地嵜 悠吾 中村 暢彦 松村 千佳子 矢野 義孝
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.11, pp.637-642, 2011 (Released:2012-11-10)

Regarding the dose amount of steroid ointments, package inserts gives no precise direction and it is necessary to clearly determine the standard method for dose setting. For this purpose, a method called ‘Finger Tip Unit (FTU)’ has been proposed in a guideline for atopic dermatitis, but this method has some demerits that it assume the same caliber of ointment tubes' head among different drugs' formulations and also it does not consider inter-patients' variability of body surface area. In order to establish a new dose setting strategy instead of FTU, we propose a new standard method which is based on the calculated surface area of body regions that drugs are applied. This method uses the published data of age, body weight, height, and surface area ratio of each body region to whole body surface area. Consequently, an equation to calculate the length of ointment to be squeezed out of a tube is presented for each body region, and we also propose the length for a unit area which is useful for applying to small area on any body regions. These results would be useful in the points that it clearly determine dose amount of steroid ointments and also it lead to an improvement of patients' adherence as well as improving clinical efficacy of steroid ointments.
本橋 秀之 藤本 敦子 坂根 稔康 山本 昌 矢野 義孝
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.11, pp.1235-1241, 2013 (Released:2013-11-01)
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In recent years there have been over 30000 suicides annually in Japan. This is one of the most serious problems for Japanese society. Because mental disorder is closely associated with suicide, factors related to the increase in mental disorders and suicides should be clarified. In this study, various data regarding social factors were evaluated to assess the correlation of the number of patients with mental disorders and suicides among the 47 prefectures of Japan. Various data regarding social factors, such as income, savings, or rate of divorce, were obtained from the database of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. Among the factors, the annual income and the amount of savings were significantly correlated with the number of patients with mental disorder. On the other hand, while the annual income did not have a significant correlation with suicides, the amount of savings had a significant correlation with suicides. In conclusion, the annual income and amount of savings may both be one of the important factors involved in mental disorders, and the savings may also be a factor affecting suicides. These analyses are valuable in helping to clarify the causes of mental disease, and can hopefully contribute to the health and welfare of Japanese.
尾熊 隆嘉 矢野 義孝 財前 政美 牡丹 義弘 伊賀 立二 全田 浩 奥村 勝彦 安原 眞人 堀 了平
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
日本化学療法学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407007)
vol.45, no.12, pp.987-994, 1997-12-25 (Released:2011-08-04)
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メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌感染症の治療時におけるバンコマイシンの有効性, 安全性に関与する要因を統計的に検討する目的で, Therapeutic Drug Monitoringの対象となった患者の背景, 病態, 投薬履歴, 血漿中濃度等の要因と, 有効性, 安全性の臨床評価のデータを集積した。有効性としては効果の有無を, 安全性としては副作用として比較的報告例数の多かった腎機能, 肝機能を対象とし, その検査値異常の発現を採用した。患者背景, 病態, 治療履歴, 体内動態の各要因について, さらに項目ごとに有効性, 安全性との関連性を直接確率計算法, ロジスティック回帰分析法にて検討した。有効性に関しては高齢患者におけるアミノグリコシドの先行投与が有効率の向上に対し, 有意な関連性を示した。安全性に関しては肝機能, 腎機能の検査値異常発現率に対する1日投与量の関連性が強いことが示された。特に, 高齢患者においては血清クレアチニン値, 重症度, 総ビリルビン濃度が影響要因になることが明らかとなった。さらに, 腎機能異常値発現率の影響要因となることが示されたトラフ濃度とその発現率についてノンパラメトリックな2値回帰分析により解析したところ, アミノグリコシドとの併用により発現率が高くなることが示されたが, いずれの場合においてもトラフ濃度を10μg/ml以下にコントロールすることにより, 発現率を15%以下に抑制できることが示された。バンコマイシンの適正使用を推進するうえで, 今回の検討において有効性, 安全性に関与する要因を明らかにできたことは意義深いものと考えられるが, 今回の検討によって, 必ずしも十分な結論が得られたとは言い難く, 今後さらに臨床データを蓄積し, より精度の高い検討をする必要があると思われる。
今西 孝至 岩竹 柚樹 岡村 美代子 矢野 義孝 楠本 正明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.25-32, 2021-01-10 (Released:2022-01-10)

In order to prevent a crisis due to the increasing elderly population in 2025, home medical care should be enforced and promoted. Therefore, pharmacists are expected to play their roles in home medical care. However, pharmacists’ involvement in home medical care remains inadequate in Japan. In this study, a nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted on the awareness of visiting nurses about the roles of pharmacists in home medical care, and data were analyzed using the text mining method. A request letter was posted to 47 prefectural branches of the Japanese Nursing Association and 28 prefectural branches of The National Association for Visiting Nurse Service. Only members of these associations who agreed to participate in this survey responded. As a result, a total of 103 visiting nurses completed the questionnaires. “Distribution of medicines to the medication calendar” was one of the main medicine-related jobs performed by visiting nurses during home medical care. The majority of them (95% of visiting nurses replied “it is necessary”) indicated that pharmacists’ activity was required for home medical care. According to visiting nurses, the job expected from pharmacists in home medical care was the “centralized unitary management of medicines in collaboration with medical doctors.” In summary, our survey results suggest that an active intervention to polypharmacy by pharmacists in collaboration with home medical doctors is important for home medical care.