湯沢 雍彦
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.17, pp.173-196, 2001-02

During the last ten years, only Denmark among the developed countries succeeded in increasing the total fertility rate (TFR). It will serve as great reference to Japanese society that suffered from the continuous decline of TFR, to determine the cause of increasing TFR in Denmark by clarifying the relation between TFR and life structure. From August through the beginning of September in 1999, we implemented the field study on this issue in three cities of Elsinore(Helsingor), Odense and Bogense. We visited a Folkeskole (elementary and junior high school), an integrated day care facility for children aged 6 months to 5 yrs old (day nursery and kindergarten), a municipal office, the committee for labor market (Arbejdsskadestyrelsen), etc. We interviewed ten couples with children and observed also three families closely while staying at their homes. Also we made questionnaires on family budget, time budget and life consciousness.The findings are as follows:1. By putting the Social Assistance Act into effect and by revising it thereafter, not only the period of the paid parental leave was extended, but also the facilities for children under nine and child-caring system were well prepared.2. All companies keep up the time of 4 p.m. as the closing time of the day, and parents establish their habits of coming back home straight from jobs after picking up their children at the children's facilities.3. Due to the booming economy since 1993, the income of families has grown up over the rate of inflation. The cost of raising children has not caused families economic burden. It means that families have not been suffering from the cost of child-care.4. In Denmark having many children is perceived as a way to make life lively and enjoyable, and spending time with one's family is considered more important than working.5. The social structure is such that there is no need to save money for education and health care.6. The baby boom generation of 25 ~ 30 years ago is reaching child bearing age. (This fact might have the most direct and the strongest influence on the increasing TFR.)
百瀬 靖子 湯沢 雍彦 末広 和子 内海 すの子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.31, no.7, pp.514-520, 1980

1) 家庭生活の健全度測定指標を構成する目的で, 4側面からなる10領域指標, 100項目にわたる項目・尺度の作成を試みた.<BR>同尺度による一般主婦を対象に測定実施した結果, ストレス, 家族統合, 夫婦関係, 次いで住居・環境領域 (指標) に高い健全度を示した.<BR>2) 指標の妥当性をx<SUP>2</SUP>-検定により求めたところ, ストレス, 家族統合, 夫婦関係, 次いで生活満足感, 住居・環境領域 (指標) に, 高い妥当性を示した.<BR>指標の健全度への影響をφ係数により求めたところ, 全体判断的側面 (家族統合, 生活満足感領域指標) の連関の高さが示された.<BR>3) ステージ別, 家族構成別, 職業の有無別による健全度への影響は, ステージ別-高等教育へ子女を進学させる家庭の健全度は幼稚園児を有する家庭より高い-にやや明確な傾向が現われた以外は, 差がみられなかった. 個々領域では若干の差が現われるものの健全度の低い領域では他の領域で補強することにより平均的な健全度を示した.<BR>4) 以上により, 家族関係領域, 心理的・情緒的領域, 家族意識的領域指標での健全度測定尺度としての妥当性の高さ, と同時に同指標での健全度の高さを認めうる. と同時に, 家庭生活の健全度測定値は, 家庭生活の満足度状況と関係が深いという仮説を実証できた.<BR>5) 今後の課題<BR>若干の項目や尺度を検討・追加すること. 調査対象の幅を広げ, 家庭機能の充足が十分でない家庭や地域, 階層にも及ぶ調査の実施を繰り返し検討すること.これらにより, 信頼性の高い標準化された指標が構成されるものと考えられるからである.
湯沢 雍彦
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.6, no.6, pp.29-36,134, 1994-07-25 (Released:2009-08-04)
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The rerationship between husband and wife in Japan in the 20th century can be categorized into two types; the “Pre-World-War” marital relationship, common among Japanese before the 1950s, and the “Contemporary” common after 1975.In the “Pre-World-War” relationship, people did not marry for romantic love, but rather thought of marriage as a means for realizing stability in their lives.The marital structure of the relationship in general was characterized by the husband's dominance, the clear existence of traditional gender roles among wage earning families, and a lack of emotional function.On the other hand, in the “Contemporary” marital relationship, both men and women place the most emphasis on the free choice of a mate, with the woman's will being more important than the man's when decaiding to marry.For both parties, equal partnership and motional satisfaction are considered to be the most important factors in the relationship.When these goals cannot be realized, the wife generally takes the initiative for a no-fault divorce.There are still many doubts, however, so to whether this type of relationship will become more common in Japanese society.
湯沢 雍彦 鈴木 敏子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.25, no.5, pp.392-400, 1974

1. 安乗の母と子の意識は, 一致率が横浜市より5~30%低く, ズレが大きい.そのの上, 本調査では否定的回答の一致率が高い.<BR>2.母と子別の意識のズレ方では, 両地域の子が母より否定的回答に傾斜している点は同様であるが, 安乗において一層その傾向が著しい.<BR>3.母と子の意識のズレを大きくしている要因は, 4分の1の家族が父親出稼ぎ中であり, 母親の95%が一日平均8時間49分も家庭外労働に従事している.そのうえ親子が一緒に食事をする家族が少なく, 母子の話し合う時間は一日30分以下というのが62%もある。その他親子揃って外出する機会はまれで, 親の世代に比べ子どもは仕事の手伝いをしなくなったなど, これらが親子の接触を乏しいものにしていると考えられる.<BR>4.社会的経済的諸条件の変化が影響して, 漁業継承を期待, 希望する母子は2, 3例にすぎず, 漁業に代わる具体的な将来像や展望も見出していない.したがって, 漁業継承を前提としていた親子関係は動揺しており, それが母と子の意識のズレを大きくしているようである.