加藤 満 浅尾 秀樹 後藤 俊
北海道女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Women's College (ISSN:02890518)
no.30, pp.93-98, 1994

We examined speed oriented and strength oriented characteristics of maximal anaerobicpower in female college physical education majors. A total subject of 28 college students ranging in age from nineteen to twenty were tested. Of these twenty-eight, fourteen of the studentswere actively involved in school sports.The results are summarized as follows:1) As for absolute maximum anaerobic power and maximum anaerobic power per body weight,we could see a difference of p < 0.05 in which students participating in school sports performedbetter than those students who were not2) In regard to the average maximal anaerobic power affected by maximum torque, there was asignificant difference between students involved in school sports and those who were not.3) In terms of factors which influence maximal anaerobic power, students participating in schoolsports a tendency to be more strength oriented than those who were not.4) Evaluating characteristics of anaerobic power output, the group of students involved inschool sports may be strength oriented, while those students not active in school sports may bespeed oriented.It would seem that the effect of regular training on those students participating in schoolsports develops strength that was not apparent in the group not actively involved in a regulartraining regimen.
浅尾 秀樹 須田 力
北方圏生活福祉研究所年報 = Bulletin of Northern Regions Research Center for Human Service Studies (ISSN:1342761X)
no.4, pp.23-27, 1998

「近くて遠い国」ロシア,サハリンと北海道の中高齢者を対象とした比較研究を始めて6年が経過した。前半の3年では共同研究体制づくりが課題であり,後半の3年はユジノ・サハリンスク市の住民を対象とした調査・測定やシンポジウムなどによる研究活動であった。ロシア国立ユジノサハリンスク教育大学(現サハリン大学)の体育教員スタッフとの研究交流を積み上げて今日に至った。これらについて, AOC生涯学習センター公開講座「生活を科学する(雪国の人々の健康)」などで報告してきたが,これまでの成果と今後の展望について紹介する。I,生活福祉に立った研究の推進2,共同研究体制の確立3,北海道女子大学生涯学習システム学部の役割と今後の展望