加藤 満 浅尾 秀樹 後藤 俊
北海道女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Women's College (ISSN:02890518)
no.30, pp.93-98, 1994

We examined speed oriented and strength oriented characteristics of maximal anaerobicpower in female college physical education majors. A total subject of 28 college students ranging in age from nineteen to twenty were tested. Of these twenty-eight, fourteen of the studentswere actively involved in school sports.The results are summarized as follows:1) As for absolute maximum anaerobic power and maximum anaerobic power per body weight,we could see a difference of p < 0.05 in which students participating in school sports performedbetter than those students who were not2) In regard to the average maximal anaerobic power affected by maximum torque, there was asignificant difference between students involved in school sports and those who were not.3) In terms of factors which influence maximal anaerobic power, students participating in schoolsports a tendency to be more strength oriented than those who were not.4) Evaluating characteristics of anaerobic power output, the group of students involved inschool sports may be strength oriented, while those students not active in school sports may bespeed oriented.It would seem that the effect of regular training on those students participating in schoolsports develops strength that was not apparent in the group not actively involved in a regulartraining regimen.
中村 充 水上 優子 青木 法明 梅本 貴之 日渡 美世 池田 達哉 荒木 悦子 船生 岳人 加藤 満 城田 雅毅
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.83, no.2, pp.126-135, 2014 (Released:2014-04-21)
1 1

米の澱粉組成タイプとその製粉特性および吸水特性との関係を解明するために,澱粉組成が異なる 「日本晴」 の準同質遺伝子系統を含む水稲27品種・系統の澱粉組成と製粉特性の米粉粒径,澱粉損傷度,米粉および精米の吸水性を調査し,さらに胚乳細胞組織の形態との関係を検討した.その結果,澱粉組成はDNAマーカー分析も併用して,アミロペクチン超長鎖比率による3タイプ(K,H,Y)と短鎖比率による2タイプ(S,L)の組合せから,KS,KL,HS,HL,YS,YL の6グループに大別された.米粉粒径中央値はアミロペクチン超長鎖比率の低いKタイプが,同比率の高いYタイプより有意に大きく,同比率が米粉粒径に関連していた.澱粉損傷度はYL<(HL,YS)<(KS,HS)のタイプ間で有意差が認められ,アミロペクチン短鎖比率が低くアミロペクチン超長鎖比率が高いと,澱粉損傷度が低くなることが明らかとなった.米粉の飽和吸水率は澱粉損傷度と正の相関があるだけではなく,アミロース含有率と負の相関のあることが精米の吸水性から確認された.澱粉組成の異なる「日本晴」の準同質遺伝子系統(KL,HS,HLタイプ)の玄米白色度を調査し,胚乳細胞組織の形態を走査型電子顕微鏡で観察したところ,KLおよびHLタイプの玄米白色度が高く,アミロプラストや澱粉粒の形態がタイプ間で異なっていた.このため,澱粉組成タイプによって澱粉の蓄積様式が異なり,それが製粉特性に影響している可能性が示唆された.
加藤 満利子
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.29, no.10, pp.1249-1259, 1987-10-25 (Released:2011-03-01)

The autonomic function was evaluated in 18 hypotensives (HP), 22 normotensives (NT) and 16 hypertensives (HT) patients on longterm hemodialysis (HD) and compared with 8 with Shy-Drayger syndrome (SDS), etc. The interbeat interval response to Valsalva maneuver (Vm) was significantly lower in HP than NT (p<0 .01) or HT (p<0.001) and was similar to those of SDS (n, s.).Overshoot in arterial pressure after Vm was positive in HP 8.3%, NT 71.4%, HT 100% and SDS 0%. Among HD patients, HP showed the most serious baroreflex arc dysfunction. However, the response to cold pressor test in HD patients was as same as those of SDS and controls . Clonidine test demonstrated depressor response in HP. Although, the decrease of SBP (p<0 .01) and DBP (p<0, 02) during orthostasis was smaller in HP than SDS, no change of heart rate was observed between HP and SDS. Thus, the afferent or efferent limbs and central sympathetic activity appeared to be intact. Although the decrease of pressor response to angiotensin II independent of PRA levels in HP, the response to norepinephrine (NE) was related to plasma NE levels. Furthermore, motor nerve conduction velocity was delayed in HP in comparison with NT and HT Administration of midodrine raised SBP from 91.0±7.6 to 110.0±27.2 mmHg and DBP from 51.613.4 to 61.8±19.6 mmHg. The results suggest the abnormalities in baroreflex arc and vascular wall contractility with peripheral neuropathy. Therefore, we conclude that, although the sites remained to be clarified, HP show the autonomic disorders and that midodrine seems to be effective on such patients.
中村 紀子 鈴木 康江 田中 政枝 五十嵐 直美 加藤 満利子 金丸 智子 加藤 貞春 中西 祥子 杉野 信博
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.57, no.5, pp.388-388, 1987-05-25

東京女子医科大学学会第269回例会 昭和62年2月19日 東京女子医科大学中央校舎1階会議室