大城 真也 大村 忠寛 福島 武雄
Brain and Nerve 脳と神経 (ISSN:00068969)
vol.58, no.9, pp.807-812, 2006-09-01

山下 正文 橋本 隆寿 平川 俊彦 福島 武雄 朝長 正道 原 泰寛 河野 彬 田中 睦子
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.25, no.8, pp.613-619, 1985-08-15 (Released:2006-09-21)
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To evaluate the usefulness of 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR) therapy for brain tumor, the pharmacokinetics of 5'-DFUR and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the tumor, in the white matter surrounding the tumor and in the serum were investigated, and the thymidine phosphorylase, the main activating enzyme of 5'-DFUR in human tissues, was also studied. Materials were obtained from 24 cases of primary brain tumors and from 4 cases of metastatic carcinoma. During the operation 500 or 1, 000 mg of 5'-DFUR was administrated intravenously, and blood, tumor tissue and white matter were taken mainly within 60 minutes and partly within 180 minutes after intravenous administration of 5'-DFUR. In some cases samplings were performed serially. Concentrations of 5'-DFUR and 5-FU were measured by high performance liquid chromatography, and thymidine phosphorylase activity in tissue extracts was obtained against d-thymidine and/or 5'-DFUR as substrates. The concentrations of 5'-DFUR and 5-FU in serum decreased immediately in an exponential mode after intravenous administration of 1, 000 or 500 mg of 5'-DFUR. High concentrations of 5'-DFUR and 5-FU in the tumor tissues were noticed in malignant tumors, such as glioblastoma, ependymoma and chondrosarcoma, and 5-FU concentrations in the tumor in two cases of glioblastoma and one of ependymoma were higher than that in their sera. An important characteristic of 5'-DFUR was that it was converted to 5-FU in various tissues predominantly in malignant neoplasms. Thymidine phosphorylase activity was more prominent in glioblastoma, metastatic carcinoma and chordoma. Although the 5'-DFUR concentration in white matter was considerable, the 5-FU concentration was negligible suggesting low enzyme activity. An effect of 5'-DFUR therapy on malignant brain tumor should be expected from the high concentration of 5' DFUR and 5-FU in the tumor tissue. However, these high concentrations rapidly decreased, therefore, the appropriate mode of prescription of 5'-DFUR should be considered in clinical practice.
竹本 光一郎 岩朝 光利 西川 渉 安部 洋 福島 武雄 宇都宮 英綱 高野 浩一 黒岩 大三
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.14, no.11, pp.706-712, 2005-11-20

今回, 脳底動脈・persistent primitive trigeminal artery (PPTA)分岐部に発生した破裂動脈瘤に対し, コイル塞栓術を施行した症例を経験したので報告した.症例は, 72歳, 女性.突然の意識障害で発症し, 当院に入院となった(W.F.N.S grade V).頭部CTにてクモ膜下出血がみられた.頭部血管撮影にてPPTAがみられ, 脳底動脈・PPTA合流部に2こぶ状の動脈瘤を, 右内頸動脈海綿静脈洞部にも1つ動脈瘤を認めた.脳底動脈・PPTA合流部動脈瘤の内, 大きいほうの動脈瘤は, 4mm大でblebを伴っていた.神経原性肺水腫を呈しており, 患者のgradeが悪く, 動脈瘤の発生部位より, 手術的クリッピングは困難と考え, 第3病日目にPPTA経由でコイル塞栓術を施行した.塞栓術後, 正常圧水頭症に対しV-P shunt術を施行し, 継続リハビリテーション目的に転院した.本症例は, 脳底動脈・PPTA合流部に発生した破裂動脈瘤に対するコイル塞栓術としては初めての症例報告であり, 文献的考察を加え報告する.