若林 広志 伊藤 毅志
vol.2019, pp.60-65, 2019-11-01

本研究では,人間よりも十分に強い囲碁 AI を学習に役立てる方法として,囲碁初心者の着手を褒めることに着目する.囲碁指導者の資格を持つ指導者の協力のもとに行った調査により,どのような点に着目し,どのような褒め方をどの程度の頻度で行っているのかを調べ,それを反映したプロトタイプシステムを提案した.それを用いた評価実験では,このシステムによる明確な動機づけの向上が確認されなかった.その理由として,褒め方が単調であった点や初心者のプレイヤーは着手や盤面の良し悪しを理解することが難しいため,達成したことがうまく伝わらなか った可能性が示唆された.そのため,改良する提案システムでは,改良されたことを具体的な数値や図示しながら褒めることでプレイヤーが達成したことをわかりやすく伝え,自己効力感を向上させることにした.今後は,提案システムを用いた評価実験を行い,その有効性を示していく.
朝倉 俊成 神田 循吉 影山 美穂 影向 範昭 若林 広行 清野 弘明
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.52, no.12, pp.977-981, 2009-12-30 (Released:2010-03-01)

インスリン製剤(以下,製剤)中のインスリン結晶の存在,ならびに懸濁製剤におけるインスリン結晶の濁度変化を測定し,高温環境下でのインスリン製剤の性状変化について検討を行った.方法は,2種の非懸濁製剤と2種の懸濁製剤を,38, 50, 70°Cの恒温恒湿度器内に3, 6, 12時間放置したときの濁度を吸光度計にて測定し,その変化を求めた.また,生物顕微鏡を用いて,70°C·12時間環境下のインスリン結晶を観察した.結果は,非懸濁製剤はいずれも変化がなかったが,懸濁製剤ではいずれも,38°C以上の保管で濁度が有意に変化した.また,顕微鏡観察では,懸濁製剤で70°C·12時間保管結晶の形状に明らかな変化がみられた.結果から,懸濁製剤は室温以上の環境下に長時間放置しないことが求められ,患者の日常生活におけるインスリン製剤保管時の温度管理について,十分注意する必要があると思われる.
若林 広
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.38, pp.229-243, 2007

For the French-speaking population of Wallonia, the Belgian Constitutional Reform process culminated in 1993. However it was only a step toward further reform for the people in Flanders. Up until the middle of 1990's the political atmosphere had been relatively calm in Flanders, but 1996 saw a major change with the publication of a 'Proposal for a Constitution for Flanders' written by four jurists who were close collaborators of political leaders in Flanders. Since then various claims and slogans contained in this proposal have been discussed openly both in and outside of the Flemish Parliament. In 1999 that Parliament adopted a series of resolutions calling for a new State Reform. These resolutions related to (1) general principles for State Reform, (2) fiscal autonomy of Regions, (3) the Brussels problem, (4) competencies transfer and (5) other pending issues. In the same year as these resolutions were adopted, a coalition government led by Liberal Party leader Guy Verhofstadt was sworn in, which marked the beginning of the State Reform debate at the federal level. A series of political agreements was consequently reached during the first Verhofstadt Government, which resolved many of the fiscal autonomy and competencies transfer problems, but the Brussels problem remained unsolved. During the second coalition government, by establishing various parley institutions, Prime Minister Verhofstadt tried to solve this problem but the negotiation stalled with the general elections in view in 2007. Presently the Belgian State is under siege from both the Flemings and the Walloons. The centrifugal forces of the Flemings are far more marked than the centripetal forces of the Walloons. This balancing game will determine the future form of Belgium, be it a Federal State or a Confederation, or even a disintegration. But the Flemish need Brussels as their capital, which is situated at the heart of Flanders, even though the majority of its population are French-speaking. Therefore the resolution of the Brussels problem would be the decisive factor for how Belgium would evolve in the foreseeable future.