小山 哲央 永野 正行
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.50, pp.17-22, 2016-02-20 (Released:2016-02-20)

The permanent ground displacement adjacent to the seismic fault is of great interest to many earthquake and structural engineers. The thin layer method is one of the advantageous calculation methods for the dynamic Green’s function in layered soil, which can also be applied to the static problem in terms of a summation of the eigenmodes. Evaluation of ground displacement due to seismic faults requires stress component calculation, which is firstly verified. We use improved calculation method to calculate stress components using secondary elements. Finally, permanent ground displacements are verified to show the feasibility of the proposed calculation methods by comparing with rigorous solutions.
山本 健史 保井 美敏 永野 正行 肥田 剛典 田沼 毅彦 渡辺 一弘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, no.42, pp.447-452, 2013-06-20 (Released:2013-06-20)
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During the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, strong motion wave observed at the 30-story reinforced concrete super high-rise building located on poor ground in the Kanto region. By response simulation analysis, a particular response behavior of the building during this earthquake were explored, and then the relationship between damage to building interior and response simulation analysis results were carried out.
永野 正行 大川 出 小山 信
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.18, no.38, pp.73-77, 2012-02-20 (Released:2012-02-20)

Strong ground motions have been observed at Tokyo University of Science, Noda campus, in Chiba Prefecture for more than 16 years. A velocity seismograph is installed and low trigger level enabled us to obtain a number of long period ground motions with long duration. This report describes outline of observation system and recorded motions, focusing on the recorded time. Site amplification characteristics of recorded motions are also discussed in terms of site amplification and group delay time. Long duration of the recorded motions is indispensable to evaluate long period characteristics of the ground motions more precisely.
肥田 剛典 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.79, no.701, pp.923-932, 2014-07-30 (Released:2014-09-30)
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As the structural health monitoring tools, three subspace-based system identification methods, the ordinary MOESP, the N4SID and the PO-MOESP, were investigated to discuss the identification accuracy of natural frequency and damping factor of buildings. Fundamental case studies using SDOF response data revealed that the identification accuracy of the N4SID was lower than those of the ordinary MOESP and the PO-MOESP. This was because the 2-norm of the matrix applied to the noise in the N4SID was larger than the other methods. Finally, the difference in identification accuracy between three methods was verified by using the strong motion records of an RC super high-rise residential building during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake.
永野 正行 渡辺 哲史
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.13, no.26, pp.451-456, 2007-12-20 (Released:2008-08-01)
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Thin layer method is numerically effective tool to evaluate theoretical ground motions due to large-scale seismic fault, especially when fault parmeters have large complexity or soil property gradually varies in depth direction. In spite of those advantages, there remain several problems in connection with its formulation, e.g., discretization artifacts, artifical reflection of waves impinging at the bottom, and numerical instability when epicentral distance is extremely small. This paper describes some modeling techniques to improve these numerical problems and shows its validation. This method is also applied to ground motion evaluation at near-fault, surface faulting and the 2007 Noto Hanto earthquake.
山田 有孝 永野 正行 山添 正稔 三浦 賢治
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.561, pp.73-80, 2002-11-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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The earthquake strong motion arrived from seismic fault via propagating in bedrock and local site. The adequate 3-dimentional dynamic analytical method is required in order to evaluate the seismic risk for the coming large earthquake. The development of computer technology makes it possible to carry out the dynamic analysis of huge 3-dimentional soil model. The finite element method (FEM) applied to space discrete and explicit method applied to time integration is useful. The FEM can represents soil irregularity more rigorous but expense longer computational time. This paper describes the method of FEM and explicit time integration considering multi volumes with variable mesh size and integral time increment. The proposed method demonstrates good computational performance for dynamic analyses of large 3-dimentional soil model. The prediction analyses for earthquake motions in Osaka area during hypothetical Tokai-Nankai earthquake is shown.
源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.61, no.488, pp.39-48, 1996
18 2

To estimate the amplification characteristics of the ground motions in the heavily damaged belt zone in Kobe City during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, 3-D wave propagation analyses of a 2-D deep irregular underground structure model with vertical discontinuity were performed using the hyperelement method for incident plane waves expected from the wavefields due to the source mechanism. The incident waveform at bedrock is evaluated by deconvolution analysis using the observation record at Kobe University. The ground motion at the surface of the Osaka group layers and at ground surface are calculated. The effects of the deep irregular underground structure and shallow surface layers on the ground motion amplification are discussed. The analytical results show that the ground motions in the heavily damaged belt zone were amplified due to the focusing effect in the deep irregular underground structure as well as the shallow surface layers, and that the calculated maximum acceleration distributions coincide closely with the distribution of structural damage.
源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.503, pp.173-174, 1998

The authors thank Dr. Yuzo Shinozaki for his discussion and the answers are as follows. (1) The authors think that the investigated incident wavefield; plane SH wave propagating along the fault axis with vertical incident angle of 45° and 0°, is reasonable considering the radiation pattern of the source mechanism of the earthquake. The SH wave incident analysis in the original paper does not mean the 2-D anti-plane analysis (2) The hyperelement method is adopted to show the ground motion amplification due to the deep irregular underground structure by using possibly simple model at earlier stage investigation because of the computational efficiency in spite that the method reduces the degree of freedom of modelling of actual geologycal structure. One another reason why the authors selected the method is that the scattering wavefield can easily be decomposed from the total wavefiled. (3) The authors think that the ground motion amplification characteristics based on the discussor's model cannot be applied to a discussion of the interpetation of the heavily damaged belt zone because the model is quite different form the geological structure in Kobe City. (4) As for the indicated publications to several journals, the authors had no intention of multiple publications, but they intended to appeal the idea to many persons of various fields; not only earthquake engineers but also seismologists, and not only Japanese but also persons in the world through the journal with world wide distributions.
篠崎 祐三 源栄 正人 永野 正行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.503, pp.171-172, 1998

The main items discussed in the present paper are as follows: 1. Why did the authors assume plane SH waves as an incident wavefield though the heavily damaged belt zone is situated just above the fault sources? 2. Hyperelement method developed about 20 years ago is less applicable to vertical as well as horizontal boundary value problems of deep irregular underground structure than the conventional methods such as FEM and FDM. Why did the authors choose a hyperelement method? 3. Though there was very few earthquake acceleration records observed in the heavily damaged belt zone, the authors concluded without any verification that simulated peak acceleration distributions coincide with roughly estimated observed distributions of structural damages. 4. The authors performed multiple publication.