遠藤 匡俊 土井 宣夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.86, no.6, pp.505-521, 2013-11-01 (Released:2017-12-08)

土井 宣夫 DOI Nobuo
岩手大学教育学部研究年報 (ISSN:03677370)
vol.73, pp.9-24, 2014-03-01

2011年3月11日の東北地方太平洋沖地震は,モーメントマグニチュード(Mw)9.0の超巨大地震であった。このため,本震直後からマグニチュード7を越える余震が頻発し,3月11日15:15には茨城県沖を震源とする最大余震(気象庁マグニチュード(Mj)7.6)が発生し,4月7日23:32には本論の研究対象であるMj7.2(Mw7.1)の余震が発生した。 本震で大災害が発生していた東北地方は,4月7日の余震で再び大きな災害が発生し,岩手県南部の奥州市と一関市で多数の家屋被害が発生した。この家屋被害で疑問とされるのは,第一に3月11日の本震で大きな被害を受けなかった地域が余震でなぜ大きな被害を受けたのか,第二に岩手県南部の家屋被害がなぜ奥州市前沢区などに集中して発生したのか,という点である。4月7日の余震における地震動の卓越周期は,木造家屋を倒壊させる1 ~ 2秒の周期ではなく,1秒以下の周期であった。この周期の地震動は,屋内の家具や置物を倒すような揺れである。それにもかかわらず,前沢区では多数の家屋被害が集中して発生したのである。 本論は,2011-2012年度の奥州市と岩手大学間の共同研究として,上記の第二の問題の解決を目指して行った調査研究の結果をまとめたものである。本研究の成果は,奥州市の今後のまちづくりに反映されることが期待されている。本調査研究は,具体的には,奥州市前沢区の構造物の被災調査から地震動の特性を明らかにすること,家屋被害が集中して発生した原因を立地する地形と地質条件から明らかにすることを目的としている。次章で,まず,奥州市前沢区の家屋被害の実態を述べる。
黒墨 秀行 土井 宣夫
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.48, no.3, pp.259-274, 2003-07-10

The Nigorikawa Caldera in southwest Hokkaido, Japan, is 3 km in diameter at the outer rim. Drilling data from 42 geothermal wells of up to -3,000 masl (m above sea level) has been used to study the internal structure of the caldera. Interpretation of the data shows an angular funnel shape, with a wide upper region (3×2.5 km) tapering to a narrower lower region (0.7×0.5 km). The shear zone is the same shape as the caldera, that is, rectangular with a NE-SW elongation. The caldera is infilled with vent-fill material, lake and alluvial deposits, landslide deposits, and post-caldera intrusions. The vent-fill material is a gray, non-welded lapilli tuff and tuff breccia, which homogeneously includes accidental lithics and shattered fragments, which were sheared during pyroclastic eruption, as well as accretionary lapilli occurring up to -824 masl. The vent-fill is intercalated with many lithic bands or lithic dominant zones that dip toward the caldera center. No large fault displacement can be recognized around the caldera wall. The Nigorikawa Caldera was formed ca 12,000 years ago by violent pyroclastic flow eruption, fall-back, and the following subsidence by compaction with degassing.
和知 剛 土井 宣夫 越谷 信
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.42, no.1, pp.17-34, 1997-03-07

The Akita-Komagatake, located in the central part of the Ou Back-Bone Range, northeast Japan, is a Quaternary volcano with two calderas. The tephra, younger than 13,500 y.B.P., erupted from this volcano, are stratigraphically divided into thirteen formations, namely AK-13 to AK-1 in ascending order, on the basis of buried soil and loess intercalated. The tephra consists of three types of lithologies: such coarse-grained essential materials as pumice and scoria (type 1), well-sorted black to brown sandy ash (type 2), and fine-grained ash frequently including accretionary lapilli (type 3). These lithologic types are resulted from different styles of volcanic eruption: Plinian to subplinian style eruption (type 1), vulcanian to phreatoplinian style eruption (type 2) and phreatoplinian style eruption (type 3). ^<14>C measurements on humic soil or woods just below or above the tephra reveal the tendency that the explosive eruptions at the Akita-Komagatake volcano occured during three stages; 13,500 to 11,600 y.B,P., 10,000 to 7,100 y.B.P. and 4,000 to 1,000 y.B.P. In the first stage, AK-13, main part of which is called the Koiwai Pumice, and AK-12, the Yanagisawa Pumice, were erupted. During the eruption of the Koiwai Pumice, the Obonai Pyroclasitic Flow Deposits was produced. The volumes of erupted materials for the tephra including the pyroclastic flow deposit are more than 0-6 km^3, and two calderas are thought to have been formed in this stage. In the second stage, AK-11 to AK-6 were erupted. AK-9, the Arasawa Pumice (newly named in this paper), and AK-8, the Horikiri Pumice, are dominated by pumice and scoria (lithologic type 1), and their volumes of erupted materials are more than 0.1 km^3. The volumes for other tephra in this stage is more than 0.046km^3. Through the second stage to the last stage, the volumes of erupted materials tend to become smaller than 0.046km^3.
土井 宣夫 佐々木 信良 千葉 幸也 岩舘 晋
岩手大学教育学部研究年報 (ISSN:03677370)
no.74, pp.27-49, 2015-03-15

栗駒山は,過去1万年間および100年間の火山活動度にもとづく気象庁の活火山区分によると,ランクB に属する火山である。栗駒山は,1744年と1944年に噴火の記録がある(気象庁編,2005,2013;及川,2012)。1744年噴火では,水蒸気爆発による火山泥流が発生し,岩手県磐井川を流下して下流域で氾濫した。この後,磐井川を温泉水が流れ,河川水を利用していた一関市内の用水・水田で硫黄臭があった。また,1944年噴火では,小規模な水蒸気爆発の後,昭和湖火口から強酸性水が流出し,その後,須川温泉源泉からの流出にかわって,磐井川流域から北上川の一部では,3年間にわたって酸性水被害に悩まされた(土井,2006ほか)。このような噴火災害の実績からみて,将来の栗駒山噴火において,同様な被害の発生が予測されることから,一関市は,噴火に備えた取組みの必要性が高い。栗駒山北側山腹の昭和湖を含む地域は,完新世に噴火を繰り返してきた地域で,現在も噴気活動が活発である(土井,2006;図1a)。1994年には,昭和湖付近で火山ガスの影響による植物の枯死が確認され,その後,植物の枯死は周辺地域に拡大し続けた。さらに,昭和湖の湖底および湖岸から湧出する火山ガスは,湖水に溶解して白濁化させるようになった。この白濁度が次第に増したことから,火山活動の推移が注目された(土井, 2008)。また,国土地理院が栗駒山南山腹耕英地点に設置した電子基準点(GPS)では,2004年から南東方向への移動と隆起が観測された(国土地理院,2009,2010)。この地殻変動の発生原因として,栗駒山直下のマグマ溜りの膨張による可能性と,活断層の前兆すべりによる可能性が指摘された(村上,2008)。こうした火山活動の状況から,栗駒山の監視強化の必要性が認められ,気象庁は2006年10月から耕英で新たに地震観測を開始した。
斎藤 徳美 山本 英和 佐野 剛 土井 宣夫
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.22, no.1, pp.59-74, 2003-05-30

岩手山では,火山性地震の頻発や表面現象の活発化に伴い, 1998年7月1日以降人山の規制が行われた。その後,噴火は発生していないものの,沈静化にも至らない状況で経過した。この間,経済環境の悪化が背景にあるものの,風評被害による観先客の落ち込みなど,地域経済への影響も考慮せざるを得ない状況となった。そのため,噴火の可能性が否定しきれないなかで,火山活動の監視や登山者の安全確保体制の整備をもとに,山頂まで入山規制の緩和を図るという,わが国では例のない「火山との共生」の試みが模索された。火山活動の監視や検討体制を整備し,研究者,防災関連機関,報道機関が連携する「減災の正四面体構造」(岡田・宇井, 1997) の実践のなかで,規制緩和のために必要かつ実効可能な安全対策の検討が行われた。そして,関係機関の連帯責任と連携を背景に,「気象台からの火山情報の適切な発表」,「登山者への緊急連絡システムの整備」,「自己責任の登山者への啓発」を三本柱とする安全対策が構築され. 2001年7月1日から10月8日まで岩手山東側登山道での入山規制の一時緩和が実施された。安全確保のためには,活動が活発化した火山には近づかないことが最善である。しかし,火山が有力な観光や地域振興の源である以上,有効な安全対策を構築し,地域社会と共生する取り組みが求められる。火山活動次第で規制や緩和を繰り返すいわば受け身の姿勢から,監視,評価,対策などの充実を図り,積極的な安全確保の対応に基づき入山を認めるといった岩手山での取り組みは,噴火周期の長い我が国の多くの火山にとって,先駆的な指針となりうると考えられる。本論文では,岩手山の入山規制の緩和に向けての登山者の安全対策の理念と具体的対策および今後の課題について論じることとする。
土井 宣夫 越谷 信 本間 健一郎
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1998, no.17, pp.31-42, 1998-12-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

The geology at the northern and western margin of the Shizukuishi basin is composed of upper Miocene Yamatsuda Formation, Pliocene Masuzawa Formation, Plio-Pleistocene Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and units from Takakura and Iwate volcanoes, in ascending order. The geological structure of the margin is characterized by the Nishine fault system, which displaces these formations and units. The fault system, a set of west-dipping reverse faults, forms the topographic and geologic boundary between the Ou Backbone Range and the Shizukuishi basin, and it controls the vertical position of underlying units as well as Takakura and Iwate volcanic products. The vertical displacement of the Shibutami Welded Tuff, which is included in the Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and erupted between 0.7and 1.0 Ma, decreases to the north and south from an area where the tuff has been vertically offset some 300-400 m, for an average displacement of about 0.4 mm/yr. Slip occurred on the northern part of the fault system during the Iwate-ken Nairiku-hokubu earthquake of September 3,1998. The tuff is also displaced at least 250 m along the Matsuo fault for an average displacement of about 0.25mm/yr at the north of the Nishine fault system. This reverse fault strikes nearly parallel to the Nishine fault system and can be traced for 5 km.
中川 久夫 土井 宣夫 白尾 元理 荒木 裕 Hisao Nakagawa Nobuo Doi Motomaro Shirao Yu Araki 東北大学理学部地質学古生物学教室 日本重化学工業株式会社盛岡工業所 (盛岡市) 徳本寺 (東京都台東区西浅草) 長谷地質調査事務所 (仙台市)
東北大學理學部地質學古生物學教室研究邦文報告 = Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology Tohoku University (ISSN:00824658)
vol.84, pp.1-22, 1982-03-29

Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima are the largest two islands of Yaeyama Gunto in the westernmost part of the Ryukyu Islands. Major startigraphic units on them are pre-Eocene Ishigaki Group, Upper Eocene Miyara Group, Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group, Sonai Conglomerate of unknown age, Pleistocene Ryukyu Group and the recent coastal and fluvial deposits. The Ishigaki Group comprises the Tomuru and Fusaki Formations. The Tomuru Formation occurs in the northeastern, east central and northwestern parts of Ishigaki-jima and in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. Rocks are glaucophane schist, graphite schist, quartz-mica schist, phyllite, green and black schists and basalt. Maximum thickness is 2100 m. The Fusaki Formation crops out in the west central to southwestern part of Ishigaki-jima and on Taketomi-Jima, a small island to the southwest of Ishigaki-jima. It consists of sandstone, shale, phyllite, chert and limestone. The measured section in the southwestern part of the island is about 400 m. No fossils have been found in the Ishigaki Group. The sedimentary rocks of the Fusaki Formation are bounded on the east and northwest by the metamorphic rocks of the Tomuru Formation, but the relation between them remains uncertain because of poor exposure along the boundary. The estimated boundaries pass through the central part of Ishigaki-jima in north direction and the northwestern part in northeast direction. In the central part of the island, the boundary extends northward to the eastern margin of the granitic intrusion, along which dunite crops out in a few places. The Miyara Group comprises the Miyaragawa and Nosoko Formations. The Miyaragawa Formation unconformably overlies the Ishigaki Group in many places of Ishigaki-jima and in a small area in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. It consists of conglomerate, an alternation of sandstone and siltstone and limestone. The limestone is biogenic and cotains well preserved fossils of the Late Eocene age. Fossils occur also in the conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone. Thickness of the Miyaragawa Formation is about 80 m. The Nosoko Formation overlies conformably the Miyaragawa Formation and unconformably the Ishigaki Group. The Nosoko Formation is distributed mainly in the northeastern and northwestern parts of Ishigaki-jima and in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. It consists largely of andesite, dacite and tuff breccia, but includes conglomerate and sandstone, which yielded fossils. The pyroclastic rocks of the Nosoko Formation are altered and colored green ; they closely resemble the so-called green-tuff of the Early to Middle Miocene in the mainland of Japan. However, the fossils from the interbedded conglomerate and sandstone indicate the Late Eocene age. Total thickness of the Nosoko Formation is about 400 m. Granitic rocks intrude the Ishigaki and Miyara Groups in the northwestern part of Ishigaki-jima. The rocks are biotite adamellite and biotite granite which are accompanied by biotite-hornblende-augite quartzdiorite, granodiorite, dacite and rhyolite. In contact with the intrusions, the rocks of the Ishigaki and Miyara Groups are metamorphosed into hornfels. K-Ar age of the biotite adamellite is 21 Ma. The Yaeyama Group includes the Iriomote Formation, which occupies most part of Iriomote-jima. The Iriomote Formation consists of conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone. By the predominant lithofacies, the Iriomote Formation is subdivided into seven beds ; they are called with the letters A to G, in ascending order. Among them, the bed F is characterized by coal layers interbedded with an alternation of siltstone and silty sandstone, and is named the Uchiba-narejima Coal-bearing Member. The conglomerate and sandstone yielded molluscan and other fossils. The sandstone of the bed C and G are partly fossiliferous, and in places they grade into calcarenite and shell-limestone which form small lenses. Total thickness of the Iriomote Formation amounts to 700 m. The Sonai Conglomerate is distributed in several places in the north central to western part of Iriomote-jima. It unconformably overlies the Iriomote Formation. The conglomerate consists mostly of rounded cobbles, but includes pebbles and boulders in palces. Predominant rocks of cobbles are sandstone in the northern part and limestone and sandstone in the western part of the island, most of which are derived from the Iriomote Formation. The limestone cobbles contain larger foraminifera of the Early Miocene age. Maximum thickness of the conglomerate is 80 m. The Ryukyu Group includes the Ohama Formation on Ishigaki-jima and the Sumiyoshi Formation on Iriomote-jima. The Ohama Formation overlies the Nosoko and older formations with unconformity, and the Sumiyoshi Formation overlies the Sonai Conglomerate and older formations with unconformity. Distribution of the Ryukyu Group is limited to the area less than 70 m above sea level. In the inland area of Ishigaki-jima, the Ohama Formation consists of gravel, sand and clayey silt. The main part of the formation in the coastal area consists of detrital, foraminiferal, algal and coral limestones. The Ohama Formation occupies large area on Ishigaki-jima. Depositional surface is preserved between 20 and 70 m above sea level. The Sumiyoshi Formation is distributed in small areas along the coast of Iriomote-jima except the south coast. It consists of detrital, algal and coral limestones. Depositional surface is between 20 and 40 m above sea level. The Ryukyu Group on Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima is correlated with the younger part of the Ryukyu Group in Amami-Okinawa Gunto. The recent deposits include coral reefs, beach sand and gravel, dune sand, fluvial clay, sand and gravel and residual soils. Deposits of cave and fissure in the limestone of the Ohama Formation yielded various remains of land animals.