矢部 明人 宮本 文穂 礒田 聡史 谷 信幸
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集F4(建設マネジメント) (ISSN:21856605)
vol.69, no.2, pp.102-120, 2013 (Released:2013-06-20)
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現在,日本国内の橋梁維持管理の現場では,目視や各種センサを使ったモニタリング(Structural Health Monitoring:SHM)によって定期的に変状検知が実施されている.特に常時監視についてはSHMの有効性を示す研究成果が報告されている.一方で,SHM導入・維持に関する各種コストや技術的課題が指摘されており,より簡便な手法の開発が必要となっている. 本研究では,SHMに関する各種問題を解決する手段の一つとして,国内の多くの橋梁がスパン10m~20m程度の短スパン橋梁であることを鑑み,それらを対象に,公共交通機関である路線バスを利用した新たなモニタリング手法の提案および検証と実証実験を行った.
山森 徹雄 植原 典子 清野 和夫 谷 信幸 島崎 政人 高橋 秀美 中原 元 斉藤 彰久 浅井 政一 長山 克也
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.2, pp.245-248, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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It was attempted to apply barrel finishing to improve the surface texture of the basal surface of the complete denture. The effect of barrel finishing on the denture base resin of rough surface should be confirmed to understand the alteration of the basal surface of complete denture after barrel finishing, because it is corrugated. The denture base resin samples with standardized corrugated surface were made using a metal mold, then each sample was divided into halves. One of the halves was barrel finished following the manufacturer's instruction after masking the datum plane, whereas the other one was used as a control without finishing. Both samples were observed under the reading microscope, and the distances between the base line and the top of each corrugation or the bottom of each corrugation were measured. Observation under the scanning electron microscope was also made. The results were as follows:1. The scanning electron microscopic observations showed that the top of the corrugation was obviously made round and smooth by barrel finishing, and that the bottom of the corrugation was also made smooth but it was less smooth than the top of the corrugation.2. The cutting depth of the denture base resin was 218.13μm at the top and 3.53μm at the bottom of the corrugation.These findings suggest that there is no problem after barrel finishing of the basal surface of complete dentures even if attention was paid to the height of the bead established for the posterior palatal seal.