熊井 和子 小川 展子 白石 幸枝 物井 寿子 福迫 陽子 広瀬 肇
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.19, no.4, pp.267-273, 1978-10-28 (Released:2010-06-22)
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The purpose of the present study was to analyze and describe the characteristics of speech in dysarthric patients diagnosed as idiopathic Parkinsonism, based on auditory impressions.Eight judges independently rated each of speech samples of 34 patients on each of 39 dimensions of speech using a 4-point scale of severity. The results were as follows;1) Speech of the patients was characterized by those dimensions such as“imprecise consonants”, “harsh voice”, “breathy voice”and“phoneme repeated”.2) In comparison with previous reports on the speech characteristics of cerebellar diseases, pseudobulbar palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the severity of Parkinsonian dysarthria is considered to be relatively mild. It should also be noted that Parkinsonian dysarthria was the only type in which slow rate of speech was insignificant.3) The present results showed a considerable discrepancy when compared with those reported by Darley et al., who conducted a similar study on American English speakers. It was considered that the discrepancy might be due either to the remarkable progress in medical treatment for Parkinsonism during the ten years after the report of Darley et al, or to the linguistic difference between the two languages. On the other hand, quite similar results were obtained for comparable items of a previous report on Japanese patients by Hirose.
遠藤 教子 福迫 陽子 物井 寿子 辰巳 格 熊井 和子 河村 満 廣瀬 肇
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.27, no.2, pp.129-136, 1986-04-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

一側性大脳半球病変における麻痺性 (運動障害性) 構音障害患者26例 (左大脳半球病変群14例, 右大脳半球病変群12例) および, 正常者13例の発話サンプルについて, 5名の評定者が, 聴覚印象に基づき評価した結果, 以下の知見が得られた.1) 今回対象とした麻痺性構音障害群における評価成績は, 正常群とは明らかに異なっており, 話しことばの障害があると判定されたが, 障害の程度は全般に軽度であった.2) 障害の特徴は, 仮性球麻痺と類似していたが, 重症度など異なる面もみられた.3) 障害側を比較すると, 概して左大脳半球病変群の方が重度の障害を示した.4) 病変の大きさと話しことばの重症度との関係は, 明らかではなかった.5) 従来, 大脳半球病変による麻痺性構音障害は, 病変が両側性の場合に出現するとされていたが, 今回の結果は一側性病変でも出現し得るということを示唆するものであった.