阪本 真基 上野 敦志 田窪 朋仁
研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:21888736)
vol.2016-GI-35, no.12, pp.1-6, 2016-03-01

本論文では,自然言語によって対話を行うコミュニケーションゲーム 「人狼」 において,機械学習を用いてプレイヤの発言から役職の推定を行う手法を提案する.学習データはオンラインで提供される 「人狼 BBS」 のプレイログを用いた.プレイヤの発言を文書としてまとめ,word2vec を用いて単語の意味の類似性を考慮したベクトル表現を獲得する.獲得したベクトル表現を用いて,進行中のプレイヤの発言に基づいてプレイヤのベクトルを求め,k 近傍法,SVM により人狼の役職の推定を行い,交差検証により評価し考察した.
田窪 朋仁 吉岡 健伸 新井 健生 前 泰志 大原 賢一
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.759, pp.2996-3004, 2009-11-25

Leg-wheel hybrid locomotion on rough terrain for a hexapod robot is realized by continuous transition between wheeled and legged locomotion based on sensor feedback. In basic positioning on a flat surface, the robot is supported by three legs and moves using its wheels. Upon sensing an obstacle, the robot's support and swing legs change as a tripod gait to cross over the obstacle. We define the three dimensional model of the motion on a slope for stability estimation, and its analysis indicates that the maximum obstacle height depends on the robot's height and the slope gradient. Even if the slope is steep, the robot can climb over a higher step on it by moving the robot's center of gravity (COG) based on the analysis. The experimental results on ASTERISK H confirm the advantage of proposed motion by comparing to the fixed COG motion.
田窪 朋仁 西井 一敏 井上 健司 新井 健生
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan (ISSN:02891824)
vol.25, no.3, pp.457-465, 2007-04-15
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Marionette system provides an intuitive teleoperation system for the difficulty controlling whole-body motion of a multi-joint robot and the complicated observation of its condition. This system employs a small robot which has similar form to a control target as an operating/displaying device, so that the device provides an operational feeling like manipulating a doll, so it is named Marionette Device. Since the characteristics of the Marionette device and the target robot are synchronized bilaterally in the system, the operation of Marionette device is reflected intuitively in the target, and the robot motion is also displayed simultaneously by the Marionette device. In this paper, we develop a humanoid type device as Marionette device in order to operate a humanoid robot HRP-2 and implement a whole-body teleoperation method. The remote walking and manipulation experiments in an unknown environment are introduced. In this experiment, the operator should guess the remote environment using a head camera view and control legs and arms by the Marionette device. We propose a new operation method for controlling foot position and leg joints with the Marionette device. It makes possible to walk by pointing a foot stamp step by step in a stable place. To show the effectiveness of the proposed system, we compare another teleoperating system which employs a joystick and a 3DCG display for control and understanding the state of remote robot. The experimental result shows effectiveness of the Marionette system and it has potential of teleoperating humanoid robots with other devices for complementing each other.
田窪 朋仁 上撫 琢也 前 泰志 新井 健生 大原 賢一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.78, no.793, pp.3186-3201, 2012 (Released:2012-09-25)

A new convergence calculation method of the Normal Distributions Transform (NDT) scan matching for high resolution of grid maps is proposed. NDT scan matching algorithm usually has a good effect on large grids, so it is difficult to generate the detailed map with small grids. The proposed method employs Interactive Closest Point(ICP) algorithm to find corresponding point, and it also enlarges the convergence area by modifying the eigenvalue of normal distribution so that the evaluation value is driven effectively for the pairing data. In addition, outlier elimination process is implemented to the scanning for sub-grid scale objects. The scanning data from Laser Range Finder(LRF) have error but its set of detected small objects can be clustered to determine the Center of Mass(CoM) and the outlier data. The outlier commonly locates behind true points and it can be eliminated when the robot observes from other points. Experimental result shows the effectiveness of the proposed convergence algorithm and the outlier elimination method.
常見 一樹 上野 敦志 田窪 朋仁 辰巳 昭治
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

上川 健司 新井 健生 前 泰志 田窪 朋仁 井上 健司
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.28, no.2, pp.231-240, 2010 (Released:2012-01-25)
1 3

This paper proposes a new locomotion algorithm of narrow scaffold. We have developed a limb-mechanism robot. The limb can move on a large working area, it can be used as an arm and a leg. ASTERISK Robot system has six limbs that radiate out in six directions. This robot system has the rotational symmetry, therefore, the posture is equivalent even if the robot body rotates. By using this feature, we propose a new movement algorithm “rotational gait” that the robot rotates like a wheel. The rotational gait can be applied to the robot that hanging on a cable, moving on narrow shelf of a cliff, and walking in a narrow space by the same algorithm. The operation and effectiveness of these algorithms were verified by the experiment. The movement algorithm is easy pattern operation that keeps stable state at all periods. And the robot can move without doing a high-speed real-time processing.