川野 明正
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.11, pp.232-246, 2010-05-01

This thesis describes a kind of folk iconographical charm called as Jiamazi(甲馬子) of Yunnan in China. Jiamazi is used for prayer to various God, in case of many annual events and each folk religions service. This kind of prints is an important tool of the folk belief. They are burned and changed into smoke for praying to God and many evil and good spirits. It has been called as Zhima(紙馬), Shenma(神馬) and Jiama(甲馬) in other provinces, widely pervaded among various places. In some places, for example, Zhima means paper(紙) and horse(馬). This kind of prints accompanies with the names of horse. It contains important meanings, because the horse connects with between Gods and human being. Consequently, the horse symbolizes the character as media. Now, this kind of print disappeared in almost many places of China, by the extermination movement, for example, the "posijiu"(破四旧) and the "cultural revolution"(文化大革命), etc, against so called "feudalism superstition"(封建迷信) after People's Republic of China founded. Because it was considered to contain harmful thought and old custom by government. But, Jiamazi is not only still using now in Yunnan province, but also has most various contents in China. This thesis writes not only about historical origin and meaning of Chinese iconographical charm and Jiamazi charm, but also investigation report on Jiamazi, there are classified into four parts according to the purpose of use, that is, 1)praying to gods in daily life, 2)The annual events, 3)Religious service in Prayers house, 4)purification of disasters.
大塚 邦明 Norboo Tsering 西村 芳子 山中 学 石川 元直 中島 俊 宝蔵 麗子 坂本 龍太 松林 公蔵 奥宮 清人
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.11, pp.36-44, 2010-05-01

Aim: Numerous physiologic studies attempted to explain the effects of ambient hypoxia on humans, and now we know how humans adapted to it through changes in the expression of hypoxia-related genes. However, little is investigated about the gender difference from a view point of glocal (combined global and local) comprehensive assessment. Methods: We studied the effects of high altitude on pulse oximetry (SpO2), blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), aortic stiffness of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). Subjects were 1, 858 Ladakhis (777 men and 1081 women). We investigated the gender difference of compensatory mechanisms by comparing the cardiovascular functions among 3 groups of high altitudes, i.e., from 2500 to 3000 m, from 3200 to 3720 m, and from 3800 to 4590m. Results: There observed no significant differences of the cardiovascular function among the three altitudes in men, but in women systolic BP became higher along with the altitudes and incidences of ECG findings, including 1st degree of AV block, ST depression and abnormal Q waves, became more frequent along with altitude. In addition, Ladakhi women showed steeper negative slope of the regression line between SpO2 and age, and larger slope of the regression line between systolic and diastolic BPs and age, compared with Ladakhi men. Conclusions: Our study indicates an existence of gender difference of adaptation to ambient hypoxia especially on cardiovascular functions, which suggests a need for the glocal comprehensive assessment for the better diagnosis and for the more fruitful treatment in community dwellers, especially at higher altitude.
湯本 貴和
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
no.12, pp.158-162, 2011-05-01

ブータンでは輪廻転生という考え方に基づいて, 人々は殺生を極端に避ける傾向があるとされている. 亡くなった家族や知人が転生して, ハエや蚊などを含む, 身の回りの動物となっているかもしれないからだ. しかし, 中世日本では畜生道に落ちている衆生を殺生することによって, 畜生という境遇から救済するという考え方があった. この正反対の態度ではあるが, ブータンと中世日本に共通するのは, 輪廻転生に対する厳然たる「因果対応性」であり, 人がこの世で善悪の行為を行うと, それに対する過福の報いを必ず受けるという原理である. 現代日本人には, この世の善悪の行為が後生に関わるという切実さが想像しがたいが, ブータンや中世日本に生きる人々には, 現代日本社会において法の裁きによって犯罪の刑罰を受けるという必然性となんら遜色のないリアリティーで, 現世を超えた業が迫るのだろう.
茂田井 円
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 (ISSN:09148620)
no.11, pp.258-269, 2010-05-01

雲南の日常食に欠かせない米線. 文献では6 世紀前半に北魏の賈思勰が著わした『斉明要術』にもその製法は伝えられている. 米を挽いた粉から作られる麺は, 中国南方地域で幅広く作られている. その呼び名は様々で地域によっては「米粉」という名もある. 米は主にインディカ米を使用する. 雲南では乾麺を戻したものではなく, 「発酵」させた生の米線に人気が集まっている. その雲南の米線を使った特徴的な料理の一つに「過橋米線」がある. 過橋米線は, 清代後期, 雲南中西部の都市・建水で, 中国北方料理である薄切りの羊肉を使うしゃぶしゃぶ火鍋料理(涮羊肉)をヒントに発明されたと思われる. 食卓に生ものを置いても平気な文化的バックボーンが雲南にあったことも, 各種ライス・ヌードル文化圏の中で, 雲南にこの料理が芽生えた理由となるだろう. それが滇越鉄路の開通をきっかけに, 建水・蒙自・個旧の三角地帯から昆明へと進出. 現在では中国各地, また日本へまでも「雲南・過橋米線」が広まった.
安仁屋 政武
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.11, pp.212-221, 2010-05-01

アンナプルナ山域の東側を限っているマルシャンディ川沿いにトレックした折り, 河岸堆積物, 河床, 斜面地形などを観察して, 天然ダムがあったと同定・推定できる場所を8カ所に認めた. 天然ダムは標高が低いところでは山腹崩壊による土砂が河道を閉塞してできた堰止め湖, 標高が高く支谷に氷河がある地域では氷河前進による氷河湖である. これらについて概説し, さらに典型的な土砂ダムとしてタル, 氷河ダムとしてマナンにあるガンガプルナ・タルを取り上げて若干の考察を行った.During the trekking in July-August 2009 along Marsyangdi River, east of the Annapurna Himal, Nepal, I observed sediments exposed along the riverbank, riverbed morphology and slope topography, thereby recognizing traces of natural dams at eight places (Fig. 1). Those located at lower altitudes were caused by landslides that blocked the riverbed, whereas those located at higher altitudes where glaciers exist in the tributary valleys were created by either glacier advance or landslide. Glaciers that advanced from tributary valleys into Marsyangdi River blocked the main stream together with lateral moraines, thereby having become natural dams. After briefly describing each of these natural dams at eight places, I discussed about two types of dams using typical ones. One is a typical landslide dam located at Tal, north of Chyamche, (Marked (2) in Fig. 1: Photos 1 & 2). 'Tal' in Nepalese means 'lake'; however, the lake has been completely filled up and villagers since have settled the flood plain. The other are two moraine dams formed by Ganggapurna Glacier at Manang (Marked (7) in Fig. 1 & 2: Photos 4, 5 & 6). Ganggapurna Tal, located on the right side of the main stream, is a current lake that is dammed by the terminal moraine of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Another moraine-dammed lake was formed when Ganggapurna Glacier made a strong advance before the LIA, thereby blocking Marsyangdi River by the lateral moraine (LM2, Fig. 2 & Photo 5) and ice. This dam has been long since completely filled up as seen in Photo 6.