大塚 斌 菊田 文夫 近藤 四郎 高橋 周一
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.4, pp.311-318, 1992-04-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

(1) 足の形状とその革靴のサイズとの関連を検討するために, 日本人成人の男性149名, 女性178名の左右両足について, 足長および足囲ボールを計測した.この計測値をもとに, 靴の適正サイズをJIS規格によって判定した.同時に足の靴に対する「適合感」の好みを, 「ぴったり」・「ふつう」・「ゆるめ」の三つに分類して, その分類ごとに靴の適正サイズと自称サイズの一致度を検討した.(2) 革靴の自称サイズのうち最も多いのは, 足長サイズでは男性が25.0 (cm), 女性が23.0 (cm) であって, 足囲ボール表示サイズをあわせてみた場合には, 男性では25EEE (ボール部周径が255mm), 女性では23EE (ボール部周径が234mm) であった.(3) 足長の適正サイズと自称サイズの一致度は, 男性では約41%, 女性では約32%であった.被験者のうち, 男性は38%の者が, 女性は59%の者が自分の足長サイズは知っているが, 足囲ボール表示サイズについては知らなかった.この結果は, とくに市場に多く出回っている婦人靴に, 足囲ボールサイズの表示がない場合が多いが, DやEに相当するものが多いという事情によるものと考えられた.(4) 足長の自称サイズと適正サイズとの差異をみると, 「ぴったり」, 「ふつう」, 「ゆるめ」と移るにつれて, 男性では自称サイズが適正サイズよりも大きい者の割合が増加するが, 女性ではこの傾向は認められなかった. (5) 足の靴に対する「適合感」の好みを, 「ぴったり」・「ふつう」・「ゆるめ」の三段階に分けてみると, 男女ともに「ぴったり」・「ふつう」・「ゆるめ」と移るにつれて, 自称の足囲ボール表示サイズはしだいに大きくなる傾向がみられた.(6) 女性の自称サイズは, 足長・足囲ボールの計測値から判定される適正サイズよりも大きい傾向が認められた.
近藤 四郎
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.70, no.3-4, pp.175-188, 1963 (Released:2008-02-26)

In our country, very few studies on growth of the Japanese by means of measuring body composition have been performed. Up to the present time, most basic informations regarding growth pattern of physical characteristics have been obtained on the basis of traditional anthropometry. In spite of dealing with the living subjects, the chief method of anthropometry was to measure external dimensions of the skeletal frame. Frankly speaking, this method omits or neglects variation of inner dimensions of human body such as fat and musculature. The techniques of traditional anthropometry will be more useful if knowledges of inner dimensions of human body along with their relationship with external dimensions are added. In this respect, the present author thinks that recent rapid progress of the measurement of body composition or somatometry in foreign countries could be interpreted as extension of traditional anthropometry.These arguments are described in Section I along with an introduction to several methods concerned with prediction of total body fat.Section II deals with growth pattern of subcutaneous fat of the Fels children, covering 4.5 to 10.5 years of age. The author wishes to express his thanks to Dr. S. M. GARN for giving an opportunity to examine these data. Measurements were taken on anteroposterior roentgenograms of those lower legs, at the level of maximum breadth of calf. In medial fat breadth, there is no significant difference between mean values in each two-year-interval in each sex respectively, though girls have greater values than boys. Bone breadth of the lower leg, however, shows a consistent increase. On the other hand, muscle breadth shows significant decrease between 8.5 and 10.5 years of age in both sexes. This discrepancy may occur from simple linear measurement way in muscle breadth, because muscle and fat are themselves a volume. The present author is trying to obtain a new method to calculate muscle volume as accurate as possible. Also, it seems to be necessary to convert measurement values of fat breadth into a logarithmic scale, because this brings the distribution of the measurement values more nearly to Gaussian form. When this conversion is carried out, then the author intends to compare growth pattern of the Fels children with the Japanese children or the hydrids between the Americans and the Japanese. Contents of Section III are concerned with Steatopygia which frequently appears only in the women of Bushman and Hottentot. He discussed on several works by other investigators concerning relative fat patterning, hereditary factor of fat, adaptation of skin and rectal temperatures in the tropic and so on. However, he has not yet arrived at definite conclusion about the cause of the formation of Steatopygia.
大塚 斌 藤田 真弓 近藤 四郎 菊田 文夫 高橋 周一
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.5, pp.377-385, 1993-05-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The foot projected contours from the right and left feet were taken with 149 male and 177 female Japanese adults. The samples were classified using two methods, especially focussing on the shapes of the forepart in the feet. One method is a classification using the foot length I and the foot length II. Comparing the foot length between I and II, the feet were divided into three types. The other method is a classification using the angles of the toe 1 and the toe 5. The feet were divided into four types, depending on whether the toe 1 was outward to the toe 5 or not, and whether the toe 5 was inward to the toe 1 or not.The results disclosed that the occurrence in type of A. 15 denoting the longer foot length I, the outward toe 1 to the toe 5 and the inward toe 5 to the toe 1, was the most frequent, amounting to ca. 44% in males and ca. 45% in females. It was, therefore, concluded that the shoes last fitting this type of A · 15 should be industrially produced most frequently.
菊田 文夫 近藤 四郎 大塚 斌 高橋 周一
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.100, no.4, pp.511-525, 1992 (Released:2008-02-26)
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近藤 四郎
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.60, no.3, pp.101-106, 1949-04-30 (Released:2008-02-26)
下坂 智恵 下村 道子 近藤 四郎
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.12, pp.1103-1114, 1994-12-15

A questionnaire survey was conducted in 1991 on 339 female college students to reveal the relationship between dietary consciousness of young women and their attitude to housekeeping. Data were analyzed by a correlation analysis and Hayashi's quantification II method. Those respondents who have not regularly prepared daily meals, but done light work expressed their desire to make cakes, bread, cushions, etc. by themselves. Many of them have learned food preparation and serving from their mothers, and making cakes from cookery books or magazines. The respondents who feel happy to dine together with their family usually attend to daily household duties and make traditional dishes at home. It is concluded that the inclination toward dining with family, which is important factor in the family bond, has been encouraged by the preparation of special dishes for the year's events at home or for the celebrations of family birthday.
大塚 斌 菊田 文夫 近藤 四郎 高橋 周一
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.4, pp.311-318, 1992-04-15

In order to investigate the relation between foot sizes and leather shoes sizes, the foot lengths and ball-joint girths of right and left feet in Japanese adults(149 males and 178 females)were measured. Their proper shoes sizes were assigned to JIS Standard from the measurement values. The similarity between proper size and self-styleed size of leather shoes in each subject was investigated concerned with three grades of favorite fitted feeling of the foot to shoes: "tight," "fit" and "loose." The most frequent self-styled sizes were 25.0(cm) EEE in males and 23.0(cm) EE in females in JIS Standard. The 38% in males and 59% in females recognized their self-styled sizes of their foot lengths, but without the recognition of their ball-joint girths. As the grade of fitted feeling shifted from "tight" to "loose," the difference between proper size and self-styled size of the foot length became bigger in males, but the tendency was not clear in females.