岩槻 幸雄 関 伸吾 山本 彰徳 森澤 友博 稲野 俊直 斉藤 裕也 平嶋 健太郎
Nature of Kagoshima = カゴシマネイチャー : an annual magazine for naturalists (ISSN:18827551)
vol.46, pp.467-480, 2020

Habitat and actual records of charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, from Wakayama Prefecture were investigated by hearing survey and their reliable information. Hearing survey in Wakayama Prefecture suggested their habitat including both probable native and introduced individuals from most of Wakayama rivers, the Kinokawa (including the Kishikawa River), the Aridagawa, the Hidakagawa, the Hikigawa, the Kozagawa and the Kumagawa Rivers in Wakayama although the charr population (Kirikuchi charr) of the Hidakagawa River was considered as extinct in around 1960 of flood disaster by Kubo and Kimura in 1998. Subsequently, native Kirikuchi charr and hybrids between native Kirikuchi charr in Nara and the charr of the Ibigawa River population, Gifu were introduced into upper stream of Komoridani valley, the Hidaka River several times in early 1980. Probable and reliable information of native populations of Wakayama charr were reconfirmed from the Aridagawa and the Hikigawa Rivers and actual specimens of the charr were confirmed from the Aridagawa, the Hidakagawa, and the Hikigawa Rivers. Photographic reconfirmation of the charr was done in middle basin of the Kumanogawa River in Wakayama, too. Further detailed genetic analysis of their Wakayama charr populations would make evidence of native or introduced populations in future. Whitespots' condition on dorsal part of the body in true Kirikuchi charr in the inhibited river zones for the charr catch in the Yumitehara river, the Kawasako River were noted, being variable in presence or absence of dorsal part of the body in true Kirikuchi charr although it has been considered as generally having no whitespotted body of the true Kirikuchi charr before.
伊藤 敬 仲居 裕 稲野 俊直 田口 智也 前田 昌調
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.15, no.5, pp.417-423, 2006-09-05

本研究は,微生物間の拮抗作用を利用してアユ冷水病原因菌であるFlavobacterium psychrophilumの増殖を抑制することを目的としている。この研究の一環として,アユ飼育槽内や天然河川から細菌を分離し,F. psychrophilumの増殖阻害活性を測定した。分離した97細菌株において,水槽壁および水中に浸漬したスライドガラス表面から得た菌が,高い割合で活性を示し,中でも7株は強い病原菌の増殖阻害作用を示した。そして,これら7株の簡易性状試験を行なった結果,3株はPseudomonas I/II, 2株はMoraxella属の種と考えられ,残りの2株は同定することができなかった。なお、この同定に関しては16SrRNAの解析について考察した。この7株の各々を配合飼料に20%(v/w)の割合で混合した後,体重あたり3%量の本飼料を稚アユに8日間毎日投与した結果,4株についてはアユの初期減耗がみられたが,飼育4日目以降では,死亡個体はなかった。一方,他の3株については,この初期減耗は見られなかった。