川崎 秀明 喜納 敏男 染谷 健司
Japan Society of Dam Engineers
ダム工学 (ISSN:09173145)
vol.11, no.3, pp.219-229, 2001-09-15 (Released:2010-04-30)

従来, ハイダム用魚道は施設規模が大きくなることから実設置が進まなかったが, 新たに「エアリフト魚道」を開発するとともに, 実証実験を行い, 魚道として使用可能であることを確認した。エアリフト魚道とは, 上下池を結ぶ魚送管に圧縮空気を送り込むことでエアリフトによる水流を生み出し, この水流で魚類を上段池に押し出すものである。本論文では, エアリフト魚道の基本原理, 実証実験結果を述べるとともに, 実用化に向けての検討を行ったものである。
納 敏 麻生 節子 柳尾 和広 一条 茂
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.45, no.12, pp.927-929, 1992

分娩数日前の軽種馬に対してビタミンE1,000mgを1回または5日間隔で2ないし3回筋肉内に投与し, 分娩後の胎盤排泄時間に及ぼす効果を検討した.ビタミンE非投与例では, 血清トコフェロール値300μg/100m<I>l</I>以上例のうち胎盤排泄時間が60分以上を要した例が11.1%であったのに対し, 300μg/100ml以下例では33.3%と多数にみられた. ビタミンE投与例では, 血清トコフェロール値300μg/100m<I>l</I>以下例で全例が60分以内に胎盤が自然排泄し, ビタミンE非投与例に対して有意 (p<0.05) な効果がみられた. いっぽう, 供試馬の血清セレニウムと血液グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ活性は正常値を示し, かっ胎盤排泄時間との関連がみられなかった.
加納 敏幸 今澄 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.46, no.1, pp.38-43, 2011 (Released:2013-10-23)

The Super Eco-Ship Project was conducted by the National Maritime Research Institute of Japan (NMRI) as a national project from April, 2001, under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. It aims at achieving the ship with environment friendliness and economical benefit. The Super Eco-Ship has high propulsion efficiency by contra-rotating propeller (CRP) effect. The high propulsive efficiency due to the combination with the optimum hull design and podded propulsion system enables the reduction of CO2 compared with the conventional ship. In addition, the podded propulsion system enables drastically superior manoeuvrability and flexible control system in ship operation as well as high propulsive efficiency. NMRI developed, cooperated with ship owner Ube Shipping & Logistics, LTD., the modified buttock flow hull form equipped with one podded propulsion system close behind the conventional propulsion system for Cement Tanker “KOZAN MARU”.   This paper introduced history on Research & Development of The Super Eco-Ship Project and described the Hybrid type’s Electric Podded Propulsion Cement Tanker.
浜辺 修二 野納 敏展
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.26, no.136, pp.93-104, 1976-05-31 (Released:2009-06-12)

The Kamaishi Mine is one of the major producers of copper-iron ores of skarn type in Japan. In this paper the geological structure of the Kamaishi mining district is described.The Kamaishi mining district is located in the Southern Kitakami terrain with abundant limestone near the boundary to the Northern Kitakami terrain with abundant chert. The district is covered by Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations intruded by igneous rocks of Early Cretaceous.The geological structure of the Paleozoic formations is characterized by a large anticlinolium trending N-S. The deformed Paleozoic formations are covered unconformably by Mesozoic Maginouchi Formation and Ganidake igneous complex is emplaced into the axial part of the anticlinolium. At a stage between the deposition of Maginouchi Formation and the intrusion of Ganidake igneous complex, fault movement occurred resulting in the separation of the area into several geological blocks. Eastern wing of the anticlinolium was displaced downward several hundred meters from the western wing by Nakanosawa fault.The ore deposits are formed at the neighborhood of the contact of Paleozoic limestone and Ganidake igneous complex. The igneous complex consists of Ganidake granodiorite, diorite, diorite porphyry, gabbro and monzonite. The diorite porphyry is intruded along thrusts and faults providing with favourable condition for skarnization and metallic mineralization of the western orebodies of the Kamaishi deposits. "Sennin porphyrite" which has been considered as a member of Ganidake igneous complex was ascertained to be pyroclastics of Carboniferous Tsuchikura Formation. After the intrusion of the Ganidake igneous complex Kurihashi granodiorite was emplaced. Ganidake granodiorite body swells downward while Kurihashi granodiorite body pinches in the depth. This suggests that the former is exposed in its upper level while the latter is deeply eroded.
岸 進 宇都 正太郎 加納 敏幸 上園 政裕 川島 義伸 泉山 耕
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1996, no.180, pp.99-111, 1996 (Released:2009-09-16)

The patrol icebreaker “TESHIO” was built and delivered to the Japan Maritime Safety Agency in Autumn 1995. Full-scale trials in ice were conducted at the Sea of Okhotsk in February, 1996. Several kinds of test were performed in order to confirm her performance such as continuous ice-breaking, ramming and stopping performance, turning capability and zigzag course manoeuvrability, and coordinated ice-breaking operation together with the patrol icebreaker “SOYA”.While her design and construction were in process, series of model test were carried out both in ice and in ice-free water as the joint research project between Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport and NKK Corporation. At the ice model basins of the two organizations, comprehensive model tests in ice were conducted which included resistance and self-propulsion tests in various ice conditions, ramming and turning tests in level ice.This paper describes the results of model and full-scale tests of “TESHIO” and their correlation for both continuous ice-breaking and ramming performance.In order to predict the required BHP for the continuous ice-breaking in level ice, the propulsion coefficient was decomposed into three parts which denote effects of open water characteristics, overload and propulsor/ice interaction, respectively. The thrust deduction coefficient obtained from towed propulsion tests in ice showed very good agreement with that from overload tests in ice-free water. The predicted BHP showed good agreement with the full-scale results when the effect of propulsor/ice interaction was taken into consideration.A prediction formula for ramming penetration distance was devised using an energy-based method. Correlation of both the model and full scale data to the prediction results showed that thrust loss due to the propulsor/ice interaction and the automatic overload protection control of the main engine had much influence on the prediction of ramming performance.