河崎 陽一 松永 尚 千堂 年昭
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.4, pp.286-290, 2009 (Released:2010-07-30)
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The hazardous effects of insoluble microparticles generated in injections has been a matter of concern for some time and recently,plastic ampoules have been developed for injection containers as a means of decreasing particle contamination on opening ampoules.To our knowledge,as no studies have been done on insoluble microparticle contamination arising when plastic ampoules are opened,we performed the present study to compare particle contamination from glass ampoules on opening with that from plastic ones and assessed the contribution of the ampoule material to particle generation.We observed that insoluble microparticle contamination from plastic ampoules was significantly lower than that from glass ampoules and therefore conclude that the amount of insoluble particles appears to be relatedtothematerialoftheampouleand recommend using plastic ampoules to prevent microparticle contamination.
河崎 陽一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.9, pp.1041-1047, 2009-09-01 (Released:2009-09-01)
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The hazardous effects due to the insoluble microparticles generated in the injections have been pointed out. To our knowledge, however, there have been no reports about insoluble microparticulate contamination at ampoule opening. Therefore, we performed this study to evaluate the relationship between time and glass particulate sedimentation to examine the effect of swabbing the ampoule neck on particle generation to clarify the relationship between the inner-diameter size of an ampoule and the amount of glass particulate sedimentation to find out the effect of methods for ampule opening, and compare particle contamination in glass ampoule and that of plastic, after ampoule opening and assessed the contribution of material of ampoule to the particle generation. We observed that the glass particulate contamination of accumulation value at a size over 2 μm increased significantly after 60 seconds, the swabbing the neck of the ampoule prior to opening had a negative effect on prevention of glass particulate contamination, the glass particulate contamination was positively influenced by the inner-diameter size of the ampoule, but not by the thickness of the ampoule walls, the particulate contamination derived from glass significantly increased by general method as well as using ampoule open adaptor compared with our method, and the insoluble microparticulate contamination in plastic ampoule was significantly lower than that in glass ampoule. The present findings might provide an useful information to reduce glass particules after ampoule opening performed in clinical practice.
田坂 健 東恩納 司 三上 奈緒子 日野 隼人 大川 恭昌 武本 あかね 河崎 陽一 村川 公央 北村 佳久 千堂 年昭
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.20, no.5, pp.638-643, 2017-10-31 (Released:2017-10-31)

目的:薬剤師が集中治療室に常駐し,積極的に塩酸バンコマイシン(以下,VCM)の治療薬物モニタリング(以下,TDM)介入を行うことによる効果を明らかにする。方法:薬剤師が常駐する前後で2群に分け,レトロスペクティブに調査を行った。結果:薬剤師の常駐によりVCM血中濃度測定実施率は86.2%から96.5%,シミュレーション解析実施率は24.1%から95.4%へ有意な増加を認めた。血中濃度分布は,トラフ値10μg/mL 未満の割合が24.1%から15.1%へ有意に減少した。一方でトラフ値20 〜25μg/mLの割合が3.7%から15.7%へ有意に増加していた。また,腎障害の発生率は6.5%から2.1%へ減少傾向を示した。結論:ICUにおいて専任薬剤師がVCMのTDM介入を行うことで,TDM実施率の向上とトラフ値が適正化され,VCM適正使用に貢献できることが示唆された。
江角 悟 佐藤 智昭 黒田 智 河崎 陽一 名倉 弘哲 北村 佳久 千堂 年昭
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.2, pp.72-80, 2016 (Released:2016-09-27)

Objective: In drug treatment for pregnant and lactating women, pharmacists need to contribute to adequate drug treatment by collecting much information from various sources.  However, it takes much time to collect information using plural sources.  In this study, we tried to develop a database system which enables expeditiously collecting the domestic and foreign drug use criteria information in order to streamline collecting information for pregnant and lactating women.  In addition, we assessed the utility of the database by comparing the time to collect information using the database to that using each information source and the usability by questionnaires.Methods: We developed a database system that integrates drug information from the FDA Pregnancy Category, Australian categories for prescribing medicines in pregnancy, “Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation,” and Japanese package inserts.  For assessment of the usability of the database, we assessed the time required to collect information and subjective evaluation using the five-method questionnaires.Results: The database significantly reduced the time needed for collecting criteria information and made it possible to compile the information simultaneously from various sources.  The questionnaire survey showed that over 80% of pharmacists and students were satisfied with the database.Conclusion: It is suggested that our database system is useful to efficiently collect drug use criteria information for pregnant and lactating women.
江角 悟 河崎 陽一 猪田 宏美 北村 佳久 千堂 年昭
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.5, pp.649-653, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-05-01)

Pharmacists are required to contribute to evidence-based medicine (EBM) by providing drug information, which can be collected from various sources such as books, websites, and original articles. In particular, information from original articles is needed in some situations. For example, original articles by international researchers are used to aid the management of novel in-hospital preparations on which little knowledge is available. We introduced an information evaluation program, the Okayama University Hospital EBM Model, into the clinical training of 5th-year pharmacy students. It aims to enable students to evaluate the validity of novel in-hospital preparations using original articles. This program has improved students' knowledge of EBM, and the satisfaction level of those enrolled was high. In addition, customer satisfaction analysis revealed that the overall degree of student satisfaction was related to their understanding of the necessity for EBM and the difficulty of practical training. In addition, students' achievements were evaluated using rubrics, and that method allowed the achievements of each student to be assessed appropriately. We hope to revise this program with the aim of improving students' understanding of EBM.
勝部 理早 真鍋 洋平 吉岡 靖史 河崎 陽一 岡崎 昌利 北村 佳久 千堂 年昭
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.2, pp.81-89, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-09-12)

Background: With the marked changes occurring in the medical field, such as rapid population aging, the frequency of one‐dose package use by medication‐dispensing services is increasing. Pharmaceutical companies promote the development of pharmaceutical products that can be identified based on their color, size, and imprinted information to reduce one‐dose packaging errors and difficulties in tablet identification. However, there have not been any studies about the effectiveness of such measures for aiding the identification of tablets in the clinical setting. Therefore, we examined the effects of imprinting on the ease of identification of tablets and capsules. Methods: The study was conducted over a 3‐month period and involved 39 pharmacists aged under 40. The times they needed to transcribe the characters imprinted on each tablet/capsule were measured. Results: The time needed to identify a tablet was significantly shortened by kana printing (p<0.01), whereas more time was required to identify a capsule when the text color was similar to that of the capsule. The observed transcription errors included ‘inaccurately transcribing alphanumeric characters' and ‘omitting units or other information.' Discussion: These results suggest that kana printing is effective at increasing the ease of tablet/capsule identification, which is also affected by the color of the printed text.