直井 愛里
近畿大学臨床心理センター紀要 = Bulletin of center for clinical psychology Kinki University
no.2, pp.35-40, 2009-09-01

[要約] トップアスリートは、成功するために身体的、精神的に自分自身を追い込むため、怪我をしたり、慢性の痛みに耐えながら競技を続けることが多い。本論文では、アスリートのストレッサーの1つであるスポーツ傷害を心理的な側面から考察した。まず、スポーツ傷害の発生に関わる心理的要因について、ストレスー傷害モデルを用いて説明し、受傷後の心理的反応、怪我をしたアスリートへの心理スキルトレーニングの効果、復帰後の心理的反応について検討した。さらに、アスリートに対する心理サポートを充実させるために必要な環境や教育について検討した。
本岡 寛子 植田 恵未 大対 香奈子 堀田 美保 直井 愛里
近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied Sociology Research Review KINDAI UNIVERSITY (ISSN:21866260)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-11, 2019-09-30

[Abstract]In recent years, while the number of students entering to universities has continuously increased, 20 to 30% of those have dropped out before graduation (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, 2014). Unwilling admission tends to cause maladaptation to university life. Nevertheless, some of those with unwillingness seem to improve their expectations and images about their own universities, leading to complete their courses and feeling high satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the students, concerning their images and expectations about their universities, their group identity, and their adaptation levels to university life, and to clarify the relationships among these factors. We conducted a series of survey for the first-year students at three times during their first semester. Results shows that the students with high willingness to enter the university were likely to have positive images and high expectations about their university, and to show high group identity and good adaptation to university life. By the end of the semester, their enlarged social network had strong influences on their adaptations to university life through their attachment to the other university members.