石塚 洋一 近藤 悠希 山川 枝里子 薬師神 壮 前田 記代子 辻口 憲司 丸山 徹 森内 宏志 入倉 充 入江 徹美
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.274-280, 2008 (Released:2009-09-04)

As ambiguous package descriptions occasionally cause medication errors,measures against this should be taken to help ensure that medicines are used properly.An example is Speel plaster® M,a salicylic acid adhesive plaster,which is used for the treatment of dermal diseases with keratosis.It is supposed to be attached to the diseased skin in a size the same as that of the affected area or smaller than it,in order to prevent the normal skin surrounding the affected area from being irritated and/or being detached.However,we found that some patients covered an area larger than the affected area with the plaster.This may be due to misunderstanding of a Japanese expression in the package description.The expression is “Kanbu-dai”which means the same size as the affected area but some patients take“dai”to mean large making them think that the size should be larger.In a questionnaire given to 180 pharmacy school students,65.6% answered that the proper use of the plaster was to apply it in a size larger than the affected area,since they had misunderstood the meaning of the expression“Kanbu-dai”.This misunderstanding seemed to be connected with the fact that they had not used the plaster before.We therefore devised a user-friendly package with an explanation to patients using illustrations to help ensure that the plaster is used properly.
内海 紗良 前田 圭介 久保田 丈太 中谷 咲良 原田 義彦 成田 勇樹 猿渡 淳二 近藤 悠希 石塚 洋一 入江 徹美 門脇 大介 平田 純生
一般社団法人 日本腎臓病薬物療法学会
日本腎臓病薬物療法学会誌 (ISSN:21870411)
vol.10, no.1, pp.3-10, 2021 (Released:2021-08-17)

日本では、血清クレアチニン(SCr)値を用いたCockcroft-Gault式による推算クレアチニンクリアランス(eCCr)や日本人向け推算糸球体濾過量(eGFRcr)によって腎機能が推算されるが、筋肉量の減少に伴うSCr値の低下により腎機能が過大評価されてしまう恐れがある。これを防ぐため臨床現場ではSCr値が0.6 mg/dL未満の患者に、SCr=0.6 mg/dLを代入して補正するround up法が汎用される。ところが、このround up法により腎機能推算の予測性が向上したといった報告は少なく、科学的根拠は乏しい状況である。本研究では、SCr=0.6 mg/dLへのround up法の妥当性を評価した。2017年5月から2017年8月に玉名地域医療保健センターに入院していた65歳以上でSCr値が 0.6 mg/dL未満のサルコペニア患者11名を対象に、後ろ向き解析を行った。酵素法により測定したSCr値を用いたeCCrおよびeGFRcrと、SCr=0.6 mg/dLにround upしたeCCr(round up)およびeGFRcr(round up)のそれぞれの値を、24時間蓄尿法で求めたCCr(mCCr)およびmCCr×0.715で換算したmodified GFRを基準値として比較した。相関・回帰分析、Bland-Altman分析および誤差指標から、eCCr(round up)値はeCCr値よりも腎機能を過小評価する傾向があった。eGFRcr値は腎機能を顕著に過大評価し、eGFRcr(round up)値は過大評価が軽減されるが、依然として過大評価傾向にあった。今回の検討からは、eCCr値およびeGFRcr値のどちらの推算式においてもround upの妥当性は示されなかった。このことから筋肉量が減少したサルコペニア患者においては、SCr値をround upすることは適切ではなく、むやみにround upを行うことは避けるべきである。
近藤 悠希
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.3, pp.387-391, 2021-03-01 (Released:2021-03-01)

Health literacy is defined as the ability to obtain, evaluate, and scrutinize health information and make appropriate decisions and actions. The spread of the Internet means that medical and drug information is becoming increasingly accessible to patients. However, there is also a large amount of inappropriate and biased medical- and drug-related information on the Internet. Therefore, patients require a high level of health literacy to ensure the effectiveness and safety of pharmacotherapy. In particular, outpatients need a high level of health literacy because they use their own medications without the supervision of healthcare professionals. In this article, I discuss the situation of health literacy and access to pharmaceutical information on the Internet in Japan. Furthermore, issues related to providing drug information to specific populations are explained using the example of chronic kidney disease. It is essential for all pharmaceutical information stakeholders to work together to solve these problems.
丸山 加名 近藤 悠希 山門 慎一郎 加治屋 忠一 山本 健 古川 綾 石塚 洋一 岩元 正義 山本 美智子 入江 徹美
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.2, pp.99-108, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-09-25)

Objectives: It is important for patients to make correct use of drug information (DI) to promote the proper use of medicines. Many patients use the Internet to find DI, but awareness about the websites of public institutions that provide DI is low. This study aimed to identify the actual use of the Internet for DI and associated problems to inform development of a comprehensive DI website for patients.Method: Patients with diabetes were set as a model case for patients who take medicines and need DI. A questionnaire survey was conducted among patients with diabetes who visited community pharmacies in Kagoshima City from March 2019 to October 2019. The survey covered Internet use, DI needs, methods of sourcing DI, and problems obtaining DI via the Internet.Results: There were 349 valid respondents (median age 64 years), of which 52.1% used the Internet at least once a week. Around half of the Internet users searched for DI on the Internet. More than half of these respondents chose a DI acquisition site because it “appeared at the top of search results” and was “easy to understand.” However, around half of these respondents felt that “there is too much information on the internet and I don’t know what is correct.”Conclusion: This study suggests that older patients with a long history of diabetes use the Internet to obtain DI. However, patients face various problems accessing DI via the Internet. It may be necessary to construct a comprehensive website that is easy to use and enhance public health literacy to support the proper use of medicines by patients.