渡邊 隆広 奈良岡 浩 西村 弥亜 中村 俊夫 仙田 量子 河合 崇欣
no.15, pp.199-205, 2004-03

バイカル湖湖底堆積物試料中の高分子直鎖状炭化水素、及びバクテリア由来有機分子であるホパノイド化合物の分子レベル安定炭素同位体比分析を行い、過去における湖内バクテリア活動の復元と環境変化の考察を行った。最終氷期から完新世への移行期において、メタン酸化バクテリアの寄与が増大していたことが明らかになった。この結果は、過去における気候変動に対応して湖水循環が停止、もしくは極めて弱くなっていたことを示唆する。\\Several organic geochemical studies on sedimentary photosynthetic pigments, lignin phenols and lipids from vascular plants have been conducted using Lake Baikal sediment core [Orem et al., 1997; Tani et al., 2002]. However, these investigations have not elucidated past limnological conditions such as redox changes in Lake Baikal. The sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite indicated a variation of SRB activity in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes [Watanabe et al., 2004]. In this study prokaryote biomarkers including hopanoid and acyclic isoprenoid compound will be examined for the sedimentary profiles of bacterial activities including methanotrophic bacteria. Organic compounds of higher plant origin, such as high molecular n-alkanes, n-ketones and n-alkanols are relatively abundant in the Ver98-1 St.5 sediment core (up to 5.6, 1.8, and 11.7 μg/g dry sed., respectively). The abundance of partly autochthonous organic matter, such as phytol and low molecular alkanols is relatively low. It has revealed significant difference in the molecular composition between the warm periods and the cool periods, which is consistent with the organic carbon and total nitrogen concentration and TOC/TN ratios. The increase in terrigenous organic molecules in the warm periods can be explained by the increased inflow of river water. In the deepest part of modern Lake Baikal, ca. 9 mg/l dissolved oxygen occurs, which suggests a large-scale vertical convection in the lake in spite of its great depth (1634m). Watanabe et al. [2003] suggested less-oxic conditions of Lake Baikal bottom water in climate transition periods, such as Younger Dryas (YD), based on high TS contents (up to 13mg/g dry sed) and high TS/TOC ratios (up to 0.5 atomic ratio), being much larger than average TS/TOC ratios of freshwater and normal oxic marine sediment. The high TS/TOC are usually observed not only as a result of less-oxic condition but also diagenetic pyritization. We have measured δ^<13>C of bacterial biomakers and δ^<34>S of pyrite through the YD event (ca.12kyr B.P.). Hop-17(21)-ene is the most abundant among unsaturated hopanoids throughout the Holocene and YD sediment (32-68 ng/g dry sediment). Furthermore, high amounts of saturated hopanoids are present with 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-homohopane and 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-hopane dominating (up to 1045 and 381 ng/g dry sediment, respectively) in the Holocene. 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-homohopane and 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-hopane vary isotopically in a narrow range from -30.8 to -34.7‰, which suggests that the δδ hopanes could be derived from chemotrophic bacteria. Hop-17(21)-ene in the YD becomes more depleted in ^<13>C (〜-43‰) than that in the Holocene by 〜10‰, implying an increase of methanotrophic bacterial activity. In addition, squalane is depleted in ^<13>C (-46.2‰) compared to the total organic carbon by 20‰. Such ^<13>C-depleted squalane suggests that archea have directly or indirectly introduced ^<13>C-depleted methane-derived carbon into the biomass. The methane-involving anaerobic bacterial activity suggests the decrease of dissolved oxygen content in deeper part of Lake Baikal at the YD rapid cooling event. These isotopic signatures suggest that less oxic conditions associated with a water circulation change occurred rapidly within a time interval of less than 1000 yr in response to a global climatic change at the late Quaternary. Since lake water circulation exerts a great influence especially on the geochemical cycle and biological activity in Lake Baikal, reconstruction of paleo-redox conditions and water circulation changes in the lake are indispensable to identify detailed changes in biological activity and lake ecosystems with respect to climate changes.タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告 Summaries of Researches Using AMS 2003 (平成15)年度
園田 純子 江藤 優穂 定岡 愛子 武鑓 美和 西村 弥恵
vol.25, 2013

【目的】日本の食文化として受け継がれてきた食品の保存法である「乾物」に関し、若い世代の利用実態を把握するとともに、日常の食事に取り入れられるよう家庭料理への普及啓発の方法を検討した。<br>【方法】本学1~4年の学生734名を対象として、平成24年6~7月に乾物に関する意識や利用状況の調査を行った (回収率78.9%)。次にこの乾物利用の調査をふまえ、食品乾燥機(木原製作所SM4S-EH型・SP-1型)を用いて身近な農産物の乾物を作成し、家庭で簡単に作れるレシピを考案した。さらに、考案した干し野菜レシピを活用できるよう、乾物の普及啓発活動の取り組みを行った。<br>【結果及び考察】本学の学生で乾物を料理に利用している者は全体の45%で、乾物利用者のうち乾物を作成したことのある者は8%にすぎなかった。食べきれない生鮮食品の活用法としては冷凍保存が54%と最も多く、乾燥させるとの回答はわずか1%であった。家庭で残りがちな生鮮食品はキャベツが最も多く、人参、じゃがいも、玉ねぎと続いた。これら家庭で残りがちな野菜を用いた干し野菜の作成を試み、作成した干し野菜9種類を用いて「ミネストローネ」や「キャベツハンバーグ」など乾物独自の凝縮した味や食感といった干し野菜の特徴を活かせる料理を計18品考案した。作成したレシピは本学学生を対象とした料理教室で活用し、参加者の乾物に関する知識を深め、今後の乾物利用促進を図った。今回、従来乾物としての使用は少ないものの、日常的によく購入される生鮮食品を用いて干し野菜を作成したことで、若い世代にも乾物を身近に感じてもらえたと推察される。
西村 弥
