面谷 幸子 名徳 倫明 山城 美樹 長谷川 渚彩 大橋 甲三郎 長井 克仁 西井 諭司 初田 泰敏 小川 雅史
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.31-39, 2016-01-10 (Released:2017-01-10)

Workshops on the use of adrenaline auto-injection (EPIPEN), reconsideration of training programs on food allergies, and an approach to increase risk awareness of food allergies are required. We investigated the current state of education of school teachers and school pharmacists in Tondabayashi City.A total of 120 school teachers and 14 school pharmacists participated in our questionnaire. More than 90% of teachers had experience with children with allergies, and more than 95% of teachers were aware of anaphylaxis. Although most teachers were familiar with EPIPEN, they did not have detailed knowledge and were not confident in using it in an emergency. School teachers who attended EPIPEN workshops had a higher degree of confidence in using EPIPEN in an emergency than school teachers who do not attended the workshops. Attending workshops will increase the self-confidence of teachers in using EPIPEN in an emergency. The survey results indicate that it is important for school pharmacists to hold regular workshops on EPIPEN, including practical training, to develop the EPINEN skills of school teachers and enlighten them on the subject.
長谷川 浩平 栗谷 良孝 足立 充司 新家 惠子 西井 諭司 藤田 芳一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.8, pp.800-804, 2008 (Released:2010-02-07)
8 9

In order to ensure that drug therapy is effective,it is important for patients to understand dosage regimens correctly and take drugs properly.For the purpose of enhancing compliance,we conducted a survey of the dosage forms and dosage regimens of choice for inpatients.The survey was conducted between March 1 and April 22,2005 and responses were obtained from 449 patients,aged from 3 to 92 years.Regarding number of doses,patients between 30 and 59 preferred a lower number of doses,but patients in their 70’s and older tended not to care so much about this.Patients who answered that they had missed doses accounted for 59.8 percent of the total,and missing doses tended to be more frequent after lunch when dosing regimens were three times a day,after meals.Patients desiring the Unite Dose Package (UDP) accounted for 37.9 percent,66.9 percent of whom were not receiving UDPs from the dispensing pharmacy.Informing doctors of these findings will lead to better patient compliance and raise safety for patients.
丸田 栄一 但馬 重俊 廣谷 芳彦 前田 義美 西井 諭司 東 敏夫 山路 昭 紀氏 汎恵 平岡 栄一 三牧 孝至 田川 哲三 藪内 百治
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.11, no.5, pp.398-402, 1985-10-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

Phenytoin (PHT) fine granule, which has the same bioavailability as the tablet, has recently been marketed. We projected a change of PHT dosage form from usual powder to fine granule. In view of the fact that 97% of PHT products prescribed and marketed are available in fine granules, 50% PHT preparations were produced in hospital pharmacy. 5 kinds of preparations using various lactoses as diluents were prepared and tested for their quality. Among them, the preparation from Aleviatin fine granule passing through a 42-mesh sieve and EFC lactose showed the best results in the mixing property and various sense tests. The change to this dosage form and its bioavailability tests were carried out by a cooperation of doctors and pharmacists. Serum PHT levels of all patients, assayed by EMIT method, showed a 20% to 30% increase after the administration of the new preparation (50% PHT fine granule with EFC lactose).