大畠 雅之 田中 朋子 中越 享 永安 武
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.40, no.5, pp.687-690, 2004-08-20 (Released:2017-01-01)

症例は11ヵ月の男児.犬吠様咳嗽と発熱にて発症し胸部単純レントゲン写真で右中・下葉無気肺と上葉の過膨張を認めた.酸素投与,去痰剤投与を行ったが症状改善せず,気管支内祝鏡検査を行った.気管支ファイバーにて右中・下葉枝人口部に粘液栓を認め,硬性気管支鏡による異物鉗子にて摘出した.摘出標本は長さ4cmの白色ゴム状で中葉・下葉枝の気管支鋳型を呈していた.病理学的には炎症細胞浸潤を主体とする粘液様,フィブリン様物質でplastic bronchitisと診断された.術後呼吸状態は著明に改善し,その後の検査にて気管支系に異常を認めていない.
西野 治身 田中 朋子 土肥 祥子 伊木 雅之 梶田 悦子 日下 幸則 鏡森 定信
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.4, pp.807-815, 1994-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
4 2

Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (BMD) and biochemical markers for bone turnover were examined to study the mechanisms of age-related and menopause-related bone loss. We measured BMD of the lumbar spine and serum bone alkaline phosphatase (B-AlP) and bone gla-protein (BGP) as markers of bone formation and fasting urinary creatinine-adjusted hydroxyproline (Hyp/Cr) and calcium (Ca/Cr) as those of bone resorption in 166 community-dwelling Japanese women.A highly significant positive correlation between age and each of the biochemical markers, except for Ca/Cr, was observed. This relationship was not linear. Marked elevation in the levels of the markers was found in women in their sixth decade women compared with those in their fifth.All the markers correlated inversely with the BMD and these relationships remained significant after elimination of the effect of age by partialization. When analyzing the subjects in each five-year age group, the positive correlation of Hyp/Cr with Ca/Cr was significant in the subjects aged 45 to 49 and the negative correlation of Hyp/Cr with BMD was significant in those aged 50 to 54. B-AlP correlated positively with BGP in the subjects aged between 50 and 54 and inversely with BMD in those aged between 55 and 59. These correlations were significant. Thus, intercorrelations between the markers were observed five years earlier than were correlations between the markers and BMD. Such associations appeared earlier in terms of the markers for bone resorption than in terms of the markers for bone formation.In the subjects aged 50 to 54 who had encountered menopause more than three years previously, BGP and Hyp/Cr were elevated compared with those in the premenopausal women of similar age and a significant correlation between Hyp/Cr and BMD was observed. Therefore, menopause seemed to account for the uncoupled activation in the bone metabolism found in the subjects around 50 years of age.The decrease in bone mass observed in our subjects around 50 years of age as a result of uncoupling of bone formation and resorption was suggested to be initiated by activation of bone resorption caused by menopause preceding activation of bone formation.