戸塚 元吉 福迫 陽子 笹沼 澄子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.24, no.4, pp.257-269, 1983-10-25 (Released:2011-01-31)

左側脳硬塞による失語症患者69例 (年齢28~81歳) の失語症検査成績と脳のCT所見との関係について, 側面図に投影する方法を用いて集計し, 以下の知見を得た.1.多くの検査項目において側頭葉の関与が大きかった.2.前頭葉と特に密接な関連にあったのは次の下位検査であった.すなわち, 「嚥下機能」, 「軟口蓋の運動性」, 「単音節のくり返し」, 「音韻変化」, 「流暢性」である.また側頭葉, 頭頂葉下半部と特に密接な関連が示されたのは「復唱」であった.3.入・出力モダリティーが同じ下位検査であっても, 言語処理の複雑さ, ないしレベルの差異によって脳の関与のしかたが異なっていた.4.検査遂行にあたっての入・出力モダリティーや言語処理の複雑さ, ないしはレベルが異なっているにもかかわらず, その差異が今回の結果に反映されない下位検査も認められた.
笹沼 澄子 福迫 陽子
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
リハビリテーション医学 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.9, no.2, pp.79-89, 1972-04-18 (Released:2009-10-28)
35 35

The recovery processes of 72 out of the 269 aphasic patients studied in PART I were investigated longitudinally by means of following up the rate (and direction) of the change of each of the five factors obtained in PART I. Measurement was taken of the increase and decrease of the factor scores estimated for each patient at each of the successive re-testings. The length of the follow-up period ranged from one to 32 months after the initial evaluation.Each factor seemed to have its characteristic mode of change in time. Factor 1 (the general factor of language behavior) had a tendency to exhibit subnormal scores in the majority of subjects at the initial evaluation, but to show a greatest possibility of improvement for a longest period of time (1.5 years since onset). The rest of the factors tended to be more variable in the kinds of subjects exhibiting subnormal scores as well as in the rate and degree of improvement. The clinical types of aphasia appeared to serve as a crutial variable in predicting the overall patterns of improvement of the five factors in individual patients.The findings seemed to give a further support for the neuro-physiological interpretation of the five factors suggested in PART I. The necessity of increased specificity in our diagnostic and therapeutic procedures was emphasized, and the possible use of the factor analysis technique for this purpose was reiterated.
福迫 陽子 笹沼 澄子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.19, no.2, pp.174-189, 1978-04-15 (Released:2010-06-22)

The purpose of the present investigation was to construct a short test of aphasia on the basis of factor analysis and to examine its clinical usefulness.As a first step, we performed the factor analysis of the test scores obtained from the administration of the long test to 180 consecutive patients, which resulted in the identification of the following factors; F1: Word Comprehension, F2: Language Behavior, F3: Phonological Processing, F4: Motor Functions of Speech Organs, F5: Visuomotor Ability, F6: Numerical Concept, F7: Calculation, and F8: Fluency.Secondly, in accordance with the rules of reducing the size of a test battery without transforming the factor structure of that battery, we reduced 56 subtests in the original version to 16.The test scores of the 180 patients on these 16 subtests, then, were put into another factor analysis. The results showed that the factor structure obtained with the shortened test was highly similar to that obtained with the original, longer battery.Examination of clinical usefulness of the shortened test in terms of its ability 1) to classify the patients into major clinical types and 2) to evaluate their severity levels indicated that the short test is quite similar to the original long test in both of these abilities.On the basis of these findings it was tentatively concluded that the new short test of aphasia was a useful tool for screening aphasic patients in a relatively short period of time (approx. 30 min.) as well as for malting a rough estimation on major clinical types and severity of aphasic impairments.
福迫 陽子 物井 寿子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.25, no.4, pp.308-320, 1984-10-25 (Released:2010-06-22)
4 4

失語症の言語訓練経過を知ることを目的に, 言語症状の変化がプラトーに到達した脳血管障害性失語症患者111例 (全例右利き左脳損傷) について失語症鑑別診断検査 (老研版) の総得点を指標として検討し, 以下の知見を得た.(1) 失語症患者の言語訓練経過, すなわちプラトー到達期間, プラトー到達時総得点, および訓練開始時総得点とプラトー到達時総得点の相関はタイプによって差異が認められた.(2) 言語訓練経過は年齢によって差異が認められた.すなわち, まず, 老年群は壮年群に比べて改善度が小さく, つぎに, タイプ内における年齢差については差の認められるタイプとそうでないタイプが認められた.(3) 改善度は言語訓練開始時期が早いほど大きかったが, プラトー到達期間やプラトー到達時総得点には差が認められなかった.(4) 言語訓練経過と性との間には関係は認められなかった.
福迫 陽子 物井 寿子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.25, no.4, pp.295-307, 1984-10-25 (Released:2010-06-22)
6 6

失語症の言語訓練経過を知ることを目的に, 脳血管障害性失語症患者275例 (全例右利き左脳損傷) について失語症鑑別診断検査 (老研版) の総得点を指標として検討し, 以下の知見を得た.(1) 失語症の言語訓練経過はタイプによって差異が認められた.(3) タイプ内における言語訓練経過には, 老年群と壮年群の間で差異が認められるタイプと, そうでないタイプがあった.(3) 言語訓練に伴って症状の変化が認められる期間は, 発症後18カ月以内が多かったが, タイプや年齢によって異なり, また個人差も認められた.(4) 言語訓練を中断した症例では, 中断前後で改善は認められなかった.(5) 再発作・手術例では, 再発作・手術後, 全例で失語症状は悪化し, またタイプもより重篤なタイプへ移る傾向が認められた.
物井 寿子 福迫 陽子 笹沼 澄子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.20, no.4, pp.299-312, 1979-10-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

Phonemic and sub-phonemic analyses were made of speech sound errors exhibited by 3 conduction and 3 Broca's aphasic patients in naming and word repetition tasks. The results indicated the following:1) In both the naming and word repetition tasks, errors for the conduction aphasics oc-curred both in consonants and vowels, while errors for the Broca's aphasics occurred selecti-vely for consonants.2) In both the naming and repetition tasks, the percentages of substitution errors and transposition errors in the conduction aphasics were 44% and 44%, respectively; in the Broca's aphasics, however, they were 71% and 17%, respectively.3) An analysis of the substitution errors in terms of the distinctive feature framework showed that the Broca's aphasics most frequent error sounds (50% of all errors) were those which were different from the target sounds only by one feature in both the naming and repetition tasks. In the conduction aphasics, on the other hand, errors were distributed almost at random in terms of the feature distance in the naming task, while the frequency of one-feature errors increased somewhat in the repetition task.On the basis of these findings, it was hypothesized that the differences in error patterns between the two types of aphasia reflected differences in the underlying mechanisms of the impairment in each type, i.e., in the conduction aphasics impairment at the level of phonological processing (phoneme retrieval and sequencing) was responsible for their speech sound errors, while in the Broca's aphasics impairment at the phonetic level of the speech production process (programming of articulatory movements), in addition to impairment at the phonological level (phoneme retrieval), was responsible for their errors.
熊井 和子 小川 展子 白石 幸枝 物井 寿子 福迫 陽子 広瀬 肇
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.19, no.4, pp.267-273, 1978-10-28 (Released:2010-06-22)
1 1

The purpose of the present study was to analyze and describe the characteristics of speech in dysarthric patients diagnosed as idiopathic Parkinsonism, based on auditory impressions.Eight judges independently rated each of speech samples of 34 patients on each of 39 dimensions of speech using a 4-point scale of severity. The results were as follows;1) Speech of the patients was characterized by those dimensions such as“imprecise consonants”, “harsh voice”, “breathy voice”and“phoneme repeated”.2) In comparison with previous reports on the speech characteristics of cerebellar diseases, pseudobulbar palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the severity of Parkinsonian dysarthria is considered to be relatively mild. It should also be noted that Parkinsonian dysarthria was the only type in which slow rate of speech was insignificant.3) The present results showed a considerable discrepancy when compared with those reported by Darley et al., who conducted a similar study on American English speakers. It was considered that the discrepancy might be due either to the remarkable progress in medical treatment for Parkinsonism during the ten years after the report of Darley et al, or to the linguistic difference between the two languages. On the other hand, quite similar results were obtained for comparable items of a previous report on Japanese patients by Hirose.
遠藤 教子 福迫 陽子 物井 寿子 辰巳 格 熊井 和子 河村 満 廣瀬 肇
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.27, no.2, pp.129-136, 1986-04-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

一側性大脳半球病変における麻痺性 (運動障害性) 構音障害患者26例 (左大脳半球病変群14例, 右大脳半球病変群12例) および, 正常者13例の発話サンプルについて, 5名の評定者が, 聴覚印象に基づき評価した結果, 以下の知見が得られた.1) 今回対象とした麻痺性構音障害群における評価成績は, 正常群とは明らかに異なっており, 話しことばの障害があると判定されたが, 障害の程度は全般に軽度であった.2) 障害の特徴は, 仮性球麻痺と類似していたが, 重症度など異なる面もみられた.3) 障害側を比較すると, 概して左大脳半球病変群の方が重度の障害を示した.4) 病変の大きさと話しことばの重症度との関係は, 明らかではなかった.5) 従来, 大脳半球病変による麻痺性構音障害は, 病変が両側性の場合に出現するとされていたが, 今回の結果は一側性病変でも出現し得るということを示唆するものであった.
鈴木 勉 物井 寿子 福迫 陽子
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.31, no.2, pp.159-171, 1990

失語症患者に対する仮名訓練法を開発した.これは, 単音節語 (漢字1文字で表記) をキーワードとし, その意味想起の手がかりとして, キーワードを初頭に含む複合語 (ヒント) を利用する方法である.<BR>本法を3例の失語症患者 (重~中等度ブローカ失語2例, ウエルニッケ失語1例) に実施したところ, 3例とも仮名1文字の書取り及び音読能力に改善が認められた.ただし到達レベルは, 単語から文章まで症例により異なった.<BR>本法は, 多音節語をキーワードとした仮名訓練では成果の上がらなかった重度例にも適応可能であった.本法の適応のある患者は, 次の3条件, すなわち (1) 漢字の書字の学習力が保たれている, (2) 単語の復唱が可能, (3) 訓練意欲が高い, を満たす患者であった.
福迫 陽子 遠藤 教子 紺野 加奈江 長谷川 和子 辰巳 格 正木 信夫 河村 満 塩田 純一 廣瀬 肇
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.31, no.2, pp.209-217, 1990
2 2

脳血管障害後の痙性麻痺性構音障害患者のうち, 2ヵ月以上言語訓練をうけた24例 (平均年齢61.6歳) の言語訓練後の話しことばの変化を聴覚印象法 (日本音声言語医学会検査法検討委員会による基準) を用いて評価し, 以下の結果を得た.<BR>(1) 0.5以上の評価点の低下 (改善) が認められた上位7項目は, 順に「明瞭度」「母音の誤り」「子音の誤り」「異常度」「発話の程度―遅い」「段々小さくなる」「抑揚に乏しい」であった.<BR>(2) 重症度 (異常度+明瞭度の和) は24例中16例, 約7割に何らかの改善が認められた.<BR>(3) 一方, 「音・音節がバラバラに聞こえる」「努力性」「速さの程度―遅い」などでは評価点の上昇 (悪化) も認められた.<BR>(4) 症状の変化は症例によって多様であった.
綿森 淑子 竹内 愛子 福迫 陽子 宮森 孝史 鈴木 勉 遠藤 教子 伊藤 元信 笹沼 澄子
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.23-33, 1989-01-18

Sixty-five patients with dementia were evaluated with 1) The Japanese CADL (a measure for functional communication), 2) abbreviated version of the Roken Test of Higher Cortical Functions (a measure for dementia severity) and 3) a checklist of behavior observed during the test sessions. The results were as follows : 1) The degree of functional communication ability was proportional to the degree of dementia severity (r=0.87,p<0.001).2) Analysis of subtests revealed that dementia patients at early stages failed to respond appropriately to the communication activities that require multiple steps of information processing (i.e., buying a ticket using a ticket vending machine). On the other hand, highly automated communication behavior such as greetings and saying own name were preserved in the severst patients.3) When the groups of senile dementia patients (N=17) and vascular dementia patients(N=48) were compared, no differences were observed on the dementia severity. However, senile group was lower in functional communication ability which was particularly noticeable on the tasks that require utilization of contextual information and abstract thinking. They also showed more anxiety toward the test situation than vascular group.4) When dementia and aphasia patients matched for the CADL total scores were compared, significant differences were found between the subtest profiles. Dementia patients were inferior to aphasia patients on the subtests that require utilization of contexual information, the ability of numerical operation and the ability of visuospatial information processing. Aphasia patients were inferior to dementia patients on the subtests that directly tap linguistic functions.