和知 剛 土井 宣夫 越谷 信
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.42, no.1, pp.17-34, 1997-03-07

The Akita-Komagatake, located in the central part of the Ou Back-Bone Range, northeast Japan, is a Quaternary volcano with two calderas. The tephra, younger than 13,500 y.B.P., erupted from this volcano, are stratigraphically divided into thirteen formations, namely AK-13 to AK-1 in ascending order, on the basis of buried soil and loess intercalated. The tephra consists of three types of lithologies: such coarse-grained essential materials as pumice and scoria (type 1), well-sorted black to brown sandy ash (type 2), and fine-grained ash frequently including accretionary lapilli (type 3). These lithologic types are resulted from different styles of volcanic eruption: Plinian to subplinian style eruption (type 1), vulcanian to phreatoplinian style eruption (type 2) and phreatoplinian style eruption (type 3). ^<14>C measurements on humic soil or woods just below or above the tephra reveal the tendency that the explosive eruptions at the Akita-Komagatake volcano occured during three stages; 13,500 to 11,600 y.B,P., 10,000 to 7,100 y.B.P. and 4,000 to 1,000 y.B.P. In the first stage, AK-13, main part of which is called the Koiwai Pumice, and AK-12, the Yanagisawa Pumice, were erupted. During the eruption of the Koiwai Pumice, the Obonai Pyroclasitic Flow Deposits was produced. The volumes of erupted materials for the tephra including the pyroclastic flow deposit are more than 0-6 km^3, and two calderas are thought to have been formed in this stage. In the second stage, AK-11 to AK-6 were erupted. AK-9, the Arasawa Pumice (newly named in this paper), and AK-8, the Horikiri Pumice, are dominated by pumice and scoria (lithologic type 1), and their volumes of erupted materials are more than 0.1 km^3. The volumes for other tephra in this stage is more than 0.046km^3. Through the second stage to the last stage, the volumes of erupted materials tend to become smaller than 0.046km^3.
高島 勲 越谷 信
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.114, no.Supplement, pp.S97-S109, 2008-09-18 (Released:2011-12-22)
1 2

土井 宣夫 越谷 信 本間 健一郎
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1998, no.17, pp.31-42, 1998-12-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

The geology at the northern and western margin of the Shizukuishi basin is composed of upper Miocene Yamatsuda Formation, Pliocene Masuzawa Formation, Plio-Pleistocene Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and units from Takakura and Iwate volcanoes, in ascending order. The geological structure of the margin is characterized by the Nishine fault system, which displaces these formations and units. The fault system, a set of west-dipping reverse faults, forms the topographic and geologic boundary between the Ou Backbone Range and the Shizukuishi basin, and it controls the vertical position of underlying units as well as Takakura and Iwate volcanic products. The vertical displacement of the Shibutami Welded Tuff, which is included in the Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and erupted between 0.7and 1.0 Ma, decreases to the north and south from an area where the tuff has been vertically offset some 300-400 m, for an average displacement of about 0.4 mm/yr. Slip occurred on the northern part of the fault system during the Iwate-ken Nairiku-hokubu earthquake of September 3,1998. The tuff is also displaced at least 250 m along the Matsuo fault for an average displacement of about 0.25mm/yr at the north of the Nishine fault system. This reverse fault strikes nearly parallel to the Nishine fault system and can be traced for 5 km.
永広 昌之 遅澤 壮一 吉田 武義 蟹澤 聰史 越谷 信 川村 寿郎

日本列島における異地性地塊の起源を明らかにするために,南部北上古陸を中心にしつつ,東北日本や西南日本の付加体をも含めた地体について,テクトニクス・古生物地理・化成活動などの観点から検討した.南部北上古陸では,オルドビス紀末期〜シルル紀初期に,氷山花崗岩類や正法寺閃緑岩などに代表される,沈み込みに関連する深成火成活動が広範囲にわたってあった.南部北上古陸と西南日本の黒瀬川古陸は,前期古生代以来,同一のテクトニックセッティングの,近接した(同一の?)大陸縁辺域をなしていたと考えられる.南部北上古陸や黒瀬川古陸は,前期石灰紀には古テチスと古太平洋の連結海域にあり,ぺルム紀〜三畳紀には南部北上古陸は華南に近接した低緯度地帯にあったことが,それぞれサンゴおよびアンモノイドの古生物地理データから推定された.飛騨外縁帯の古生物地理や構造発達史は南部北上古陸のそれと大きく異なり,両者は異なった位置やテクトニックセッティングにあった.付加体に伴われる緑色岩類の産状や起源について,変質の影響を見積もった上で,主元素・微量元素組成にもとづき検討した.四万十帯のin situ玄武岩類は,海溝-海溝-海嶺三重点近傍での,海嶺沈み込みにともなう火成活動の産物と考えられる.海嶺が沈み込むと島弧火成活動が中断することに注目すると,in situ玄武岩の活動年代から三重点の移動経路と移動測度が決定できる.このことから,北上・阿武隈帯の白亜紀火成岩類は,115Ma以前に現在の北九州付近で形成されたと推定された.また,北上山地における白亜紀前期の大島造山運動はこの三重点通過にともなう島弧の大規模上昇を示唆している.