大湊 佳宏 茅野 潤一郎
長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:00277568)
vol.42, no.1, pp.1-9, 2006-03-30

Computer-mediated Communication made it possible to bring an authentic environment of using a second language learners' target language in their classroom. It is also true that there are many opportunities to interact not only with native speakers (like ALTs) but also with their classmates who are also learning the same target language. The present research focused on an English writing activity, which was assigned to 130 sophomore students at Nagaoka National College of Technology (NNCT) during the summer vacation in 2005. 33 of them chose to do it on their blog site through the Internet so that their classmates were able to check what they were doing and, hopefully, interact with each other during their summer vacation. A survey was carried out among those 33 students about the assignment. Most of them were able to build up their confidence for what they have done, increase the chance of using dictionaries, and enjoy writing on their blog sites. However, the result did not show that this activity would strengthen the relationship among the participants.
茅野 潤一郎 大湊 佳宏
長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:00277568)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-10, 2007-03-30

This study examines the receptive vocabulary size of Japanese EFL learners of the ages from 16 to 19, and describes characteristics and differences according to their school year, overall English ability, and whole vocabulary size. The results showed that the average vocabulary sizes of students of the first, second and third years in a college of technology are about 2370, 2612, and 3417 words. It showed also that the average vocabulary size of the third graders is comparable to that of well-motivated students of a public high school, and that there is no statistically significant difference in the annual increase in the vocabulary size between the learners whose overall English skill is low and those who are at a higher level.
茅野 潤一郎
県立新潟女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02883686)
vol.45, pp.205-214, 2008

This study focuses on intentional vocabulary learning by Japanese EFL high school students using vocabulary books, and aims to examine the relationship between the use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) and the attainment in vocabulary learning. Explanatory factor analysis showed that VLS were classified into five factors : organization, repetition and concentration, review, use of L1, and use of context The subjects were given the same vocabulary test twice, at the beginning and the end of the school year, and they were divided into four groups based on cluster analysis of the students' performance on the tests. The difference in use of each VLS between those four learner groups was compared, and it was found that only organization strategy had a significant positive effect on vocabulary retention.
峯島 道夫 茅野 潤一郎 大湊 佳宏 今井 理恵

本研究は、日本人学習者が不得手であると言われる批判的思考力(クリティカルシンキング)を伸ばすための英語読解教材と学習形態を開発することを目的とした。英語読解教材としては、Steve Jobsのスタンフォード大学における卒業式でのスピーチスクリプトを題材とし、学習者の批判的思考力を伸ばすことをねらった発問やタスクを考案した。授業形態については、協同学習の一技法であるLTD(話し合い学習法)の手法を援用し、発問やタスクに対する学習者の回答のピアとの共有を活用してテキストの理解の深化と自己の世界観の拡充を目指した。