大塚 邦明 Norboo Tsering 西村 芳子 山中 学 石川 元直 中島 俊 宝蔵 麗子 坂本 龍太 松林 公蔵 奥宮 清人
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.11, pp.36-44, 2010-05-01

Aim: Numerous physiologic studies attempted to explain the effects of ambient hypoxia on humans, and now we know how humans adapted to it through changes in the expression of hypoxia-related genes. However, little is investigated about the gender difference from a view point of glocal (combined global and local) comprehensive assessment. Methods: We studied the effects of high altitude on pulse oximetry (SpO2), blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), aortic stiffness of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). Subjects were 1, 858 Ladakhis (777 men and 1081 women). We investigated the gender difference of compensatory mechanisms by comparing the cardiovascular functions among 3 groups of high altitudes, i.e., from 2500 to 3000 m, from 3200 to 3720 m, and from 3800 to 4590m. Results: There observed no significant differences of the cardiovascular function among the three altitudes in men, but in women systolic BP became higher along with the altitudes and incidences of ECG findings, including 1st degree of AV block, ST depression and abnormal Q waves, became more frequent along with altitude. In addition, Ladakhi women showed steeper negative slope of the regression line between SpO2 and age, and larger slope of the regression line between systolic and diastolic BPs and age, compared with Ladakhi men. Conclusions: Our study indicates an existence of gender difference of adaptation to ambient hypoxia especially on cardiovascular functions, which suggests a need for the glocal comprehensive assessment for the better diagnosis and for the more fruitful treatment in community dwellers, especially at higher altitude.
杉浦 美恵子 柴田 興一 斉藤 聡志 西村 芳子 高橋 浩一 佐倉 宏
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.59, no.8, pp.530-535, 2019 (Released:2019-08-29)

症例は41歳女性.腰痛の後,突然,起立時の頭痛が出現し,1週後,右耳閉塞感,めまい,1か月後に右手から始まり,同側の腕,側胸腹部,下肢へ広がるしびれが20~30分間出現し,同症状を繰り返すため入院した.頭部MRIで,円蓋部くも膜下出血(convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage; cSAH),脳皮質静脈血栓,硬膜肥厚,硬膜下血腫を認め,脊髄脳槽シンチグラフィーとCTミエログラフィーで髄液漏出像がみられ特発性低髄液圧症候群(spontaneous intracranial hypotension; SIH)と診断し,ブラットパッチを施行し症状は改善した.SIHは,症候が多彩で診断が困難なことがあるが,本例でみられた繰り返す片頭痛様前兆は,合併したcSAH,脳皮質静脈血栓症に関連し発現した重要な徴候と考えられた.