that take account of a feeling of brightness of space, and various estimation models and factors affecting the prediction of perceived spatial brightness are known. In this study the authors focused their attention primarily on factors other than average brightness to explain perceived spatial brightness in nonuniform luminance distribution with the aim of proposing an index which encompasses existing knowledge while being based on simple quantities. The authors set 32 different lighting conditions in an office with north-facing windows and measured the luminance images for each condition. They then asked subjects to evaluate the perceived brightness from two seats, one with the windows in sight and with no windows in sight, thereby providing 64 different luminance distribution and estimation value samples. Ten contrast images of different spatial frequency were decomposed from each luminance image by wavelet transformation symlet6, then AD (ambient directivity, low spatial frequency) and CD (contrast detail, high spatial frequency) were defined on the basis of each variance of contrast image. The authors used multiple regression analysis to obtain a multiple regression equation to explain spatial brightness using three variables: average luminance, or NB value; AD; and CD. AD lowers spatial brightness, while CD raises it. The estimated accuracy was greater than that achieved using a conventional equation. After considering the above, the authors suggested NSB (Natural scale of Spatial Brightness), a spatial brightness prediction model based on luminance contrast.
澤 憲明 田中 啓広 菅家 智史 武田 仁 鵜飼 友彦 若山 隆 葛西 龍樹
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.34, no.4, pp.308-316, 2011 (Released:2015-05-30)

目的 : 英国家庭医学会の新しい後期研修プログラム・専門医認定制度 (以下nMRCGPと略す) を紹介する. そのnMRCGPと日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会認定家庭医療後期研修プログラム・専門医認定制度を比較検討し, 日本の家庭医療専門医教育発展に向けた課題を抽出する. 方法 : nMRCGPの研修資料, 及びその参考文献をレビューし, そのレビューをもとに東北地方の家庭医療後期研修医・指導医でディスカッションを行った. 結果 : 英国と日本の家庭医療後期研修プログラム・専門医認定制度の比較から日本の家庭医療専門医教育の発展に向け3つの課題が抽出された. 1) 日本における新しい「家庭医」の定義の必要性, 2) 形成的評価としてのポートフォリオの重要性, 3) ポートフォリオ審査における明確な評価項目と基準の必要性. 結語 : nMRCGPの背景・概要の説明, 及び日本の家庭医療専門医教育の発展に向けた課題の抽出とその考察を行った.
秋山 貴洋 武田 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.615, pp.45-52, 2007

The multicomponent adsorption rate theory based on Dubinin-Astakhov model (MART-DA), which has been proposed in the previous report, is a practical model for predicting break-through curves of gas mixtures on activated carbon filter. In this paper, the MART-DA has been tested for abilities to predict total and component capacities reported for 13 sets of binary gas adsorption equilibria. Verified by the experimental data, it has been found that the MART-DA is successful in predicting adsorption equilibria of gas mixtures on activated carbon, and this precisions of prediction is comparable to that of the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST). From the mathematical study, a multicomponent adsorption isotherm equation (for N⪰2) has been derived from the MART-DA. For pure gas adsorption (for N=1), this isotherm equation is theoretically identical with Dubinin-Astakhov equation. Moreover, it has been clarified that the adsorption/desorption kinetics calculated from MART-DA is equivalent to the linear driving force (LDF) approximated adsorption rate calculation.
本郷 智大 大塚 雅之 武田 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.579, pp.53-59, 2004
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The purpose of this study is to grasp the influence of combined drainage load in house drain in to drainage stack system, and flow capacity of house drain. And the object of further study will be to establish and purpose new testing evaluation method which it is consider the influence of combined drainage load. This paper discusses the following points, (1) The way to provide combined drainage load in house drain, (2) Conditions of Pressure variation by combined drainage load in drainage system and an evaluation method thereof and (3) Understanding of the flow capacity of house drain in a drainage system by combined drainage load.