竹内 里欧
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.46, no.3, pp.127-143,219, 2002-02-28 (Released:2016-11-02)

In this paper, I examine strategies which were used to adjust conflicts between Wa (和, Japanese style) and Yô (洋, Western style) in the discourse on manners. This research helps illuminate the character of Japanese modernization and "civilization". My research covers the period from the Meiji Restoration to the end of World War II. (The simple dichotomy of Wa and Yô is adopted since it can be seen in the discourse on manners in this period.) 4 strategies are examined: "A. Elimination Strategy I ――Westernization――", "B. Separation Strategy", "C. Elimination Strategy II――return to 'Japan'――", and "D. Reconciliation (via a third factor) Strategy". Among those strategies, I pay particular attention to the "D. Reconciliation (via a third factor) Strategy". This strategy distinguishes "civilization" and "westernization", judges "Japanese" and "Western" manners by means of "universal" criteria, and guides them towards reconciliation. This strategy makes it possible to claim that "essentially, East and West are in harmony" or that they compete in regard to "universal" criteria. However, the claim that "originally, Japan was also a civilized nation" and the respect for "rationality" and "hygiene" seen in the "D. Reconciliation (via a third factor) Strategy" were modeled on concepts and ideas brought from "the West". Therefore, one can view the "D. Reconciliation (via a third factor) Strategy" as a mimicry of "A. Elimination Strategy I――Westernization――". This analysis leads to the conclusion that Westernization creeps into Japanese "civilization", despite seeming reconciliation. This point was not grasped by the well known harmonizing theories, such as Wakonyousai (和魂洋才, Japanese spirit and Western knowledge).
竹内 里欧
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.56, no.3, pp.745-759, 2005-12-31 (Released:2009-10-19)

本稿では, 明治期から大正期の, 処世本, 礼儀作法書, 雑誌記事を資料に, 「西洋化」・「近代化」・「文明化」を象徴する人間像として機能した「紳士」という表象をめぐる言説を分析する.特に, 「紳士」を揶揄するレトリックや論じ方に注目し, その類型の整理を試みる.それにより, 近代日本において, 「西洋」, 「文明」の有していた力やそれへの対応について明らかにする.「紳士」をめぐる言説においては, 「真の紳士」に「似非紳士」を対置し, 「真の紳士」の視点から「似非紳士」を批判するレトリックが多くみられる.「西洋の真の紳士」という理念型から「日本の似非紳士」を揶揄する (=「『似非紳士』の構築」) のも, 「真の紳士」の対応物を「武士道」, 「江戸趣味」に見出すなど過去に理念型を求める (=「『真の紳士』の改編」) のも, どちらも, 現在の時空間ではないところにユートピアを設定しそこから批判することを通じて「現実」を構成するという論理構造を共有している.「真の紳士」という「理念」と「似非紳士」という「現実」を共に仮構するという理想的人間像への対応は, 抽象化された (それ故「武士道」などと等値可能になる) 「西洋」という目標に向かい邁進する日本の近代化の構造を反映している.それは, 近代化・西洋化の要請と, 「日本」のアイデンティティの連続性の創出・維持という, 当時の矛盾を含んだ2つの課題に対応する文化戦略であったことが透視される.
竹内 里欧
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
no.17, pp.29-42, 2009-12-25

In this paper I intend to reconsider the boom of bushido (spirit of warrior) in modern Japanese society by analyzing the short story "Hankechi" written by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) in 1916. In modern Japan, the bushido boom began around the end of the nineteenth century. Since the Sino-Japanese War (1894-5) bushido became popular in Japanese discourse. Of course bushi (warrior) as a social class had been abolished before this era. However, it was this boom that made the moral of bushi popular to people from all walks of life. The symbolic work of this boom was Bushido: The Soul of Japan written by Nitobe Inazo (1862-1933) in 1899. It was first published in the United States in 1899, and translated into Japanese in 1908. Nitobe was a famous thinker and educator who had a strong influence on the bushido boom. He had an ambition to be "a bridge between the East and the West". In his book, Nitobe tried to explain bushido as a spirit of Japanese society. He emphasized that bushido was a civilized and refined moral which could be equal to Western ethics. In order to reconsider the bushido boom, I would like to take up one story "Hankechi (Handkerchief)" written by Akutagawa. In the story Akutagawa caricatured Nitobe's ideas of bushido cynically. Even though it is only a short story, it succeeds in grasping the essence of the problem in civilization process of Japan, which was reflected well in the bushido boom. Therefore, it seems reasonable to examine this story as a clue to understand the aporia of the modernization and civilization process of Japan. Especially, I will focus on the "uneasiness" that came over the main character in the last scene of this story. I shall explain why he felt "uneasy" and how that kind of feeling was connected to the identities of intellectuals in modern Japanese society. For this purpose, I would like to use Louis Althusser's theory. Especially I pay attention to his theory about subjectivization. I shall discuss the difficulties embedded in the process in which modern Japanese intellectuals became subjects as represented by Nitobe Inazo's case.
竹内 里欧
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.56, no.3, pp.745-759, 2005-12-31

本稿では, 明治期から大正期の, 処世本, 礼儀作法書, 雑誌記事を資料に, 「西洋化」・「近代化」・「文明化」を象徴する人間像として機能した「紳士」という表象をめぐる言説を分析する.特に, 「紳士」を揶揄するレトリックや論じ方に注目し, その類型の整理を試みる.それにより, 近代日本において, 「西洋」, 「文明」の有していた力やそれへの対応について明らかにする.「紳士」をめぐる言説においては, 「真の紳士」に「似非紳士」を対置し, 「真の紳士」の視点から「似非紳士」を批判するレトリックが多くみられる.「西洋の真の紳士」という理念型から「日本の似非紳士」を揶揄する (=「『似非紳士』の構築」) のも, 「真の紳士」の対応物を「武士道」, 「江戸趣味」に見出すなど過去に理念型を求める (=「『真の紳士』の改編」) のも, どちらも, 現在の時空間ではないところにユートピアを設定しそこから批判することを通じて「現実」を構成するという論理構造を共有している.「真の紳士」という「理念」と「似非紳士」という「現実」を共に仮構するという理想的人間像への対応は, 抽象化された (それ故「武士道」などと等値可能になる) 「西洋」という目標に向かい邁進する日本の近代化の構造を反映している.それは, 近代化・西洋化の要請と, 「日本」のアイデンティティの連続性の創出・維持という, 当時の矛盾を含んだ2つの課題に対応する文化戦略であったことが透視される.