王 紅兵 鏡森 定信
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.69, no.2, pp.81-102, 2006 (Released:2010-04-30)

The studies on spa's health promotion effects on healthy or slightly unhealthy persons published in past two decades in Japan have been reviewed. Multidimensional findings from these studies have suggested that the spa resort using may have the effects of increasing and retention of skin and body temperature, improving peripheral circulation function, lowering blood pressure, improving gastrointestinal hormones secretion and increasing gastric mucosal blood flow, bettering metabolism, regulating the function of immune system, regulating the balance of autonomous nervous and internal secretion systems, relieving stress and relaxing, improving the quality of life (QOL), relieving the symptoms of those who are slightly unhealthy, promoting physical strength and fitness, promoting the well-being of the aged, reducing medical expenses of individuals or the community, keeping skin in good shape and restraining the skin's aging.Of the 58 papers reviewed, the studies of hot spring bathing effects on increasing and retention of skin and body temperature, improving peripheral circulation function and lowering blood pressure were the most in numbers (12 papers, 20.7%), and then the studies of relieving the symptoms of those who were slightly unhealthy (10 papers, 17.2%). Case-control studies (26 papers, 44.8%) were the most used study designs, and then the clinical observation (20 papers, 34.5%). No findings from any one study reviewed in this paper showed that the spa resort using had definite evidence of health promotion effects. Probable effects were suggested from 32 studies (55.2%), but findings from the rest ones (26 papers, 44.8%) showed little evidence to support this consideration. Recently randomized controlled trials (RCT) had been used in studying the health effects of spa resort using in Japan and showed significantly better effects in the intervention group. However, the intervention methods used in the studies were comprehensive health education combing the instructions in appropriate ways of hot spring bathing and education on lifestyle and exercise. It was difficult, if not impossible, to separate the effect of hot spring bathing alone from the combination. The outcomes as effects used in the studies were blood profile, physique and other non-specific items. It may be also difficult to design and carry out a near perfect RCT study on the health promotion effects of spa resort using in field in the future. However, based on experience from past studies it is practicable and important to purse better epidemiological methods such as randomizing and crossover design. On the other side, as specific readers can be influenced marvelously by one book, the health conditions of users may be improved greatly and continuously by some spa. While evidence-based health care places emphasis on RCT, it is also extremely important to inspect the health promotion effects of spa using systematically and rapidly from the viewpoint of narrative-based health care.
鏡森 定信
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.69, no.4, pp.223-233, 2006 (Released:2010-04-30)

In Japan, balneotherapy is now on fashion as one of complementary therapies. Nevertheless, in the ageing society, we are facing to needs in relation to evidence-based health care on every direction. This paper reviews current articles on the use of balneotherapy in health care.We made a systematic review on related articles in the Medline and Cochrane Library database from 1966 to 2005 that included randomized controlled and non-randomized clinical trials using balneotherapy. We also tried to classify spas in determining the chemical composition and their health effects. Ten kinds of spas (acidic, salty, sulfur, magnesium, carbon dioxide, arsenical-ferruginose, selenium, radon, sulfate, bicarbonate) were classified, and three disorders such as skin, joint/muscleskelton and circulatory system have been mainly treated by balneothrapy. In half of articles, randomized controlled trial appeared as the comparative method.In future, certain developed methods are requested to investigate effects of spas consisting of huge diversity of chemical content.
デイリシャト ヤ アイルトン ツ イバデト レ アイカン サ マリヤ サ 関根 道和 鏡森 定信
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.65, no.2, pp.107-113, 2002 (Released:2010-04-30)

砂療は, 中国のトルファンにおける自然条件を利用した, ウイグル医学の病気の治療方法の一つである。本研究では心拍, 血圧, 体温及び体重の砂療の効果について, 様々な患者や慢性関節リウマチ患者の症例について検討した。砂の温度が50-60℃の砂療により, 心拍, 収縮期血圧, 体温はいずれも統計的に有意に上昇した (それぞれ16.3±7.5/分, 4.1±16.6mmHg, 1.0±0.2℃)。大部分の患者では砂療終了10分後には心拍, 血圧, 体温は砂療前の状能に回した。しかし一部分の患者さんでは回復はみられなかった。したがって, 高血圧患者は砂療時に特に注意が必要である。なお, 砂療一時間後には, 体重は有意に減少した (1.5±3.8kg)。30例の慢性関節リウマチ患者では, 15日間の砂療後で, 21例 (70.0%) は関節の痛みが軽減した。しかし5例 (16.7%) では変化がなく, 4例 (13.3) は途中で関節の痛みで砂療を中止した。以上の結果から, 砂療は慢性関節リウマチ患者に効果のある可能性を示した。
木林 悦子 鏡森 定信
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.60, no.3, pp.145-153, 2002

栄養疫学研究に役立てることを目的として, 20歳女子の食事によるタウリン摂取量と食品群別摂取量の関連より, 魚介類及びレバー摂取量を用いたタウリン摂取量の推定式の開発を試みた。さらに, タウリン摂取量の季節変動や日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるために必要な食事調査日数, 推定式の交差妥当性についても検討を行い, 以下の結論を得た。<br>1) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数とし, その他の食品群別摂取量 (動物性食品及び海藻類) を独立変数とする重回帰分析の結果, 82%が説明され, タウリン摂取量と魚介類摂取量の間には, 標準偏回帰係数0.60(<i>p</i><0.001), レバー摂取量との間には, 0.52(<i>p</i><0.001)で有意な関連が認められたが, その他の食品群については, 関連が認められなかった。<br>2) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類別 (6分類) 摂取量及びレバー摂取量を独立変数とし, 夏 (6~7月) と冬 (12~1月) の食事調査結果をそれぞれについて重回帰分析し, 比較した結果, 夏と冬のいずれにおいてもタウリン摂取量と魚類摂取量, いか・たこ類摂取量の間に関連が認められたが, タウリン摂取量と貝類及びえび・かに類との間には, 冬においてのみ, レバー摂取量については, 夏においてのみ関連が認められた。<br>3) 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を算出するのに必要な食事調査日数は, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下で176日であった。<br>4) 夏と冬の食事調査結果をもとに算出した1日の食事中タウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類及びレバー摂取量又は魚介類別及びレバー摂取量を独立変数として重回帰分析を行い, タウリン摂取量の推定式を検討した結果,"タウリン摂取量(mg/day)=1.909×魚類摂取量(g/day)+6.798×貝類摂取量(g/day)+2.867×その他魚介類摂取量(g/day)+22.95×レバー摂取量(g/day)+14.02"となった (決定係数が73.5%)。<br>以上, 魚類摂取量, 貝類摂取量, その他魚介類摂取量(えび・かに類, いか・たこ類, その他) 及びレバー摂取量から, タウリン摂取量の推定式は, 他の地域の対象者での交差妥当性の検討からも, 20~21歳女子学生において, タウリン摂取量推定の精度, 妥当性も高いものを得ることができた。また, 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるには, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下の誤差範囲で176日以上の食事調査をもとに算出する必要性が示唆された。今後, さらに幅広い年齢層や男性においても活用できる食事中タウリン摂取量の推定式の検討を考えている。
木林 悦子 鏡森 定信
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.60, no.3, pp.145-153, 2002-06-01 (Released:2010-02-09)
1 1

栄養疫学研究に役立てることを目的として, 20歳女子の食事によるタウリン摂取量と食品群別摂取量の関連より, 魚介類及びレバー摂取量を用いたタウリン摂取量の推定式の開発を試みた。さらに, タウリン摂取量の季節変動や日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるために必要な食事調査日数, 推定式の交差妥当性についても検討を行い, 以下の結論を得た。1) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数とし, その他の食品群別摂取量 (動物性食品及び海藻類) を独立変数とする重回帰分析の結果, 82%が説明され, タウリン摂取量と魚介類摂取量の間には, 標準偏回帰係数0.60(p<0.001), レバー摂取量との間には, 0.52(p<0.001)で有意な関連が認められたが, その他の食品群については, 関連が認められなかった。2) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類別 (6分類) 摂取量及びレバー摂取量を独立変数とし, 夏 (6~7月) と冬 (12~1月) の食事調査結果をそれぞれについて重回帰分析し, 比較した結果, 夏と冬のいずれにおいてもタウリン摂取量と魚類摂取量, いか・たこ類摂取量の間に関連が認められたが, タウリン摂取量と貝類及びえび・かに類との間には, 冬においてのみ, レバー摂取量については, 夏においてのみ関連が認められた。3) 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を算出するのに必要な食事調査日数は, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下で176日であった。4) 夏と冬の食事調査結果をもとに算出した1日の食事中タウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類及びレバー摂取量又は魚介類別及びレバー摂取量を独立変数として重回帰分析を行い, タウリン摂取量の推定式を検討した結果,“タウリン摂取量(mg/day)=1.909×魚類摂取量(g/day)+6.798×貝類摂取量(g/day)+2.867×その他魚介類摂取量(g/day)+22.95×レバー摂取量(g/day)+14.02”となった (決定係数が73.5%)。以上, 魚類摂取量, 貝類摂取量, その他魚介類摂取量(えび・かに類, いか・たこ類, その他) 及びレバー摂取量から, タウリン摂取量の推定式は, 他の地域の対象者での交差妥当性の検討からも, 20~21歳女子学生において, タウリン摂取量推定の精度, 妥当性も高いものを得ることができた。また, 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるには, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下の誤差範囲で176日以上の食事調査をもとに算出する必要性が示唆された。今後, さらに幅広い年齢層や男性においても活用できる食事中タウリン摂取量の推定式の検討を考えている。
西野 治身 田中 朋子 土肥 祥子 伊木 雅之 梶田 悦子 日下 幸則 鏡森 定信
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.4, pp.807-815, 1994-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (BMD) and biochemical markers for bone turnover were examined to study the mechanisms of age-related and menopause-related bone loss. We measured BMD of the lumbar spine and serum bone alkaline phosphatase (B-AlP) and bone gla-protein (BGP) as markers of bone formation and fasting urinary creatinine-adjusted hydroxyproline (Hyp/Cr) and calcium (Ca/Cr) as those of bone resorption in 166 community-dwelling Japanese women.A highly significant positive correlation between age and each of the biochemical markers, except for Ca/Cr, was observed. This relationship was not linear. Marked elevation in the levels of the markers was found in women in their sixth decade women compared with those in their fifth.All the markers correlated inversely with the BMD and these relationships remained significant after elimination of the effect of age by partialization. When analyzing the subjects in each five-year age group, the positive correlation of Hyp/Cr with Ca/Cr was significant in the subjects aged 45 to 49 and the negative correlation of Hyp/Cr with BMD was significant in those aged 50 to 54. B-AlP correlated positively with BGP in the subjects aged between 50 and 54 and inversely with BMD in those aged between 55 and 59. These correlations were significant. Thus, intercorrelations between the markers were observed five years earlier than were correlations between the markers and BMD. Such associations appeared earlier in terms of the markers for bone resorption than in terms of the markers for bone formation.In the subjects aged 50 to 54 who had encountered menopause more than three years previously, BGP and Hyp/Cr were elevated compared with those in the premenopausal women of similar age and a significant correlation between Hyp/Cr and BMD was observed. Therefore, menopause seemed to account for the uncoupled activation in the bone metabolism found in the subjects around 50 years of age.The decrease in bone mass observed in our subjects around 50 years of age as a result of uncoupling of bone formation and resorption was suggested to be initiated by activation of bone resorption caused by menopause preceding activation of bone formation.
賈漢 沙比提 鏡森 定信 王 紅兵 胡 莉珍 新村 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.73, no.4, pp.153-162, 2007-07-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

As the aging society is developing all over the world quickly, the problems related to health and longevity become important and persistent. The purpose of this study was to compare the demographical status between senior citizens in Xinjiang, China and in Okinawa and Nagano, Japan, where are well-known as longevity areas, and nature and culture are extremely different. We used Japanese national census for 1985-2000 and Chinese national census for 1982-2000. Chi-square test and life expectancy of survival analysis were performed to compare the proportion of 65 years or more and the centenarian people per 100, 000 and life expectancy between China (Xinjiang) and Japan (Okinawa, Nagano). The following results were obtained 1) The proportions of the centenarian people in Xinjiang in 1982 were more than those in Japan in 1985 for both men and women. In 2000, the proportions of centenarian people in Xinjiang were more in men, and less in women (except for the figure based on population aged 65years or more) compared to those in Japan. 2) In Xinjiang, 2000, the proportion of centenarian people became greater, and men were still dominant to women, but the life expectancy for each age group was shorter in men than those in women. In Japan, both proportion of centenarian people and life expectancy were more in women than those in men. 3) In 2000, the life expectancy of 0-79 years old men in Nagano was 0.1-7.7 years longer than that in Xinjiang for each year group, but the ? 80 years old men was 1.3-2.5 years shorter in Nagano than that in Xinjiang. The life expectancy of 0-89 years old women was 0.5-12.5 years longer in Okinawa than in Xinjiang for each year group, and that of ? 90 years old women was inversed with 0.8-1.2 years between the two.