内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16078, (Released:2018-07-23)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.
池田 英治 内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.263_3, 2019

<p> 本研究の目的は、Collective Efficacy Scale for Basketball for Offense(CESBO、Ikeda et al.、2014)と有意な関係性を持つバスケットボールにおける「パフォーマンス指標」について検討することであった。対象は、国内の大学バスケットボール部及びトップリーグに在籍するチームのうち、それぞれのカテゴリーでのリーグ戦におけるパフォーマンス指標が収集できるチーム(37チーム)及びその対象チームに所属するリーグ戦に出場機会のあった選手(414名)とした。分析に際しては、得られた個々のデータをチームの値として合計し、1つのチームを1サンプルとして捉え、計37チーム(37サンプル)のCESBO及びパフォーマンス指標を算出した。パフォーマンス指標については、単純なゲーム・スタッツの項目以外に、複雑な回帰式等を用いた詳細な客観的指標(アドバンスド・ゲーム・スタッツ)を求め、相関分析の項目として採用することとした。分析の結果、「シュートに関する項目」、「勝敗に関する項目」、「客観的で精度の高い指標」(Bray and Whaley, 2001)が、バスケットボール版CE尺度(CESBO)との強い関係性を表すパフォーマンス指標として導出された。</p>
内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.605-622, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.