竹内 有子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.71, no.1, pp.13-24, 2020 (Released:2022-02-16)

Britain has a unique art education history, which is very different from that of the Continent. Major European nations established their art academies as state-funded schools focusing on fine art. In contrast, the British Parliament authorized the formal establishment of the Government School of Design (renamed as the National Art Training School in 1863, now the Royal College of Art) in 1837. It aimed to uplift the artistic quality of manufactures and to provide “design” education for British workers. The school elaborated the pioneering educational system, called the “South Kensington system”, in the latter half of the 19 th century. However, the school had been considered ill-managed and failed among Victorians. Also, former studies have negatively evaluated the school which did not envisage creativity for students. Casting a light on the autonomy of design as a new genre, this article shows the new clue to reconsider the problems, by focusing on the transformation made on the word “design”. The author examines how the school differentiated its education from the Royal Academy. Finally, this paper re-examines the significance of design education in the Government School of Design through the criticisms by Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) who improved the instructional method.
竹内 有子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.69, no.1, pp.109, 2018 (Released:2019-06-01)

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was one of the first industrial designers in Victorian Britain. Significantly, he became one of ardent promoters of Japonisme at the early stage in Europe. In 1876-77, he took the chance to visit Japan. His book “Japan: Its Architecture, Art and Art Manufactures” (1882) let the Westerners acknowledged the facts about Japanese architecture which had been unfamiliar with them. In fact, he put stress on his profession as an architect in his book “Japan” although he was not. However, there is a little focused on Dresser’s architectural perspective. Former studies have described how Dresser had influenced Japanese art and design advocates through details about their cultural exchanges. Furthermore, Dresser’s later designs have been included in Japonisme. Here, leading historians imply that his Modernist-like design has been influenced by Japonisme. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of Japanese design and the meanings of architecture in the formation of his design principles. Eventually, he endeavored to utilize the Japanese exemplars in interior designing. Because of these claims, an author re-examines the validity of the relationship between his Japonisme and Modernism.
上田 雅道 竹内 有子 落合 淳 馬渕 千之 丹羽 淳一
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.55, no.9, pp.651-653, 2015 (Released:2015-09-11)
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