竹垣 毅 藤井 剛洋 石松 惇
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.5, pp.880-885, 2006 (Released:2006-09-22)
5 6

ムツゴロウ若齢魚の小型個体が冬期に選択的に死亡する減耗現象に与える低温度の影響を,越冬環境調査と急性の低温耐性実験から検討した。越冬中の若齢個体(主に 0, 1 歳魚)が発見された泥干潟の深さは,佐賀県六角川で 5.0~55.0 cm,熊本県唐人川で 4.5~39.0 cm で,いずれも体サイズと関連は無く,小型個体だけが致死温度まで低下する干潟表層部で越冬するわけではなかった。低温耐性実験(3℃, 5℃, 7℃)では,低温度条件ほど早期に死亡したが,全ての温度条件で死亡率にサイズ差は無かった。従って,死亡率のサイズ差は,越冬深度および急性の低温耐性では説明できないと考えられた。
石松 惇 喜田 潤
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-13, 1999-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere will cause not only global warming but also raised partial pressure of CO2 and lowered pH in the ocean. These environment alterations may affect fish and other marine organisms. On the other hand, feasibility studies recently suggest that disposal of anthro-pogenic CO2 in the deep ocean could help reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, implementation of this strategy could have a significant environmental impact on marine life. These circumstances provide a background for the urgent need of further studies concerning the effect of CO2 on fish. In this paper we sum-marize the literature reporting on CO2 effects on fish and discuss the required research work for the future.The present knowledge from the literature is summarized and categorized into oxygen consumption rate, respiration activity, oxygen carrying capacity by red blood cells, blood gas, blood circulation, CO2 receptor, acid-base balance, endocrine, growth, toxicity and anesthesia. Most of the experimental fish used in the literature are freshwater species (carp and rainbow trout have largely been used). There were only few examined marine species (three bottom dwelling species of elasmobranch and teleost, respectively). Since experiments have only been carried out on adult fish, experiments on reproduction and the early life stage should be performed to clarify effects over the life cycle and to predict long term hypercap-nic effects. Physiological studies have mostly been concerned with the acid-base balance and we need further information on maturation and endocrine to evaluate long term hypercapnic effects on fish populations. Changes in swimming behavior and its mechanism must also be examined.Although the early phase of future study on CO2 effects on fish has to start using shallow-water species, deep-sea species should be considered in concern with the disposal of CO2 in the deep ocean. Furthermore, extrapolating data from one well researched species to evaluate implications on the ecosystem as a whole would be hazardous. In order to validate an appropriate resolution to the global warming problem, a multi-disciplinary approach to the effects of CO2 disposal utilizing spe-cialists from fields such as marine biology, fisheries and physical oceanography is clearly necessary.
粟生 恵理子 吉田 雄 Nishihara Gregory N. 石松 惇
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-037, (Released:2022-07-25)

We demonstrate monthly changes in the distribution of a population of the mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus inhabiting a mud bank of the Fukushoe River, flowing into the Ariake Sea, Japan. During the reproductive season from June to midAugust, fish density observed on the surface during lowest spring tide decreased from the most landward quadrats toward the river channel, particularly where the bank inclination was steep (within 30 m from the water’s edge). Males accounted for over 90% of individuals collected at the most landward sampling plot, 67 to 15% at the next three plots, and 0% at the most riverward plot, where only females were collected. During the non-reproductive season from September to November, fish density also decreased toward the river channel, with no fish confirmed at the river’s edge. Although the percentage of males decreased from landward to riverward plots, the trend was less marked than during the reproductive season. Monthly sampling of fish on riprap at the time of highest spring tide showed females to be dominant (70–90% of total) from May to July, with juveniles appearing in July and becoming dominant (70–80%) in August to October. No fish occurred on the riprap from November to the end of January. These findings suggest that many females migrate with the tide for feeding at the water’s edge, thereby achieving rapid ovarian development, whereas mature males remain near their territory and burrows. Reproductive burrows were most abundant in the area of stable daily periods of submersion and emersion (300 min and 400–500 min, respectively) throughout the tidal cycle, suggesting that a regular cycle of inundation and emersion is important for the successful reproduction of the species.
征矢野 清 石松 惇 中村 將 東藤 孝
