菊地 デイル万次郎
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.72, no.1, pp.55, 2022 (Released:2022-04-11)

吉田 誠 阿部 貴晃 菊地 デイル万次郎 木下 千尋 中村 乙水
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.72, no.1, pp.95, 2022 (Released:2022-04-11)

飛翔および遊泳する動物にとって、移動時のエネルギーコストを低く抑えることは重要である。移動コストは、ある地点から別地点に到達するまでに必要な運動コストと、移動中に体内の恒常性維持のため消費される代謝コストからなる。代謝コストは移動時間に比例して増加するため、運動コストと代謝コストの間には移動時間を介したトレードオフが生じる。温度環境に応じて代謝コストが変動する外温動物の場合、自身の適温範囲外に滞在できる時間は限られ、こうした制約(体内と体外における環境差)も動物の移動範囲を規定する要因となる。近年、バイオロギングやバイオメカニクス分野の発展により、野外で暮らす動物の移動コストが、動物自身の形態や移動様式により巧妙に低減されている様子がわかってきた。多くの水生動物に見られる抵抗の少ない形状や、流体中における特徴的な移動方法は、個体が移動する際に生じる抵抗を抑え、運動コストを低減する。野外で観察される様々な動物の移動パターンは、運動コストと代謝コストの和(cost of transport)を最少化するような理論的予測とよく一致する。本稿ならびに本特集で紹介してきた、エネルギーコストを指標として、動物の行動を捉え直す試みは、動物の形態や、様々な時空間スケールで繰り広げられる個体の移動様式を統一的に理解し、変わりゆく環境下に置かれる動物個体群の将来を予測する有用なアプローチとなるだろう。
木下 こづえ 菊地 デイル 万次郎
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会; 京都大学霊長類学・ワイルドライフサイエンス・リーディング大学院; 京都大学ヒマラヤ研究ユニット
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.18, pp.65-71, 2017-03-28

特集1: ヒマラヤ研究ユニット = Special Issue 1: Contribution from the Kyoto University Unit for Himalayan Studies本誌公刊にあたっては、京都大学学士山岳会、京都大学「霊長類学・ワイルドライフサイエンス」・リーディング大学院からの助成をうけました。Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is a big cat species well adapted to life at high altitudes in the Himalayan Mountains. They have some unique characteristics which are not common among other big cat species, such as, they cannot roar unlike other big cats, but they make a prusten call (the short sound of air expelled through the nostrils) like tigers. They are categorized as "Endangered" in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. One of their main problems is that herders kill snow leopards because they prey on livestock. For preliminary research on snow leopards, we visited their natural habitat in the Baga Bogd Mountains in south Mongolia and Ladakh in India. Here we discuss the conflicts and relationships between humans and snow leopards in these two countries. Mongolia is the next largest snow leopard habitat after China. In southern Mongolia, nomadic people have long lived in harmony with nature by traditional ecological knowledge. However, recently the number of nomadic people have increased production of cashmere sheep since they were allowed private property rights after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This caused excessive pasturing and the expansion of dry areas. Also, environmental destruction is caused by the development of mining and transportation infrastructure. We used camera traps to survey snow leopards in Baga Bogd mountain, southern Mongolia. Although Baga Bogd Mountain is a relatively small mountain, we could take photos of snow leopards; including cubs. From these pictures, we found that their territories overlapped and this mountain can be a important breeding ground for snow leopards. In this country, there remain many areas that have not been surveyed for snow leopards yet. Although Mongolia has urbanized rapidly, this country has a large number of snow leopards. We hope the natural nomadic culture will support the coexistence of humans and snow leopards in the future. Ladakh has conflict between humans and snow leopards as well. Unlike the nomadic people in southern Mongolia, people in Ladakh lives in steep mountain valleys largely overlapping with the habitat of snow leopards. Therefore it could stimulate livestock depredation by snow leopards. Indeed, we have encountered livestock depredation by snow leopard at the village in Ladakh in April 2016. Moreover, it is reported that livestock depredation increases from February to April. It may be related to the fact in this season, many female snow leopards become pregnant, and thus it may increase their energy demand. Also, other prey species density in this season may decrease due to the hibernation and migration, and thus it may increase livestock predation rate. Based on this we hypothesized that the rate of livestock predation by snow leopards changes with the physiological state of snow leopards and seasonal changes of the prey density. We are planning future research to evaluate this hypothesis as the next step.