山森 徹雄 植原 典子 清野 和夫 谷 信幸 島崎 政人 高橋 秀美 中原 元 斉藤 彰久 浅井 政一 長山 克也
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.2, pp.245-248, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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It was attempted to apply barrel finishing to improve the surface texture of the basal surface of the complete denture. The effect of barrel finishing on the denture base resin of rough surface should be confirmed to understand the alteration of the basal surface of complete denture after barrel finishing, because it is corrugated. The denture base resin samples with standardized corrugated surface were made using a metal mold, then each sample was divided into halves. One of the halves was barrel finished following the manufacturer's instruction after masking the datum plane, whereas the other one was used as a control without finishing. Both samples were observed under the reading microscope, and the distances between the base line and the top of each corrugation or the bottom of each corrugation were measured. Observation under the scanning electron microscope was also made. The results were as follows:1. The scanning electron microscopic observations showed that the top of the corrugation was obviously made round and smooth by barrel finishing, and that the bottom of the corrugation was also made smooth but it was less smooth than the top of the corrugation.2. The cutting depth of the denture base resin was 218.13μm at the top and 3.53μm at the bottom of the corrugation.These findings suggest that there is no problem after barrel finishing of the basal surface of complete dentures even if attention was paid to the height of the bead established for the posterior palatal seal.
荒木田 安弘 山森 徹雄 アラキダ ヤスヒロ ヤマモリ テツオ Yasuhiro ARAKIDA Tetsuo YAMAMORI
vol.34, no.4, pp.137-144, 2007-12

Histatin-5 and the basic Proline-rich peptide P-E (PRP-PE) have been revealed as candidates of bitter binding proteins. However, it has not been confirmed whether these compounds were carriers of or blockers to bitter taste so far. On the other hand, it has been reported that psychical stress reduced the sensitivity of bitterness. The present study was carried out to measure the clinical concentrations of Histatin-5 and PRP-PE in saliva under the mental stress. Stimulated parotid saliva was obtained from the parotid glands of 10 healthy adult subjects before and after the load of stress of the Kraepelin psycho-diagnostic test with a loud noise (5,000Hz, 100dB) for 30 mins. The salivary cortisol concentration and the LF/HF ratio on ECG were adopted as indices of sympathetic nervous activity to check a liability for the load of stress. The concentrations of Histatin-5 and PRP-PE in saliva were quantified by ELISA test. A significant increase in the salivary cortisol after the stress was recognized in half of the subjects, among which an increase of LF/HF ratio was also observed. Histatin-5 in the parotid saliva was significantly reduced by the stress in this group, but PRP-PE was not. These findings suggest that Histatin-5 in saliva might be a carrier protein of bitter substances, but a function of PRP-PE was not clear in this study.
松香 芳三 萩原 芳幸 玉置 勝司 竹内 久裕 藤澤 政紀 小野 高裕 築山 能大 永尾 寛 津賀 一弘 會田 英紀 近藤 尚知 笛木 賢治 塚崎 弘明 石橋 寛二 藤井 重壽 平井 敏博 佐々木 啓一 矢谷 博文 五十嵐 順正 佐藤 裕二 市川 哲雄 松村 英雄 山森 徹雄 窪木 拓男 馬場 一美 古谷野 潔
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会誌 (ISSN:18834426)
vol.5, no.3, pp.281-290, 2013 (Released:2013-11-06)
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目的:(社)日本補綴歯科学会は病態とその発現機序の把握に基づく適切な補綴歯科治療を国民に提供するために,補綴歯科治療における新たな病名システムを提案した.これは患者に生じている「障害」を病名の基本とし,この障害を引き起こしている「要因」を併記して病名システムとするものであり,「A(要因)によるB(障害)」を病名システムの基本的な表現法としている.本研究の目的は考案した方法に従って決定した補綴歯科治療における病名の信頼性と妥当性を検討することである.方法:模擬患者カルテを作成し,(社)日本補綴歯科学会診療ガイドライン委員会で模範解答としての病名(以下,模範病名)を決定した.その後,合計50 名の評価者(日本補綴歯科学会専門医(以下,補綴歯科専門医)ならびに大学病院研修歯科医(以下,研修医))に診断をしてもらい,評価者間における病名の一致度(信頼性)ならびに(社)日本補綴歯科学会診療ガイドライン委員会による模範病名との一致度(妥当性)を検討した.結果:評価者間の一致度を検討するための算出したKrippendorff’s αは全体では0.378,補綴歯科専門医では0.370,研修医では0.401 であった.Krippendorff’s αは模範病名との一致度の高い上位10 名の評価者(補綴歯科専門医:3 名,研修医:7 名)では0.524,上位2 名の評価者(補綴歯科専門医:1 名,研修医:1 名)では0.648 と上昇した.日常的に頻繁に遭遇する病名に関しては模範病名との一致度が高かったが,日常的に遭遇しない病名は模範病名との一致度は低い状況であった.さらに,模範病名との一致度とアンケート回答時間や診療経験年数の関連性を検討したところ,相関関係はみられなかった.結論:全評価者間の一致度を指標とした本病名システムの信頼性は高くはなかったが,模範病名との一致度の高い評価者間では一致度が高かった.日常的に遭遇する補綴関連病名については模範病名との一致度が高かった.以上から(公社)日本補綴歯科学会の新しい病名システムは臨床上十分な信頼性と妥当性を有することが示唆された.
島崎 伸子 山森 徹雄 小笠原 綾子 川田 毅 沖野 憲司 塩山 司 石橋 寛二 佐藤 匡
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.8, no.1, pp.37-44, 1993-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

Recently, many cases in which stress is the main cause of craniomandibular disorder (CMD) have been reported. Thus, in order to properly diagnose and treat the different stages of CMD, it becomes vitally important to objectively grasp the effect of stress.This report studied the changes in salivary pH of 15 normal adults with no CMD or autonomic nervous system (ANS) abnormalities. Stress was applied experimentally by having the subject perform and answer simple factorial equations under conditions of heavy lighting and sound for a period of 1 minute. Mixed resting saliva was collected before and after such stress was applied, and additional physiological parameters such as the pneumogram, electrocardiogram, and plethysmogram were also recorded to determine the state of the ANS. The saliva samples were obtained by sampling paper during the resting period before stress, immediately after stress, as well as at the 3, 6 and 10 minute marks. Furthermore, the saliva measurements were taken 9 minutes more for each time frame. The samples were covered with a plastic plate and the pH was measured. Measurements showed the pH value to stabilize after 1 minute. However, after removing the plastic plate and allowing volatization of CO2 gas, the pH began to elevate until it reached a maximum peak at approximately 5 minutes. This pH difference from the stable state was referred to as DIAL. Analyses concerning ANS were also recorded for 1 minute before collecting the saliva.In conclusion, the coefficiency of the plethysmogram amplitude increased due to slight stress, while stable pH ualues and DpH1 decreased after slight stress, thus indicating a relationship between the activity of the parameters involving autonomic responses and pH curve of the saliva. We concluded that these studies showed that stable pH values and DpH1 reflect the activity of the autonomic nerve responses.
大貫 武司 山森 徹雄
奥羽大学歯学誌 (ISSN:09162313)
vol.34, no.4, pp.145-152, 2007-12

Asymmetric arrangement of artificial teeth with the natural dentition adversely affects articulation, in which the difference between of right and left configurations in the dental arch exerts a functional influence on the contact between a tongue and palate.A previous study showed that 4-5mm bilaterally constricted inner arrangement of upper molar teeth led to the habituation of sound production with particular monosyllables right after the set-up of constricted appliance.By contrast, in this study ,the effect of the unilaterally constricted arrangement of artificial teeth on articulation was examined on the analysis of the time duration of consonant sounds in certain monosyllables. Five monosyllables /ki/, /shi/, /zi/, /chi/, /pi/ were examined with Computer Speech Labo〓. The results were as follows 1. The effect of the unilaterally constricted arrangement appeared in monosyllables /ki/, /shi/, /zi/, /chi/. 2. The time duration of the consonant sounds were extended in 3-5 days after the placement of the artificially constricted appliance. 3. The time duration of consonant sound in /ki/, /shi/, /chi/ reverted to the value before the placement of the appliance in 7-14 days. 4. The extended time duration of consonant sound in /zi/ was still observed 14 days after the placement of the appliance with the constriction of 4 mm or more. These results indicated that the unilaterally constricted arrangement of artificial teeth affected the articulation on alveolars and palatals with the succeeding vowel /i/.
梶村 幸市 塩山 司 山森 徹雄 伊藤 創造 細川 貢 島崎 伸子 有住 達也 石橋 寛二 石沢 均
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.5, pp.946-951, 1996-10-01
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