草野 佑介 粟屋 智就 齊藤 景子 吉田 健司 井手 見名子 加藤 竹雄 平家 俊男 加藤 寿宏
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.47, no.6, pp.445-448, 2015 (Released:2015-11-20)

Irlen症候群は視知覚の異常が原因とされる読字障害の特殊型である. 特定の遮光レンズ眼鏡やカラーフィルムにより症状が改善することが特徴とされているが, それらの効果には懐疑的な意見も多くIrlen症候群の存在自体にも議論がある. 今回, 我々は羞明などの視覚過敏症状を呈し, 遮光レンズ眼鏡の有無により読字能力が大幅に左右された読字障害の8歳女児を経験した. 遮光レンズ眼鏡がプラセボ効果である心因性視力障害の可能性は完全には否定できないものの, その症状や経過はIrlen症候群の特徴に非常によく合致していた. 本症例では, 遮光レンズ眼鏡非装用下では全く本が読めない状態から, 遮光レンズ眼鏡装用下では年齢相応の読字能力を示し, 何らかの光学的な情報処理の異常が読字に影響を与えていると推察された. Irlen症候群は現在では読字障害, 学習障害全般や一般人口を対照に曖昧にその概念を拡げているが, その科学的な意味付けには本症例のような特徴的な症例を集積する必要がある. 同時に, 遮光レンズ眼鏡という簡便な手法により容易に矯正されうる点で, 学習障害に携わる医療関係者や支援者が記憶しておくべき概念であると考えられる.
内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16078, (Released:2018-07-23)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.
仲澤 翔大 吉田 健司 内山 治樹
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.35, no.2, pp.201-212, 2022-03-20 (Released:2022-05-09)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the level of organizational commitment and the social power of sports coaches, and to identify the social power that coaches can rely on to increase organizational commitment based on that relationship. An online-questionnaire was used in this study, and 464 basketball players enrolled in the Division 1 of Kanto Collegiate Basketball Federation was a target for this study. A total of 166 basketball players participated in a self- administered questionnaire between the 29th of July and the 9th of August, 2020 (response rate: 35.8%). A multiple regression analysis was performed with the level of organizational commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990) as the dependent variable and the five types of power resource (Mori, 2005) as the explanatory (Independent) variable. It was suggested that in order to increase organizational commitment, it is important for coaches to provide guidance that relies on the passion for coaching power and the expert powers.
大神 訓章 佐々木 桂二 児玉 善廣 吉田 健司
山形大學紀要. 教育科學 (ISSN:05134668)
vol.14, no.1, pp.35-47, 2006-02-15

バスケットボールゲームは,対峙する2チーム間で,一定時間プレイし,得点の多寡を競う競技である。ゲームの勝敗を決定する要素として,シュート力,ボールキープ力,リバウンド力等の技術的要素と共に,プレイヤーの身長差等の体格的要素と多岐に亘る。そこで,本研究は,2004年に開催されたアテネオリンピックにおけるアメリカ男子バスケットボールチームの計8ゲームを分析対象とし,高さ(身長)とうまさを数量化し,チーム戦力の分析を試みた。分析方法は,ボックススコアを基に,キープ力,シュート力,リバウンド力を求め,オフェンス力とディフェンス力を算出した。次に,期待値として捉えた核とその変動の幅(ブレ),身長とリバウンド比による大きさ,それぞれの項目のうまさを数量化した。その結果,キープ力・シュート力・リバウンド力において,身長差をうまさで補うことは可能であり,また,身長とリバウンド比による大きさを基に,高さとうまさを分離することは,チーム戦力を高さ抜きで平等に評価するうえで,有効であると思われる。更に,ブレの数値を比較することで,そのチームがどのようなゲーム展開をしているかを推測でき,また,ブレの有無やその大きさによって,チームにおける戦力等の課題把握に客観的な資料を提供した。 This study was analyzed for USA men's team on the hight and skillfulness, about 8 games of the basketball championship on Athens Olympic in 2004. The results may be summarized as follows; 1. In the V score on the hight and rebound rate in USA team, it was 1.12 against PUE,1.19 against ANG, 1.09 against LIT, it was showed USA team was a high numerical value, so it was strong rebound. 2. In the skillfulness of keep, it was showed that ANG was 1.04 in the highest score as compared with the other team. In the skillfulness of shot, LIT was 0.73, so it seemed to show high the shot ability, and in the skillfulness of rebound, USA was the highest score. 3. It was showed that it is possible to the skillfulness cover a hight difference, and it was available to separate skillfulness from hight on equally estimation the value.
吉田 健司
經營學論集 第84集 経営学の学問性を問う (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F59-1-F59-5, 2014 (Released:2019-09-27)

内山 治樹 池田 英治 吉田 健司 町田 洋介 網野 友雄 柏倉 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.605-622, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the causal relationship between the “flow of a game” in basketball, defined as “the situation in which 4 periods, which consist of a division time of 10 minutes, advance gradually while having an influence on each other”, and its outcome, focusing on the interrelationships of the 4 periods. For this purpose, a hypothesis was established that the “flow of a game,” in which “factors causing changes in conditions” cannot be overlooked, consists of 4 periods, each creating opportunities that finally affect the outcome. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis was performed of 1044 periods in 261 games in Japan’s strongest university league, the Kanto Men’s First Division League, based on the following 3 perspectives: (1) the importance of each period; (2) the mutual dependency among the periods; and (3) the relationship between the difference in cumulative scoring and outcome. The results were subjected to logistic regression analysis and covariance structure analysis, and the following 3 points were clarified: (1) Periods that influenced the outcome were the first, third and fourth, ranked in importance as third > first > fourth > second. (2) With regard to mutual dependency among the periods, the points difference in the preceding period in the sequence “first → second (cumulative),” “second (cumulative) → third (cumulative), “third (cumulative) →“fourth” created an opportunity in the following period. (3) A cumulative score difference of less than 8 points by the end of the third period was associated with a high potential for coming back to win. These findings should be applicable to coaching in various games under the official rules of the FIBA as new practical guidelines for closely analyzing the causal relationships between the unique “flow of a game” and outcomes in basketball that take place over 4 periods.